Has anyone heard anything about this well? Last week they located  a lot of water wells with a GPS (including mine). My neighbor was told it was for the "Shipley" well. This is across Nursery Road from the Ruttledge well. As near as I can tell, I won't be part of this one but they test water all around the area..

The landman that signed me told me the wells Rex was drilling would be named Shipley North and Shipley South.

Any information, even rumors would be welcome...


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There hasn't been any permits issued to REX under that name. I don't remember if I recently saw any permits applied for under that name, but you can sign up to e-notice to be notified by email of any permits applied for or issued in your area of interest. The site is run by the DEP and you can specify the county and or township you are interested in to receive notification. Here is a link to the site, its free and worth signing up for, especially in a situation like yours.



There is a sixty acre Shipley farm on Reibold Road Parcel # 160-3F74-15C and this is Rex territory (even though Rutledge is XTO).  Frank Shipley is leased to Rex.



Larry, The rumor that i heard there is a well named shipley going in across the road from the connoquenessing school, on the old treesdale farm not sure of the current name. A water notice test was sent out a week or so around that area, They (rex) are planning to drill in 2014. I was told (rumor) hope this helps axeman1.

Thanks for the link and the info...  I just signed up to be notified of permits issued, 

Looking at the map, Connoq. school would be North of me and Shipley's farm (actually a housing development now) would be SouthWest of that. Looks like there is a gap between Ruttledge and the Rex leases, hopefully those folks won't be skipped.

Getting closer every day, 2014 might be a good year for myself and the neighbors.




Both of Shipley's properties 160 3F74 15c and 160 3f74 2 are under cultivation and would support well pads.  The property across the street from the Connoquenessing School is the Western PA Company and is leased to Rex.  Any well on that property would be named Western PA Company or the owner's family name (which is not Shipley).

Plat maps available here Butler County Plat Maps .

Based on the orientation of the Rutledge (XTO) and Stebbins (Rex) and Lamperski (Rex) horizontals I would guess either Shipley location to be a suitable well pad.




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