According to latest update, Chesapeake transferred the Laurel unit in Bradford County to Chief.  I would advise everyone with a Chesapeake Lease and in the Laurel unit to verify who the Working Interest Owners are now.  If Enerplus is one of the new WIO's, you may experience some payment problems.

It would be advisable to check on the Working Interest Owners on all your property Leases (regardless of who holds your lease or who the well operator is).

 I've been told by Enerplus that they have no agreement to pay Royalty on Chesapeake Leases and I've also been told by Chesapeake that Enerplus is a separate company and to take my royalty problem up with them.  YES, I'm experiencing payment problems from Enerplus.  Next step will be seeing my Lease Attorney.

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Good morning Frank Jones. This site used to be very active.  And very informative too.  But the last few months activity has almost disappeared.  I am in the Painter unit in Tioga county. Rumor   had it that drilling would continue to open up new units west of us.  In fact a huge water impoundment was constructed a couple of years ago for supply drilling water for additional drill pads.  In fact it was told to me that a water line was to be installed underground along side of the 16 inch gaspipe line that feeds from Painter Well to Sabinsville pumping station.     So far there has been no activity except a few tanker trucks heading south a week ago.    Granddad Ladd


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