Really disappointed about signing with M&P lawyers and Co-exprise!

I signed with M&P lawyers in Oct. of 2011. Signed for a 90 day extension in Jan. of 2012. These lawyers at that point joined back up with Co-exprise and increased their fee to $250 per acre. Supposed to be paid by Hilcorp by April 15th. Called M&P on Friday and was assured that a check would be here Monday. Now it's Monday, and of course, no check. Most of my neighbors that signed with Hilcorp on their own got paid. It's very frustrating!!!

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It's May 1st and still no $. The lease hasn't even been filed at the courthouse. As of May 5th, I do believe that my lease with Hilcorp is null and void.  I figure that if they can break the lease at the start, why would I think that they wouldn't break the lease if and when they would actually drill? M&P and Co-X still can't give me a straight, honest answer.  Think twice before signing up with these two companies. They certainly aren't earning the fee that they are charging!


CX Energy just called and said, "The check will be in the mail tomorrow!" What a hoot! Where have I heard that before?

I'll be you get paid, HilCorp is a great company to deal with. Regardless of which lawyer syndacate you go with, they are first class. Shell, well that's another story....

I hope so because it makes me nervous that they didn't do as the lease said at the very beginning. 


    I have a vested interest in this so I have been following your posts. First, what group did you sign with - Mt jackson what? Second, there must be someone else in your group with the same problems. Where are they on this site?  I have more but first, you seem to be the only one from a group that has a problem with cx - m&p! I do not work for these companies in any way! Just an unleased landowner. Seems to be some funny s**t going on here!

First question-Mt. Jackson 2. Second-I went with all the bigger landowners in my neighborhood. We signed up together. They are old time farmers who don't get on the web or just plain don't have time to post on here. I have been in contact with them by phone. They haven't been paid either. For the hefty fee that they are charging landowners, I feel that we should have been paid by the date on the lease. M&P & CX should have been making phone calls to see where the problem was  before the April 15th deadline. But instead, I was told the check is in the mail on that day. Now it is May 3rd, and the check is STILL in the mail. Now do you understand my problem with them?? Also, I don't see any support services (taxes, financial) happening which was promised as part of the fee.

Listen, cut to the Chase. Call Western Land Services. Ask them if you are in their system, and if so, when you should expect payment. It's that simple. 

really worth the experience of having cx-m&p behind you.......right tracy............

so sorry for your issues

Western Land services was using the term "Hilcorp Direct" i.e. they were retained by and paid by Hilcorp to sign up leases, NO commission or fees to the landowner.  If Co-x negotiated with Hilcorp for Tracy's lease and she is paying them they are representing her.  They have a fiduciary responsibility to her and they should be working of her behalf.  If Western is still in between the landowner and Hilcorp, what exactly did Co-x bring to the table?

And both leases, Hilcorp's own and Co-x's (which are pretty much the same lease) both have an "Order For Payment" document which says "Lessee shall subject to its inspection, approval of the surface, geology, title, and due diligence deemed necessary at the discretion of the Lessee make payment...."  You leave the lease signing without them signing so you are legally bound but they are not, since they haven't signed the lease.  And they have 180 days to make up their mind whether or not they want the lease.  And nowhere does it say if they don't sign they have to tell you why.  Nor does it say the Lessor's obligations are automatically cancelled if payment is not received withing 180 days.  I'll say it again compare this lease to the S.U.R.E. and Freindsville landowner group leases I previously posted links to and then tell me this is a good lease. 

I have a solution for you Tracy. Start going to their recruiting meetings and asking why you are not getting your payment.

That's why I dealt directly with Western Land. They are an extension of the company. As for whether or not Western Land would know of Co-X's leases, they would. All Co-X is is a lawyer group. They don't do any abstracting, as Western Land does all of it for HilCorp, regardless which lawyer group pools landownders.  So Tracy, if Western Land doesn't have you in their system, well......

Tim R; Get your facts right. All of the signing events held by Co-X and M&P were attended by Hilcorp officials. If one attended one of the signing events, they left with a photocopy of a signed lease with both their signature and one of a Hilcorp official. The lease stated the only reason that the lease would not be executed was a title defect and was legally binding.

And there were substantial differences in the leases.


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