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KSM lives in Jewett (is that in PA?) SAYS he/she is concerned about the issues surrounding fracing, etc.  Read back through their posts, she/he is a "poser" pure and simple.

A couple of times a week, I take a drive right up through the same country areas they show on the video and am familiar with some of the landowners up that way.  They are very happy with what is happening on their land or around them.  Apparently KSM didn't take the time to view the local news link.  Landowners, including the one who owns the offending well, are concerned but not hysterical.  That's the difference between being informed vs choosing to remain uneducated.

The same people featured on the video are pretty much the same people who have the cameras on them all the time; seems if there were so many people adversely effected by drilling or frac'ing, you'd see more than just the same faces.

Also notice there is little in the way of follow up on this story.  There is no continuing story and apparently not even enough to warrant the media's hype.

You need to take some drives through Terry Twp and see how happy those folks are with all those beautiful water tanks in there yard. There not blending to well with some of there landscaping! It's horrifying..I am referring to people with small parcels of property with families who don't and never did work for the gas companies and have been supporting themselves just fine.
what the heck is going on in the world.... AND i'M A DEMOCRAT!

Thanks for getting me to basically waste 17 minutes and 53 seconds of my life watching this. So much of this story has either been proven false, contains only partial facts on the situations, or is pure conjecture.

So that young man that 'worked' at a well site saw dark red fluid gushing out from the hillside and did absolutely nothing? If he was concerned he would have called the DEP and reported it. Then you would have some facts on the story. 

There have been problems, there will be future problems just like any other industry. Do the best we can and it will work. 

One more note...the comment about all the chemicals being trucked all over and all it would take is one truckload spilled into a river to destroy all living things. How about all the railroad tankers (which are many times the size of tanker trucks) filled with all the nasty chemicals we depend on to make our lives so much easier....Guess what, railroad tracks run alongside just about every river in Pa, as well as right next door to many many houses. Another weak argument.

If you are against frac'ing then i'd expect a detailed analysis with facts, not a story. Until that happens I will not listen to anymore BS from anti-everything folks. 


oh there are plenty more investigative reports, people, articles, videos, etc. out there.  i only shared this one because it was associated with bradford county, which was the topic of this post and i found some irony in it.  that's all.  


and let's not be naive -- if an accident occurs and it's the last you hear of it, it doesn't gurantee that it turned out to not be a big deal.  it could also mean that folks got a settlement in exchange for being quiet about it.  listen, i want to see some boom times for middle america just like everyone else.  i'm not against drilling.  i'm against injecting chemicals into the ground near my family's homes -- whatever kind of industry is doing it.   offshore drilling?  go for it!  drilling in the middle of nowheresville Alaska? go for it!

Whatever... one is just spinning their wheels when you put faith in most of those videos, articles and Powerpoint presentations.

It is a shame because there are things one should worry about in drilling process, however most won't make the news because it isn't something sensational.

I'm most concerned about pad runoff, regardless of the origin. Runoff can cause multiple problems.  I believe runoff has the highest probability of occurring, I could be wrong though.  I do know they account for this now, but apparently not good enough. 

My second concern would be dust control....watering dirt roads can/will solve this problem. I believe some places already water the roads for this reason. 

I do want drilling to occur, in fact it is just starting up in our county now. I am leased at 2 of my properties. I was just out at the drill site today....the road wasn't too bad at all, a few rough areas. It has been fairly bad at times the last month or so with all the rain, etc but fix it up fairly quickly. They seem to keep it pretty good overall so far. No neighbors are clamoring about all the problems they are (not) having either : ), at least not  yet.

Here's today's picture....


KSM and people like him are misinformed. I have always tried to help you good people of

PA understand our process here. Once again yet anothe wrong information out there.

You have the resource and the oilfield can do the work. This state was/is broke. We

have many issues to work out. First and foremost is stop even looking at this

crap video stuff. bill h down south we always wonder if elected officals are crooks. In

PA it's a given,

Craig - where is this rig?  (What county or township?)

Beaver County, South Beaver Twp.  

It is the latest and greatest brand new Patterson rig drilling into the Utica for Chesapeake (CHK). 

Homer, what is that large tall white tank used for? It seems to be a part of the myriad of others that are being put together on a secondary area that will be moved to the wellhead. I saw another piece of equipment that they seemed to be calibrating or something that appears to be used during a test where the flame will had a chimney type pipe leading up  out of it. 

The tall white tank is for bulk cement or barite. The chimney is for the flare unit in case gas gets into the wellbore. Good thing we had one yesterday out here in

Greene County PA yesterday. I had a thirty foot flare coming out of that baby.

Thanks........thirty footer sounds impressive, but i gotta assume it is a bad thing to happen.


Yes it was. We had a 6000' holr full of gas.


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