Hello all, I know many had signed lease before me, so i would think Id be hearing about some renewals by now. My 5 years is up in April. Anyone heard of Gulfport holding up to the renewal arrangement, or they just letting them go? Guernsey County Madison Township. 

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Next stop; the county engineers office. They may have something there of interest. Hate to run Buck around, but that would be the last stop you could do to find out as much as possible without visiting a lawyers office. It's what I would do. good luck. I think Carrizo has an office in Cambridge.

Response from ODNR about Carizzo's well bottom being on our section, of Section 21 .


Sent: 9/15/2016 4:28:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Wagler 1 Bottom Hole Location

Mr. W,

            As we discussed on the phone the Wagler 1S (34059243680000) was permitted as a vertical stratigraphic test well. Carrizo then applied for a new permit to drill horizontally from that well and received permit 34059243680100 Wagler 1H. Once a company drills a well they are required to submit a survey showing the exact location of that well. I attached a copy of the well survey Carrizo took on the Wagler 1H. This survey shows that the well is oriented SE and the bottom hole is in Section 20 of Guernsey County, Londonderry Township. 

Your concern was that the approved bottom hole location differed from the location posted on the online map. After looking into this I found that the bottom hole location was incorrectly entered into our database. This typing error on our part caused the bottom hole location for this well to post about a mile north of where it is actually located. I updated our database with the correct location and you should see these changes on the online map within the next day or two. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call. 

 Matthew S. Erenpreiss


ODNR – Division of Oil and Gas

2045 Morse Rd., Bldg. F2

Columbus, Ohio 43229

Website: http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/


Within hours the position of the Wagler 1S well, on the map, was changed!

Seems too fast a "fix", to me, but what can you do????

I guess this is the end of the "mystery" involving the well bottom on our property and no royalties.

Thanks, Bo


thx for the clarification, 


Yes you can wheel and deal, everything is negotiable


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