I have been hearing of companys offering $12000, $13000 even $15000/ acre to buy mineral rights. So far I haven't been able to find out who is making these offers. If you've received an offer in this range could you please tell me who made it? Thanks.

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Rick, best offer ive had is 6k. 12.5% 98 acres Monroe twshp,Harrison county.

Do they have a web site, Rick?

  There is no website for Scout Resources. After some research, I was able to find that Scout Resources is a sister company of Black Hollow Realty (Denver, CO). I emailed the owner of the company, requesting a call or email back, however, I received no response. I thought that to be quite rude. Don't you just hate it when you extend a greeting and the other party ignores you? 

"No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy." - B.H.M

They definitely have a website. Which I agree with CG about it not meaning much whether or not someone has a website.  Ryan N Nyardy, although I appreciate your feedback and intellect, I wonder why you always discredit buyers and perhaps E&P companies.  Is there certain companies that you've had better luck with?  I've read quite a few of your posts about Eclipse and their, lack of a better term, screwing landowners by flipping leases.  I perfectly understand they may have a financial backing with EnCap but aren't all O&G's in this play to make money?  They all, regardless who their financial backing is, is here to make money.  They will flip, trade, or sell a lease to round out positions or make a buck.  I feel as though the landowner should sign the best lease or purchase sale agreement regardless of who it's with because those agreements can change hands very quickly without any input from the landowner. 

  I've been very fortunate to work with many landowners in many different endeavors of oil and gas; from leasing to selling to surface use agreements to pipeline right of ways. I'm here to lend my knowledge and contacts to help landowners get multiple offers to make factual decisions and not guesses. 

I wasn't discrediting anyone "LandRights". The comment was intended, instead, for the member who WAS... I can't help but wonder why you decided to pull me, and my comment, out of the long list of posts made by other members on this thread. Is it because I refuse to post under a pen name or alias? Perhaps you thought I was an easy target, I don't know.   And yes, I've had great success with the buyers I still do business with today. 

  As for my old posts that comment on that certain O&G company you just made mention of: 1) I don't see how it's relevant to the discussion that is taking place here, and 2) The issue was not with the fact they flipped their leases, it was much more. If you care to talk about it, please message me.

  I couldn't pinpoint the reason for your post until I got to your closing statement... I think we're all trying to lend our services and expertise, on this subject, to landowners on these forums, but you don't necessarily have to do so with your attempts to discredit me (how ironic) in the process. 

Ryan, by no means was I trying to discredit you and I apologize if my message was perceived that way to you or anyone else.  Again I enjoy reading your posts and getting your thoughts on multiple subjects.  I guess my point is that I disagree with your opinion on not working with certain companies and only working with others due to the ability of those documents being transferred and assigned to other companies very easily.  I choose to put more weight on what my clients and I are signing versus who it is with.  Obviously there are companies that aren't legit nor credible and throughout the last 3+ years my clients and I have learnt to avoid those avenues in our search for the best opportunities. 

Again, from my perspective it appeared as though you were not in favor of many of these companies and I was curious as to why you had such hard opinions of them.  This is a question and topic I have discussed with many members on this forum and nothing to discredit you or the services you provide.  I apologize if it was perceived that way. 

Congrats Rick - I tell all my clients that when an acceptable offer presents itself to pull the trigger and have no regrets or sellers remorse.  This is a fragile market that can change very quickly either way.  Find something that is best for you and your family and don't look back.  I'm glad to hear Scout is credible and they were able to close on your transaction.  Congrats again and I hope that money does wonders for you and your family!!

That's awesome Rick! Congrats again and kudos to Scout for doing a good transaction. 

congratulations, Rick!!

I'm glad to hear that somebody keeps their word in this business. Of course they are gonna be making thousands & thousands of $$$ on those minerals, so why not?

Congrats, Rick. You are approaching this with the right attitude in that you found a company you trusted, a contract and a price you could live with, collected the money, and have no regrets over the price going up a short later. You obviously have an immediate need to monetize your oil and gas rights and made an informed decision to sever them from the surface acreage. Don't look back.

I personally would not have taken the deal at $10,300/acre for three reasons.

One, I don't have an immediate need for the money.

Two, I believe the O&G under my land is worth far more than that per acre over my lifetime and my children's. Other horizons will become valuable in the future as new technology is developed, just as the Utica has in the past few years. When I bought my land in '91, there was ZERO interest in the oil and gas beneath it.

Three, I believe we are we now witnessing the same thing that happened with coal in SE OH a hundred or more years ago where the landowners permanently gave away their coal rights for pennies on the dollar. I believe the same is now happening with oil & gas. History always repeats itself if we don't pay close enough attention to it and learn from it. The minerals buyers are paying attention.

All great points!!


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