Here is a newspaper article and a TV report; five taken to West Penn Burn Center.

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BPW, Is this the crew you worked with?

Burns.  Poor guys.  Burn injuries suck.  I hope they're all OK.

Any ideas - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: Leasing, Drilling &... ... God be with all.

BPW (DID you mean Billy Park Whyde (BPW), Harry?). I had the same thought. PRAY it is not! Whomever this happened to - God be with them & their families - prayers are with you all.

Yes, that is who I had in mind. I think I saw that he quit because of pump problems, so I wandered if this is crew he worked with? Yes, burns are real painful.

Are you serious? - Billy quit? Boy, didn't know that. Whew - just hearing that knocks the wind out of your 'mind's sails'. Man. Sorry to hear that. Sounds like they lost a responsible individual in that Billy. Takes allot of guts to walk away - still bothers you to even think about, it does.

THERE is a gentleman, Mr. Billy Park Whyde, who EMBODIES 'As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.' This was unnecessary, this accident. A sin. MAYBE if BPW WAS on the job - or some such gentleman of like mind, this would NOT have happened. Again, I am sorry to hear of such tragedy - BOTH the loosing of the O/G industry of BPW and these individuals circumstance. God be with them all.

This is an Associated Press article published today regarding the accident.

I warned BPW a while back, when he posted the porn on the job thread "What would you do?", that Antero may not be the safest company to be working for!  BPW give us a shout and let us know you are OK!  Chances are slim it was his outfit, but it may be no coincidence that it could have been a pump problem as he spoke of in his thread.  Were there thunderstorms in that area Saturday night?  All it would take is a lightning strike on one of the steel water storage tanks and the gas residue that may have been mixed with the frac water could have gone up in a hurry.

I will add thoughts and prayers for the medical personnel caring for these individuals.  Having five patients arrive simultaneously would be a major undertaking.  West Penn Burn is a highly rated burn trauma facility and can handle 14 patients at a time.

GG, John, I see BPW must be ok as he responded on another GMS thread this morning.

Amen, Harry - that you saw that BPW wrote this morning! Searcerone - yes, it is tough for all - God be with them. ***One thing that I can pass on that IS of MOST importance to these families:

The sense of ***HEARING is still acutely aware. be WISE in what you say - what the nurses & doctors SAY around those men! It WILL affect their MENTAL wherewithall. This is a difficult & tenuous time for ALL involved. IF at all possible - do not leave their side - TRY to have someone with/beside them at ALL times. And be ENCOURAGING - READ to them. WHY? - because no one 'knows them' like you do, family! - and YOU have their best interest above all tend to them well! Be defensive, smart, & wise.

IF they 'can't move well' or are even in an unconscious state most of the time...or can't move too well (painful)...get a ***'SYSTEM of RESPONSE' (***yes/no - system of response***) that works - something like even squeezing or 'tapping' on bed (even so very slightly) ONCE for 'yes' - TWICE for 'no'. Even something as simple as 'wagging' toes/moving their foot. Again - move right foot/toe for 'yes', move left foot for 'no. Keep it simple! ***You want to keep their mind aware AND be attuned to what THEY are aware of - their mind.

In matters of more importance - IF one does not fully understand (yourself - the inquirer) - repeat to be sure. - Are you too hot (once for yes, twice for no)? Are you hungary? Are you too cold? Can you hear me clearly? Do you understand? Are you feeling better? 

I have no clue the state of these various individuals - their levels of consciousness. I DO know that IF they are in a semi-unconscious state of mind - in & out, not too aware...that ***HEARING IS the 'last sense to go'...and that they ARE aware - even when in an unconscious, semi-unconscious, even 'sleeping' be *conscientiously aware of that & *act accordingly. Be nothing but ***POSITIVE!

***READ SCRIPTURE to them. There is nothing so comforting as the hand of God - and your family + friends. Just open up God's word & read - read does soothe the mind, body, & soul.

Don't know if this will help anyone in this time of need. IF any of you are in contact with the families - please, DO share this information with them & make sure they are aware of it. I know the last thing that they want to hear right now is ideas...but these simple matters of awareness may help them in ways that they may not have been knowledgable of before. Never give up, never give up, never give up. THAT is the key.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Shalom.

John, Do they ground the frac tanks? If not, it might be a good idea to do so.


Current status of Antero well site where explosion occurred.


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