A friend in Stark county received a letter from Weston Solutions to get her water tested.  She questioned them and there is a well going in just north of her.  They have started the work on the site.  How do we find a map to see if she is included in the unit?  I would assume because they tested her water that she would be, but that I suppose is not a guarantee.  Thank you for the great info posted!

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sonja, where at in stark county ? i dont know how to find info but i'm interested to know also

It is the Ron Smith Well on Rummel (may be with two L's) in Paris twp.  They have put in a whole new road to the pad, it is Fox Ave.  And they are starting to work on the sight.  Now she said that their is word of another site being prepared on Fox ave called Hosterman?

You need to go to the ODNR site that allows searching by operators API, etc. if you give me the information I'll find a map for you. It's easier to do it myself than to actually walk you through the process.

MARCUS, the one im looking for isto be drilled by chesapeake, in stark county,lexington twp. freshley  rd. land owner keller

There's no permit listed for a landowner named Keller on the database. Nor is there anything in Lexington township.

thanks marcus

I just replied to Steve's response.  Would there be another information you need for a map?  She spoke with the township and supposedly they will do the Smith well, and since the Hosterman is so close they are just going to move it down the street. 

Here is the a list of permits in Ohio. You can scroll down to Stark and see the names of the wells. http://ohiodnr.com/portals/11/oil/Utica.xls

Thank you for the info.  I don't see it on there yet, so I am sure it will be posted soon since they are preparing the site.  Once they apply for the permit, is that when the map is also posted of the unit?

I got a little more info on the Hosterman well for you. It is Hosterman 14-17-6 pad.

Sonja, how did you find out about the Hosterman well? I do not see any info on the ODNR web site about it. Did you find the unit map for for the Smith well yet? The ODNR site shows a surveying plat with the surrounding landowners, but does not show the proposed well path yet.

my friend lives in the area and she received a certified letter to have her water tested and it said on the outside of the envelope smith.  Her neighbor down the road also received a certified letter and it said Hosterman on the outside.  But, there must not be a permit yet, because they are not on the link that Marcus attached that was the most recent permits.  I didn't see a permit on the Smith yet.  We were going to take a ride this weekend and check out the Smith area.


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