Just how will Emperor Cuomo stifle this permit application?

Tioga County Farm Bureau president and member of the Snyder Farm Group Kevin Frisbie announces Wednesday, July 8, the five-farm family group's intentions to install a natural gas well underneath a hayfield in the Town of Barton. A press conference was held outside the town hall.(Photo: photos by KELLY GAMPEL / Staff Photo)

A proposal to frack for natural gas using gelled propane and sand was announced Wednesday morning at Barton Town Hall in Tioga County.

Snyder Farm Group spokesman Kevin "Cub" Frisbie said an application was filed yesterday with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

FIRST WITH THE NEWS: We broke this story. Stop by 2, 3 or 4 times a day to stay fully informed.

More than 60 people attended the press conference, which was held outside the Town of Barton municipal offices.

The Snyder group is a collection of five Tioga County farm families that have leased land for natural gas development. The group is seeking to develop a 53-acre natural gas well in Halsey Valley, N.Y., which is in the Town of Barton, Tioga County — about 25 miles south of Ithaca and 30 miles east of Elmira.

The well pad would occupy about 31/2 acres on Ernest "Bucky" Snyder's 150-acre hay and corn farm.

The group has applied for two drilling permits, Frisbie said.

The well would get drilled into the Utica Shale formation, about 9,500 feet underground, according to Frisbie. "Then we will do a horizontal turn and go into the Marcellus Shale at approximately 4,400 feet," he said.

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Just because the E & PS aren't there yet doesn't mean they won't be and that it's all over.

You best to make up your mind about that because it's costing you credibility Mike.

Can only talk out of both sides of the mouth so long until folks catch on - even folks outside of the O & G industry. It's a mistake to under estimate people - it catches up with you sooner or later.

Sometimes you say it's only just begun and other times you say it's all over.

It's always been my opinion and still is that it's not all over and that we're only starting to see development / production in your 'Triple Play Zone'.

Market matching / asset management / market conditioning.

All as always only IMHO.


Not being in a current "hot spot" ...I feel yer pain.

Sometimes it is time to face that facts.......and the fact is that  Ash. County wont be drilled in the next 10 years...if ever.

Hope your estimate is overly conservative Paul.

Too many (to me) unfamiliar 'cause and effect' type variables to even take a guess.

Variables like changing markets / trading partners (domestic and foreign), leadership (or what I perceive to be lack thereof) / politics / legislation / wars, etc.

Seems to me the safest thing to say about timing is that 'anything can happen' that would / could affect the time line.

I don't think anything I've contributed here in my discussions is overly optimistic; but it's not at all pessimistic either.

Keep the faith brother.

Once again JMHO.

it has only just begun in other places besides the northern area of ohio ......take a lok at carroll arrison gernsey Monroe Belmont counties in ohio .....marshall Wetzel and tyler and ohio counties in wva   they are busy building pipelines and processing plants and still drilling wells there ......look at the north you got nothing going on .........guess you consider me talking out both sides of my mouth but there is two sides to this story..........the north is dead the south is alive.........BP walked away ,CHK is not there,small e/p don't have the money and or the technology needed to develop the

north   ASHTABULA IS OUT OF LUCK  ifmaybe it so good they all have decided to save it for world war 3 it was worth a  hit the big boys would be drilling it now ......... they were not drilling it when oil and gas was paying good money and they sure aint drilling now and I don't think they will in any near future   I beat when lease come up for renewal the companies will not renew at the same original terms  and I figure they come back and release at lower bonus and lower percentage on royalties or not release again.......keep the faith JOSEPH   you and that guy RON from Poland ohio should start a lonely hearts club maybe you could go into the shrimp farm business with him

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.

guess tat means your lost for words  have a hopefull day JOSEPH

Like I said b4 no action now but it's in your 'Triple Play' zone and I'm thinking there will be and hopefully sooner than later.

Where's it going to happen next ? Perhaps northeast Ohio pending variables.

When's it going to happen ? I won't guess too many unfamiliar variables for me to take a crack at the time line but I hope it's sooner than later.

How about you ? Do you know where and when in Ohio ? All you keep.writing is that it won't be in northeast Ohio because the "big boys" have stopped development for now.

Truth is they're still there but not drilling.

I'm tired of repeating myself and u should be as well.

I guess we will all know when Bp leases expire in 2017.

Yo MJ.

Thanks for your input.

2017 you say - and that's for BP in Trumbull County.

Heard Chesapeake, Hillcorp, EnerVest, and Halcon are there as well.

As far as Ashtabula County is concerned I've heard about Chesapeake, EnerVest and BEUSA (via BlackRidge) are present and then of course the local E & Ps are here as well.

Any others in either County that you know of ?

holding leases and developing leases are 2 different things......thought BP closed up shop and put there acreage up for sale  Enervest is there because they have HBP acreage from the Clinton wells they own

I'm thinking there's a lot more to it than that 'Triple Play' !

I think you should change your moniker on GMS to "Mike 'Triple Play' Murphey".

It's got a nice ring to it !
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