I’m bringing this topic over from the shaleforum. Does anyone know the intentions of these guys? As of yesterday they have leased over 10,000 acres(April 2017- present) in Knox county. Some info from shaleforum members include: they are paying $100/acre for all strata and East Ohio Oil and Gas is a shell company for Western Land Services. Any other information is appreciated.


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Thanks MJ.  I guess the $100/ acre bonus looked good afterall.  Good job to all the landowners groups and attorneys who recommended to not sign a lease or amendment. 

Yup, looks like I made the right call this time. Last time (Devon) I held out and got  nothing.  Was an article in Farm and Dairy just a few weeks ago about a group telling everyone to hold out for the giant offers sure to come.  

I rekon if I live to about 150 and see enough of these things I will get smart about it? This was #4 for me and 2nd time I made the right call.

Youre batting 500 , thats a pretty good average . 

Honestly, as fun as would be to troll the landowners groups and their spokesperson attorneys who don't understand "you either make a deal or you make nothing", I'm disappointed for the landowners who had high hopes or just seeing an opportunity to get ahead in the game of Life.  I'm hopeful Cabot was able to at least learn some details about the geology in the area, that will bring them back with a different plan of method in the future.  

Cabot used the word 'dry holes' 

I would think they'd all be dry until fracked.  Did Cabot frack any of these wells?

I am sure after spending tens of million $$$$$ they got a decent idea what they got .....

I am holding out on final judgement until I know if they have renewed leases or not. My 2 year leases run until fall this year and they can get an additional 5 at thier option. A friend who was one of the early signers has 5 year initial terms but he also lives on the opposite side of the county.


Read this the other day and thought I would add the link. Article didn't specify findings, but did leave questions, as Cabot felt it would not generate long term results for investors. It sounds like something is there and maybe not for the long haul.

Gary L 

Is Cabot plugging these wells? 


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