I have been hearing of companys offering $12000, $13000 even $15000/ acre to buy mineral rights. So far I haven't been able to find out who is making these offers. If you've received an offer in this range could you please tell me who made it? Thanks.

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That was to make the math easy. Look back through the thread, Ed has posted a comment that I believe details what Antero Resources anticipates will be output and/or revenue from one of their wells, the figure as I recall is $200,000 an acre.

I am not sure if this for the gas only, or for the oil as well.

I do expect that the figure will be higher due to the advancements in the technologies used to extract more out of the wells than they have realized previously.

I have seen it stated and been told that for some complicated reason the oil and gas companies believe that they are only getting about half of what is down there.

One thing I am interested in is the notion of re-fracking these wells and how it will raise production. The technology is moving fast, none of us know what will be possible 6 months from now.

I hope that answers your question, I don't want to be evasive.

This thread has gone beyond.

1.  Do you need money?  yes/no

yes, consider selling.  no, keep said minerals.

2.  Are our mineral rights more or less than 33% of your net worth?

yes, consider selling a portion.  no, keep said minerals.

3.  Is your house going to be worth or more less in 20 years?

more, keep it.  less, sell it.  

4.  If you are selling your house, do you expect someone to pay market value today, or market value in 20 years, today?

5.  If you are selling minerals today, do you expect someone to pay market value today, or market value in 20 years, today?

Let's move the conversation from the absurd, back to a semi-balance of reality, and share true, actual pricing comps, not pie in the sky 'letters'.

Sellers sell for personal reasons, impossible to advise 'others' without knowing all their facts.  Buyers only buy cause they think they are going to make money, to think anything different is naive.  There is a price for today, there is a price for tomorrow; your choice to engage, as is your choice to hold for tomorrow, or for decades.


Second that. This has been dragged out way too much.

Need money ?

C'mon, nearly everyone can contend they need money.

33%  of your net worth, would you explain to us all what that means and how it pertains to selling your royalties ?

What does your house value have to do with yer mineral royalties ?

In light of everything we have talked about on this thread why in the world would you sell your royalties, except under the most absurd conditions ?

I am not being smart, I would love to learn more, especially the 33% thing.

I saw this mentioned in another comment, something I had not considered before:

When you sell your royalties are you selling all royalties from whatever lease you are drilled with ?

Are you really selling your royalties surface to core, all formations, not just the Utica/Point Pleasant ?

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  • No name calling, we aren't 2nd graders.
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" ...truly uniformed..."


I guess Ed is short for edit.

Don't you have any new material?

My mother wants to know what happened to Danny Boy?

It reminds her of her Irish lineage.

I had forgotten until just now, but I do recall getting a couple of flyers in the mail.  I didn't keep them, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Despite the trolling, I've managed to gather some information from this thread.

I'd be happy to entertain an offer from you.  

It might be a way for you to get into the game.  

Ed, you are gutting Dan's argument very nicely, but beware.

One of the favorite ploys of bloggers on the wrong side of an issue is to entice someone to violate some aspect of the site rules after which they then pound the site over the violations until the violator is removed, thus silencing the person on the correct side.

I have been doing this a long time.

The more Dan writes the more he exposes himself, just let it roll, and beware the trap.

Mr. Ed

While I am certain that the readers appreciate your concern for their well-being, I have received no complaints other than the ones from you after I embarrassed you.  As a matter of fact, other than you and your partner, Mr. Lilly, all other correspondence that I’ve had on this thread has been respectful and intelligent.  That includes the folks who hold the same beliefs as you and him.

What you are doing is reminiscent of a schoolyard bully who is used to stomping their feet and making the other kids run away.

Everything I’ve said is true; most is verifiable, should a valid reason to do so arise, and your adamant statements to the contrary won’t negate them. If you are successful in altering anyone’s perception of me, it won’t affect me (or likely them, since I have no valuable information to impart) in any way.

While it has become quite amusing for me, I respect the spirit of a discussion group, so I will allow you the last words.  I only hope that it will be something fresh, rather than the same monotonous mantras you have posted here to date.

Fire away.



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