To Lease or Not to Lease: Has Anyone NOT signed a lease? I'd like to hear why you didn't

My wife and I are part of a landowners group that is in the process of having their Range Resources contract reviewed by attorneys.  We only have 3.2 acres and have not decided whether we are actually going to sign a lease.  I am curious to hear from people who started to go through the process and then at some point decided against it.  I'd like to hear your reasons.  FYI - I'm not posting this so I can attack people's decisions.  I am genuinely interested in hearing from people who decided not to sign a lease.  


Thanks in advance!

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That is some convoluted logic.
Care to explain why you say that?  Try not to let facts get in your way.  Nice to live one's life looking through rose (or is it green) colored glasses.

Thank you George. A voice of reason in a forest full of various left leaning nut trees! I have always said that Man gives himself entirely too much credit for having a lasting impact on this Orb. There are many examples right here in Pa.

Oil Creek was a veritable wasteland at the height of the Oil Boom. Check out some of the old photos. What a "polluted" , timbered off mess it was. Nature has reclaimed it and now it's a beautiful trout stream full of fish!

The entire state was devoid of timber by the turn of the last century. Lumber was desparately needed to build the railroads and the cities that rose out of the plains. The mountains here were as bald as could be......look at them now.

What ever happened to acid rain ? I remember Paul Harvey saying on his radio show that scientists melted 20000 year old ice from some mountain and  , lo and behold , it contained acid! Seems to be a result of Volcanic activity...Mother Nature is gonna kill us.

Global Warming.....What makes these condascending elitists of Academia think they can stop this planet from continuing to evolve? I mean , really , change has been going on for BILLIONS of years and will continue long after we're gone. Like Al Gore didn't get rich enough by inventing the internet?

I could go on and on. Come to your senses people and enjoy the bounty that has been bestowed upon us. Even if you aren't fortunate enough to own land you will still benefit by all this in some fashion.

To all you naysayers out there: Don't fall into the powermongers' snare by allowing yourselves to be pawns in their power grabbing game!

Yep Glenn, it's feelings vs. facts.  A single volcanic eruption spews more CO2 than has man since the beginning of civilization, yet it is all mankind's fault that temperatures fluctuate.  Hey, bring on global warming.  My property will be a lot more valuable when it has both gas and an ocean view!
There's that convoluted logic again ! LOL!!!
And the polar caps on Mars have been shrinking too.  Probably due to the CO2 polution from all of our spacecraft we have sent to Mars.
I agree.  Do it right or don't do it at all.  And they are not even close to knowing how to do it right.  Our state is going to be turned into a waste pit and the gas companies will do fine, they will be long gone. They have been able to do this by playing us against each other and throwing trinkets to a few.
I'm giving up on this discussion. You guys can't see the forest for the trees. If gas is so evil, then enjoy the mercury laden air from the coal generation plants, not to mention entire moutain tops removed from strip mining. If you think frack fluid is bad, it's a choir boy compared to airborne mercury.

brad, why do you feel so 'either' 'or'?  no room for doing this thoughtfully?  doesn't mean it won't be will be.  we might as well be sitting on diamonds...or maybe gas is more valuable, who knows.  but just not hearing those who happen to think differently than you doesn't really help any cause...or 'side' or whatever you want to call it.  it's a discussion, and people have different opinions, hopes, reasons for all that they do.  i

the bad examples you state happened with exactly the approach to coal mining as some would advocate today with gas producing.  should all that be repeated?  i happen to think/hope not.  but you are free to think otherwise.

Because, from what I understand, one fuel has much more severe consequences in its use. You can't compare the two, ie, nat gas and coal (bituminous). They're apples and oranges. Also, people don't seem to understand that some of the anti nat gas environmentalism we're seeing is fueled by conflicts of interest, by people who don't give a rats behind about the environment. Their only concern is that gas is economically harmful to their business. Follow the money. It's not always the motivator, but to deny that avenue demonstrates naivety. Wouldn't be the first time greed has driven a false agenda. Do gas companies need to be supervised to keep them from cheating? Absolutely, just like any other industry. Do I think they present a bigger harm to us than many other industries? From what I've read, no. Consider this: In '02, there was/is a papermill in north central pa that released 693,147 lbs of production related waste into the environment. 629,862 lbs of it into the air, 46,344 lbs into the water(where folks enjoy fishing, canoeing), and 16,942 lbs onto the land. 295,062 lbs of this release was hydrochloric acid, 3,427 lbs were formaldehyde, 19 lbs were mercury compounds, etc. This could be seen as an old report, but considering the release was a 125% increase from '91 reports, I doubt it's getting much better. Elk county is in the 10th percentile for dirtiest counties in the US. Armstrong county is ranked the worst in PA, with 16,602,605 lbs of toxins emitted in '02, a 40961% increase over 1988. I'm just saying, we're sitting in a northeast "cancer belt" state, being inundated by local toxins as well as ones carried in from westerly winds, yet fretting over unproven adverse health claims concerning gas drilling being inflamed by a biased media. It's like being a few miles away from a nuclear blast and worrying if you have enough sunblock on.

