GMS members voted overwhelmingly for Corbett in our GMS Poll, so GMS landowners may be experiencing some angina this morning.

What does this mean for PA and the Marcellus?

Here was our poll...

Here are the actual results...

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When the Wolf in sheep's clothing takes over,welcome him with a letter. Then ask him why an extraction tax is needed when the state already gets this from both the gas companies and land owners.    

Natural Gas Facts

1 They create jobs and pay workers that pay income tax
2 They pay registration fees for vehicles
3 They pay a motor fuels tax
4 They pay for a permit to withdraw water from water sources
5 They pay gas well storm water permit for well pads
6 They pay a well bore permit
7 They pay a well permit for each well drilled from the main bore. Can be as many as 12
18 They pay a landowner lease
19 They pay a landowner royalty
20 They pay a Corporation tax
21 They pay a tax on profit to the state
22 They pay a tax on profit to the Fed Govt
23 The landowners pay state tax on royalties
24 The landowners pay Fed tax on the royalty
25 They repair the roads they use. Something the state gets 41 cents a gallon for but spends on other than roads and bridges.
26 The natural gas buyer pays a tax
27 They pay for permits and right of way for pipelines to get gas to market.
28 Have I missed anything. Thats already 27 fees the natural gas industry pays
29 Now they want an extraction tax and have impact fees these 2 will be 28 and 29 fees the industry and landowners pay.
30 I forgot this one silly me. If your land is Clean and Green and the gas company drills a well or uses some of your Clean and Green acres. The used acreage is no longer Clean and Green and is now taxable as non Clean and Green. And if my memory is good the tax on that used acreage is payable by the land owner for the last 7 years that the land owner received a tax discount on that land for Clean and Green even though it was clean and green for that 7 years. There was talk about doing away with that but I am not sure if it passed
31 The land owner pays a tax on the lease money to the state.
32 The land owner pays a tax on the lease money to the Federal Government.
What will they think of next.

might as well add sr.politician martini lunch fund...if we could only get this much energy put into collecting skipped bails/fines

Right on target Herbert!  I am still afraid some idiot Pennsylvanians will kill the goose that lays the golden egg.  What an opportunity..........and we are doing everything we can to blow it.  We, not meaning you and me.  ap

This is an interesting nugget.

"The controversial gas industry practice of hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, received support from nearly 6 in 10 voters. But those voters split their ballots about evenly between Corbett and Wolf."

Read more:

Before the election, I emailed Tom Wolf and asked him a simple question, of which I received no reply - "If you are elected Governor of Pennsylvania on November 4th, and in the coming months, your administration is able to pass a "severance" tax on the shale industry in which those monies would be utilized to "fully fund our schools", would the school tax levied on each and every homeowner, property owner, and tax payer within the Commonwealth be eliminated???"

Stupid me - no tax has ever been rescinded in this country to date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One can only hope that the State Assembly (house) & Senate which are held by Republicans can stop the job killing and royalty lowering severance tax. The impact fee has helped so many communities across the Marcellus region with badly needed infrastructure funding. I am also Hopeful, that HB 1684 will get voted on and signed as that will preserve the minimum 12.5% royalty that leaseholders are entitled to. ( Last I heard it was tabled)  Everyone needs to contact their state Senator and Representative to address these issues. Corbett mad some bad decisions with very bad timing which cost him reelection. (raising the gasoline tax just before an election among some other blunders) We need to make sure that Mr. Wolf hears our voices to NO SEVERANCE TAX !

I'm not a fortune teller or anything like that but what I see coming down the Wolf trail will be fewer royalty checks for land owners as I expect wells to be shut in or at best throttled back to minimums. Also I expect Shell to announce next week that they are not building their cracker plant in Pa at this time. They will be taxed to death if the new governor can make it happen.  I also expect fewer new welsl being drilled because of the proposed taxes on the industry. So overall I think we as Pennsylvanians are going to be without new jobs and less income, just my predictions. 

Preface: I don't like Wolf one iota.

I really don't think Wolf will knowingly kill the Shell project. The reason being he knows that if he blows up the deal, then he chases away the taxes he needs to fund his dream world in Pa. He will compromise enough to make sure it gets built and the gas/liquids keep flowing in our state.

But who knows, he is a tax and spend idiot.


If Wolf has no Oil and Gas money in his bank account, he might enforce the laws of PA and get the state off of the list of Top Ten Most Corrupt States in The US.

To my way of thinking, Ron Hale has exactly the right take on this. Corbett was in the O/G companies pocket for many years-so far Wolf has not been. Hopefully through his efforts we can look forward to some more rigorous/careful monitoring of the reported production volumes upon which our royalties are bases. Oversight by a third party NOT part of the O/G crowd and hopefully connected to some federal agency will emerge. Perhaps even support for the attorney general's review of the fraud issues surrounding CHK would flow from Wolf's end.

Basically, we as landowners need to have a voice- under Corbett we did not. Perhaps now we will The questions, points raised on this site will feed into that process. This is not about Republicans vs. Democrats-this is about fairness.


Wolf will change, just like 90% of the bureaucrats do when they get power. 


      There should be an investigation to see how each state allowed CHK to break state laws with no action by the governors and atty gnls of those states.

Those who are responsible should be held accountable. Most of them are probably still in office.

I left out the CHK ceo who needs to be made an example of so ceos become less bold about using theft to increase their net worth. They should stick with downsizing, at least until they are all reigned in by the folks in DC.

Do a search on the DOJ website for Corrupt Politician. They will guide you on how to report a public servant on the take.



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