Does anyone know if these gas companies and subcontractors use any compressed natural gas vehicles or do they just fill up with foreign diesel fuel?  US has Boon Pickens and corporations asking for governmental support and funding for CNG, one has to ask where the leadership is on this topic.

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As I mentioned on another post the land that surrounds my property was leased (all around for more then a mile) even if I didn't sign a lease the gas could have been taken (most of it) do to Right of Capture in PA . where they can come to your property line and suck gas out for hundreds of feet .Back in 2009 I knew very little about the actual drilling process .We signed a lease (even though I didn't want to ( my wife owns the property ) .This was with a small company which within 2 months after signing sold the leases to a large corporation and that's when things changed .Shortly after that they came into the area like an army and it's been that way ever since and I don't see it ending for many years .Big difference from a peaceful country setting to an industrial development (and quickly) .I don't hold myself liable for this a nuisance is just that and a landowner has the right to live on his property without continuous disruption .Maybe you disagree ,but that 's your right !


I own 70 acres of the most beautiful land on Gods earth! (In NW PA). Been in my family since the eary 1960's. Farmed this land, hunted this land, grew up on this land. My 5th great grandfather is buried less than 1 mile from my house! I will be 50 this year.

 Now here I sit in the middle of the wet gas utica shale window.

My  5th great grandfather moved here from New Jersey (revolutionary war) because of his beliefs.

My grandfather and father both taught me that the only thing that never changes is the fact that everything changes.

Before I add more, please read Jim's comments below as they express many of my feelings. 







Do what you want with your land ! don't really get your point ! 

My point is that I prefer to stay here the rest of my life as the history means a lot to me! From what I have read on your posts, you love your land and community.

We are about to lease our land. Our 70 acres is not going to stop this. My next point goes to my forefathers - they told me "if you don't like what the neighbors are doing - buy the land or shut up!

Also, If it gets to be more than I can handle, I may have to do as my 5th great grandfather did and move.



Hopefully it will work for you .Yes I could shut up but my speaking up and monitoring the gas drilling in my area has promoted companies to have to comply to more regulations and safer practices I believe .Since I got involved it has changed for the better (not me alone ) .So speaking up has a purpose !I love it where i live and do many conservation things to help keep it that way !I am not a tree hugger ,but a person that has come to the point in my life that wants to give a little back and really has a lot of respect for my environment,hope you understand!I planned on retiring here and like you staying for the rest of my life.Hopefully I still will be able to do this (depends on the drilling) .I would love to buy the land here which I could have done years ago but now can not .All the land that surrounds me has been leased back in 2000 so holding out wouldn't work!Again I would like to comment that it's not the Nat gas I dislike it's the way it's being produced (the process) which I feel could be made much safer and this would only benefit the drilling companies too in the long run !


I accept your dislike of the "industrialization of rural land" complaint. Believe it or not I can empathize with this. But my problem with some of your posts is that you state that the O&G companies have caused contamination and made people sick. I dont accept that claim. Earlier on this thread I asked you to document your claims with fact & you have failed to do so. The anti-fracing groups act in the same fashion & I reject this method of smearing the industry with unfounded claims. To truly help both sides of the issue- honesty and transparency. I expect that in any constructive discussion of HVHF.

David what good would it do to document my claims you are convinced that there is no problems ! I have no reason to lie to you .Ido know people that have bad water and have gotten sick .If it were a matter of proving it for some type of legislation I would work on complying names  .I don't see any reason to do this for people I have never met on a blog.I sure this makes you happy because now you can continue to say  "see he has no proof "  so have your day ,it's ok for now !


If you believe in this so strongly then surely you can present us with some factual information that might convince us to question what we now believe. I'm not against changing my mind about something if given a good reason to.

Alas, poor William. Suffering the slings and arrows of thoughtful posters' requests for true facts to support his wild allegations has been more than he can abide. Notwithstanding the fact that there are no supportive facts, just hearsay and fearmongering, he will continue his trek, albeit with the poor logic, poor grammar, poor spelling, and poor punctuation of someone who pretends to have some level of education, as though he is really in touch with all that is going on. His statements are so ridiculous as to make one feel embarassed for him, except for the fact that he is too stubborn to listen to logic and admit that he has no basis in fact for any of his assertions.


What a waste of valuable space on an otherwise very informative and beneficial forum.

What a terrific assessment Moe. I started to write a response and got disgusted. The statements fail all syllogisms of logic. If William had any coherent complaints,  i was originally interested to listen and learn, but instead he makes general allegations without any foundation, and i have spoken to many persons from his area and it has changed, but the fanatical ascertations has never been supported  in any means whatsoever.

Thank you for bringing this ridiculous conversation to its appropriate termination, and i couldnt have said it any better.



The whole problem is Little Willie didn't get the big bucks that we are about to receive PERIOD . 

Plain and simple ! His greed hurried him into signing for a really really really  low price to early and he is P_ ssed  OFF at the world and that's our fault . 

Ever noticed that when some people agree to a price on something that they are perfectly happy with and sell that item it's ok until the buyer sells that item for a profit then they are a SOB , CROOKS or what ever term they feel will hurt them most . Well this is a classic case .

Get over it Little Willie already . You are guilty of what you are pointing your finger at .You can jump up and down , call people names , point at the streams , and call us greedy and not caring of the environment but at the end of the day you are  a hypocrite  .

I know a few others that the same thing has happen and they are doing the same thing .


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