i don't imagine any of those companies went into their pollution situations telling everyone what byproducts would be spewing from them.  indeed,  for some of this we were just beginning to understand the relationship between the disease outbreaks and the materials being discharged from the mines/factories into our air/water.soil.  you say that armstrong county is the most polluted county in the state.  do you think any of the citizens there knew this is what they would become when the industries began? do you think anyone there would CHOOSE to have this kind of abuse of their property/neighborhoods ?  and the 'accidental' spill...........we here already know how many have occurred here...or probably don't know ALL, but of some.

the coal industry and most factory owners always SAY that what they  do is safe.................none come forward to say, 'you know, this or that might happen, here's what's involved, here's ways we are working overtime to be safe'. the GAS COMPANIES are spending millions and millions of dollars on PR to tell everyone how wonderful and clean their product is. just as the other industries came here merely to MAKE MONEY, so now the gas industry has arrived.  they don't live here, or not permanently; won't raise their kids here; won't need long term employment here.............they will move on to the next place to make more money.  they do not extract gas out of the kindness of their hearts 'for their country'....they do it to make money.  period.

you site some awful figures re:the products of coal mining, and the spill at the papermill.  they sound devastating.  but that is the point.............they ARE devastating; the citizens did not want this outcome; they were told all would be fine, the industry was looking out for them; and only after huge amounts of all of the chemicals you state had been released into the environment did anyone attempt to stop it or to clean it up.  it was then TOO LATE.  children already dead.  or fish.  or trees.  or a county befouled to become part of a 'cancer belt'. 

because others have done this already does not then mean to go ahead and ruin more of the land.  it means to find out the consequences of the procedures BEFORE all of the above occur.

and this is what i want done.  ny will eventually open up to drilling, i do imagine, but it will be AFTER the consequences have been determined and those procedures that produce long-term harm to ny will be eliminated or greatly reduced.  we, here in pa, have none of that .  we don't know.  as the coal mining areas did not know.  or the men with black lund did not know.

enough.......there are, as you know, a zillion examples of industry out for industry, period.  the 'unproven adverse health claims' are what need to be addressed up front..............not years down the road.'s all coming no matter what anyone here says or does.  some changes will be good; certainly 'found money' is not an everyday occurrence; i want to be able to be healthy enough to enjoy/use that money and to share it with my healthy family.

and people used to sit and watch within a few miles the testing of the atom and hydrogen bombs. the army witnesses were told to turn away from the blast as it happened due to the bright flash, but not to get the blankety out of there.   not such a good idea.............even tho' it was THOUGHT to be safe.  btw, there are amazing.....and and videos of the bomb testing.  if you have not seen them, you might want to google them......i think they are on utube. 

The statistics from the papermill were not the result of a spill. They are ongoing emissions, every day, every year. Perhaps you're missing my point, or maybe we just communicate on different wavelengths. Understand that natural gas is one way that we can REDUCE pollution. We are both concerned over the environment, but our approaches toward that outcome diverge at this point.

I've seen the atom bomb testing videos. Open air testing can broadcast radioactive isotopes that can last anywhere from a few milliseconds to a quarter million years or more. Several of them are nutrient analogs that the human body will absorb in indifference. These tests are still affecting our population. Plutonium is an alpha particle emitter and an iron analog. The body uptakes it readily, affecting your red blood cells/marrow, liver, bone tissue, and reproductive organs. Every male in the northern hemisphere has trace amounts of it in their bodies.

If we can prove that the gas industry is causing large scale harm to the environment, then something needs to be corrected, no doubt, but this has yet to be proven. Right now, the hydro fracturing scare has been nothing more than a hot topic for the media, fueled by high powered individuals with conflicts of interest. Keep in mind, present day journalism consists largely of quoting sources and not a lot of true investigation. I talked with a gentleman over the summer who was from southern central pa, out of the range of the marcellus activity. We started talking about the gas activity and he said, "Yeah, they're destoying all the roads in PA". I have a good idea where he acquired this blanket statement. I replied, "I can't speak for all of PA, but the roads I have seen (couple dozen or so), that have been used by the gas companies so far have been fixed, restored, or reconstructed far better than they were before the companies arrived." He said, "Oh, I didn't know that".

So, basically, I think all these claims of environmental horrors should be verified before we jeopardize a clean burning natural resource.


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