Mercer County is very hot! Landowners and Landowner groups please post with info!

We are in one of the hottest counties in this play and no discussion. Elnathan, Lance, others, ...whats up!

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Here it is!  I knew I remembered seeing this.  (sorry I thought I posted under the original post, it is 6 posts up if interested)


Where are all the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity?  For months I have been hearing how evil I and my associates are.  For months you've insulting me, M & P, and Cx-Energy. You've been telling everyone to stay away, we will never do it.

Now we have announced a deal that exceeds the goals we set  for and what others have gotten in Mercer Co. And I am pretty confident in saying that exceeds what all the naysayers got by going it alone.

Where's all the congratulations on a job well done? Where's the apologies for all the insults? Hows about a mea culpa...... or two...... or three?

Congrats on that 7.5 million dollar commission. I will congratulate further if everyone gets paid.

Again with the wealth envy.....and ignoring that we got the landowners a better deal than anyone else.

Puff your chest out when everyone is paid. 

Mike C.,

Are you in Mercer County? A 15-18,000 acre "group" just got paid in the name of Halcon yesterday in Trumble County, Ohio.

Agree, with all thats gone on with landowners not getting paid by several different companies in several different areas - reason to doubt.

Are you leased? Have you not been paid "through cx-m&p? Please give details!

I have some acreage scattered around Mercer as well as Trumbull.  I have been working with ALOV and they have been fantastic.  I see the value that CX brings but I think they prey upon some folks that have no idea what they are doing or what they are in for.  The price tied to the pressure just gave me a bad vibe.  From what I have gathered Halcon has already started "shopping" the areas they do not want.  They have been met with a luke warm response.  So will they eventually take that acreage or let it go?  I do not want my royalty futures hanging in the balance of a possible trade or worse yet a lease that will never be paid.


I agree, where is everyone? Not really looking for the negativity - from those that are just 100% against paying any commission. Thats been done to death. Its up to the individual landowner, their situation and location. Thats not to say that a discussion should not have constructive criticism.

How about info and thoughts on Halcon, this offer compared to others CURRENTLY out there in Mercer County............

Why should people who are paying for a service have to congratulate them. Shouldnt they thank the landowner who is leasing them property for a profit.

Actually, I think congratulations are in order for all involved.  For the landowners that worked together and ignored the nay sayers. To M & P and Cx-Energy for doing all the work of organizing the group and negotiating the deal.  And to Halcon for being willing to sign a lease with good financial rewards to the landowners and a lease to protect their rights and the land.

self praise-not flattering

what about all that acreage (HBP) in mercer that got leased 14k acres by halcon-energy usa wells

going to be some upset people when that news breaks @$4k an acre and only utica and below leased....................

wait till all that title falls out

p umpjack,


more detail please. 14k acres (HBP) - Halcon?


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