Anyone else getting offers?

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Understood.  Candidly I would have expected offers a bit higher than that.  But the Utica is such a large wild card it's presence, or absence, overwhelms any differences between what you are reporting and what I was thinking.  In Tioga County today it's all about the Utica . .. and only God knows what there is down below that.

Years back, when I leased my Marcellus, I did not lease my Utica.  It remains unleased today.  I have no regrets.  Folks back then who leased for peanuts, or even for nothing, something having (at that time) unknowable worth, were not wise or prudent in my view.  But that is what many folks did, regardless. 


     Here's a tip on how to tell when a landman is telling a lie.

His lips are moving.

I'm sure he will be working hard to try and transfer your wealth into his wealth.

Be smart Gary.

Ron, I laughed so hard when you told your joke years ago......   Thanks for the refreshing joke !  HA HA .... Your joke is stuck in my mind.   God Bless....

I thought that was you Nancy.

I found a few laws that protect Ohio Citizens from contract theft, which I'm hoping will allow us to take back our pipeline ROWs. You remember who the perps were.

Ohio needs the income more than an Oklahoma company using fraud to take land ROWs.  

I think James who started this discussion did a hit and run with bogus information that is exactly what the ALOV leases list as a Royalty for the October 31st 2011 signing. We are getting a royalty somewhere between 0% and 2% since production started in Feb 2014.

You could say James and Chesapeake both "Hinkleyed" us.

Does anyone know of a good lawyer.  I am not under any lease and atlas is paying royalties to the back of me down one complete side of me, across the street and completely in front of me? 

I'm only licensed in WV, but I know a couple of attorneys who are licensed in OH.  You can call my office and we'll figure out someone to send you to.  304-473-1403.

Mr. Halt,

This is the second time I have seen an accusation like this, the other was not with Atlas as I recall. I offered to the landowner to look into it for him if he gave me the particulars of his property and the unit his neighbors were all in.

When I looked into it he was sandwiched between two producing units in s way that left the only possibility for drilling his property was from one of the two pads on either side of him.

It is, I suppose, legal to do this but it is definitely not an honest business practice but what it amounts to is he and his neighbors were held by production without being paid anything and with no idea when they would ultimately be drill.  I suspect they will be drilled eventually but the way the units were stacked on either side of him put him in a very weak position from which to bargain.

I wonder if you know how to go to the ODNR web site and find your property on their map showing where the permitted wells are and a very poor idea of where the laterals are headed.

If you continue to click on these wells you are zoomed in closer each time until you are finally zoomed in enough to click on the lateral(s) that you suspect are under you.

There will then be entries you can click on which show you the various documents associated with that unit, one of them will have a plat map that will show the units as they actually are and where the laterals run.

From there it should be easy for you to find out if you are being stolen from. I doubt you are but I couldn't possibly know for sure. It sounds more daunting a task than it actually is to find out for yourself.

I would be happy to help you if I can, I would need the name of the property owner, where the property is and what the name of the well is.

Good luck, please keep us posted.

Producers use current low prices of gas as an excuse for not paying landowners what their properties are worth. The bonus and even the royalty are but a small fraction of well cost. And while sales of natural gas have remained high throughout the price drought, demand can only grow. Think about how they will fill all those massive pipelines being built - not to mention the demands of that multi-billion plant still to be built in Beaver County.
Know that they need every property and that not having one property may prevent drilling through that property to get to the next.
Texans are unhappy because the going royalty dropped from 20% to 20% (and their stuff is not as good as in Appalachia).
And the big question is not the percentage, but what the percentage is measured against - probably a fairly artificial field price. 20% of WHAT???
And then there are the awful lease terms which no one reads before signing.
I would HIGHLY recommend Attorney Mike McCormick at Hanlon, Estep and McCormick in St. Clairsville Ohio. Very top shelf Attorney and very knowledeable with the oil fields!

If you go to the Paige 5H Well with a lateral to the NW behind Summitville, and the Pad on 644 South of Summitville, You'll see that there is a neighbor across the street from my 23 acres with a Red Outline around his parcel.

It appears Chesapeake fracked out to his border then stopped and has satisfied the ODNR Chief (ha ha ha!) that they aren't stealing this landowners minerals. But then again according to all departments of our fine state this is a "Civil Matter, we don't get into these kind of things".

Let me steal part of their pay day and watch what happens to me, indictment, RICO violation, Prison Time, like that Cattle Rustler from 2015 who took $30,000 worth of cattle from Ohioans. But the Rustler and I aren't in the Oil & Gas business. Let's see what Trump thinks about this going on in Ohio. We know what he thinks of Bible Jonny.

Hey James, you have been asked for your approximate location but have added nothing to this discussion.  It does not appear that you are for real.  


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