Does anyone know if the results are positive from the test wells in Wayne Co? I believe it is the Teeple well and another?

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5 wells have been permitted before the DRBC shut down other exploratory wells. Their reasons? 1) The exploratory wells use water. Fact: They are air drilling with the exception of the core sample that they will be getting out of the Marcellus layer itself. Lots of water there. 2) The exploratory wells can be turned into producing wells. Fact: Yeah, AFTER the DRBC grants a permit to allow it! 3) The wells create other problems such as erosion. Fact: They have the same effect as about five houses and they have not banned building houses or installing septic systems in New Jersey or Bucks County.

This is the most strained logic I have seen since Hoover cut spending to ease the depression.

Oh, and I expect that Newfield will be keeping things close to their vest at least until the moratorium is sorted out.
I believe that the Teeple well core samples have just gone to the lab. The next site has just begun drilling
Thanks BGM, you always have very solid information. I am curious about your opinion on progress for drilling in Wayne Co at this point. DRBC is on path to adopt regs for drilling, may take a year or more? after public comment period, hearings, etc, but once these regs are in place do you think at that point they will actually consider project applications for well production? Do you have a read yet on the ultimate direction or disposition of DRBC as a body? I am sure regs will be, and should be, at the highest standard for environmental safegards but what other roadblocks beyond DRBC are out there? Could EPA step in? Do you envision gas production in Wayne co in the next 3 years, 4, more?
Thanks again for the info.
Wayne is up in the air. Personally, I think that the States have enough clout to force DRBC to follow the permitting procedures in the individual States. They don't want the DRBC to have regs different than the States themselves. The real DRBC question is whether or not they will get into "planning" to save the woods so that Philly and NYC can have a playground and protected water supplies. They would make Wayne County like Delaware Co., NY except with no actual reservoirs, just sacred streams.

On the regs, I think that they will become final over the winter. There will be much drama and street theater as outside "environmentalists" (actually Nimbys) do what they do best -- make a scene. There is no compromise or placating them short of absolutely no drilling.
any news on the drbc and the new reg are they close to being finished yet
I think not till September


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