If fracking fluids are found to be the cause of the illnesses at LeRoy High School, would you change your position on fracking?


The symptoms the children at LeRoy High School in LeRoy New York are suffering from are very similar to the neurological symptoms shown in the movie "Split Estate".   The movie documents what citizens in Rocky Mountain States have been living with for years, primarily in the towns of Dish Texas and Denton Texas.

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If the royalty owners live in the US it good for everyone here for many reasons.

when the country switches to natural gas for cars then the use and price should go up. i do think they are headed that directin. they better be. also the power companies are switching from coal to gas .

Ya,they can all by a foreign car great.

Well, not sure where it is all at now, but when I was still working for PA DEP we had a few Ford F-150's, in our state auto fleet in the Centre County area, that ran on gasoline OR CNG.  As State College had the only CNG fueling station in our part of PA.  Penn State University operates the fleet of campus communter buses on CNG (0for many years now) so I dopn't think they will have to be foreign cars.

You can also have a conversion for the car you now own.

At the Cleveland Auto show that just started they are featuring new F150's that are dual fuel CNG/gasoline as a conversion. I believe that in the next 5 years you will see the big 3 offering dual fuel CNG/gasoline vehicles right off the showroom floor.

Dominion Hope asked the regulators for a 34% increase in our gas bill and N. gas is $2.55 per k cuft. WOW cheap  HA.

Also there are guys dumping fracking fluids down wells in our county B.  Day and part of night Local people

  If they, I presume your suggesting the oil companies are "dumping" anything down a well that is not permitted you should be reporting it to the authorities. I have not seen or even heard of anyone in this web site that would condone that practice! 

 Amazing how you state that it is Fracking Fluids, it could be industrial waste products, for a first time poster I kind of sense a anti fracker. 

The government is the one that makes the decision on the price for home use. Complain to them.

If you believe that the dumping (any dumping) is illegal then go to the authorities.

I am not a fan of the trucks and the noise. Yet if we as a country have any chance of being energy independent we need to be tolerant of the noise and trucks. This will pass once the well is completed and as I can attest to you can get use to the white trucks for the most part they are the good guys.

If the White Trucks are pulling doubles they are far from good guys. The smaller white trucks are not bad but as a driver the doubles are H bent on leather, in the left lane at 70mph cruise! I-80 in Pa has had more of those White trucks in the ditch than mountains!

Sorry I was talking about the white pickups that run the road where I live. Also I avoid I-80 like the plague.


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