Every time you hear an anti shale representative ask for a moratorium or a review to make sure it's safe,just think of New York State and the Keystone Pipeline. Once they get their way and have the moratorium in place it will become permanent.

The Keystone Pipeline has been under review since 2007 ( and the review has actually been completed twice). This is just ridiculous. Our nation completely outfitted the army, navy, air force, marines etc and won WWII in less than five years.

President Obama knows the extreme environmental left will never approve of the pipeline. He will never cross them because they are big donors to the President and the Democrat Party, and he needs them for the political campaign of 2014.

So anytime you hear these extremists talk about safety and protecting the environment it is just a ruse. They are not sincere.

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Just where is all this Oil in Ohio that you speak of.........


The reason to build the XL portion of the Keystone system is the jobs it will create (including thousands of permanent jobs).

You are incorrect, much of the oil from the XL will be used here in the U.S.

There also is no reason not to build it, at least not a real one.

Mike, Why are you against capitalism and opportunity? Charge a $/b of fluid that is transported thru the pipeline.

e'f the XL.

Don't you know how that bitumen is produced?

Or do you just not care?

How thick does your steak have to be anyway?


Whether the pipeline is approved or not the bitumen will be produced, shipped and used. It's being produced, shipped, and used as we speak all without the pipeline. Yours is a false argument.

Transportation by pipeline is much safer than transportation by rail, we just saw that terrible train accident in North Dakota that was carrying oil.

The XL will greatly enhance the market for tar sands bitumen

 I want to limit there market.

N. American oil men, build a pipeline west to BC. or ship more by rail.

Both politically challenging.

Yes, more trains will crash.

Yes, oil men will get sued.

Yes, the railroads will become safer.

But the tars sands production will be slowed which is the best I can hope for.

What an attitude!!! Kill your neighbors.
Crude, The above comment was for your attitude toward your neighbors. Please read your Bible.

Wow. 'Kill  my neighbors and Please read your bible".......... good ones.

H E Rose,

Please read about the negative aspects of these tar sands production methods and your opinions might change.

Arguments against developing these deposits are easy to understand.


“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. Acts 3/17

Crude, It is good to see you are familiar with the good Book.



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