Shell contacted us in April 2012 with an offer to lease our 10 acres in mercer twp for $3200/acre. We hired an attorney, he fine tuned the lease and when we were ready to sign shell said their leasing was on hold. Early Aug. the attorney (whose name im probably not allowed to metion) said shell had resumed leasing and sent us a lease to sign, never pointing out that it was for $2500/acre! We are currently on hold, but don't want to end up with nothing, but also don't want to be played for a sucker. Has anyone else experienced similar situations with an attorney or shell?

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I will do the same.

We are a member of BCLG and signed our lease April 12th.  The 90 banking days would have put us at August 20th, but we received our payment August 14th, a week early.  Shell has been great.

We are a member also,  signed April 14th,  had the draft at the bank on the 17th.  That would have put us at August 21st.  No payment yet.  Called their office and was told the funds would be released Sept. 6th,  she didn't know why there was a delay.

The number I called is 724-256-9259.

You can call the Amigy Bank, the issuer of the draft.  They would have all the information about when the money will be released.

haven't seen it yet
I called that phone number and asked. The guy told me that they had some titling issue and they may want used to resign for another thirty days or sixty days. He is supposed to be calling back. I was also told by an attorney that there should be some kind of penalty clause in the lease for them not paying on time.

Just as an FYI, this is what they told me initially as well. They said the title was good, but they had some clean up to do so they gave me another 60 day draft. This doesn't mean you won't get paid, but I just wanted to let you know that what they told you was similar to what they told me.  I did not get paid and finally asked them to surrender the lease which they agreed to do immediately.

Welcome to the Shell games. 

I did talk to them again and they said they were going to pay everyone at the same time and that it would be on the 10th and the bank would probably hold it for a few days. However, some people have already been paid so it makes me wonder. Who knows, It's really difficult to believe anything that they say now.

Time is on your side.  The gas isn't going anywhere.  Just give them a reasonable amount of time to come through and if they don't, simply ask them to surrender the lease like I did and move on.

My brother got his yesterday the day that it was due. He is relieved. I am happy for him. Hope all goes well for all members.

UPDATE: The roller coaster ride continues. Since my orginal post we went ahead and signed the lease with shell around the end of august, then on oct. 26 we get a letter from shell saying the lease was rejected because of title issues and they are no longer leasing in the area. Contacted the landman and he forwarded us emails that were sent to the attorney in mid sept asking for additional information, mostly just signature issues. Contacted the attorney and of course he claims he gave them everything they requested, which is impossible because we never signed any additional papers. We gave him the opportunity to try and get it straightened out with shell before we look into a lawsuit against him. If you can top this one I would love to hear it!


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