Does anyone know why drilling companies can't get permits to drill under interstate highways in Ohio. I know drilling units near me are always drilled right to the edge of the interstate then abruptly stop near me. Also, I have land that's split in two by the interstate and there are wells on each end of my property on both sides of the interstate so I'm blocked in since no drilling can take place under I-70. I've been told this by multiple companies but I haven't been able to find out what government agency is blocking it. I talked to an inspector for the ODNR and he said it wasn't them. He said it might be the Ohio department of transportation or the federal government but he didn't know. I've been told that this could change soon but no one seems to know exactly what's going on with this?

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This discussion is about drilling under interstate highways, State parks. What do storage fields have to do with this? Sorry, but you need to start a new discussion topic for that.

In Guernsey county,ohio. lots of folks oil&gas are not being extracted because of the two interstates.I-77 &I-70, along with the Salt Fork State Park Acreage. All because of the State of Ohio not wanting to lease those areas because they don't want to "offend" the Tree Huggers. The Muskingum watershed leased their minerals under Seneca Lake region and now have plenty of $$$ to improve their campgrounds/beaches/cabins/ roads/etc.etc. That is what the watershed's propertys have in common with the state owned minerals in Guernsey co. No storage fields here.


In Ohio, at least, while watershed minerals, interstate minerals, and other situations where land was taken by eminent domain aren't *supposed* to be owned by the state, many in fact are. My understanding is that while the title work is supposed to be surface only for situations like the Muskingum Watershed, Interstate routes, etc, unless the landowner at the time knew to push the issue, most of the tile work was 'fee simple' and included all mineral rights. The smart people kept minerals when they had to cede the surface. The really smart people (for roads), generally those who could afford good lawyers, didn't sell the land at all and only gave the state an easement,

I have heard that ODOT is ticked at some of the easements because of the restrictions it puts on them - for example, some are reported to only allow two lanes each way, so they can't add a third lane there.

In my case definitely because I'll no longer be boxed in and my land can finally be developed. It would probably increase my land value ten fold. I don't know how many people are in my situation but it's a definite benefit for us.

At least the one Ohio rep replied to his constituent.  I called Ohio rep Tim Ginter's office in Columbiana County where the sprawling patchwork of Beaver Creek State Park and route 11 are about this issue 6 months ago and they said they would be sure to follow up with odnr and be sure someone calls me back.  Got no call back.  Then emailed well over a week ago.  Still no response yet.  Utica Drilling has been happening almost 10 years now in Ohio.  Not sure how much more time the crats and politicians, and the slow committee need.  Real  people are getting screwed.  

Ohio needs $ for roads. decided on imposing a gas tax. could have all the $ they'd ever need by leasing their oil&gas rights under state parks and interstate highways, but,no, make the people at the pumps pay.

Totally agree with you!

Blame the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission.    That Commission was put into law in 2011.   Blame Kasich as he never appointed people to the Commission, but when heat was applied behind the scenes and the Legislature was about to remove it from Kasich’s authority he appointed people.   Spoke with man who attended their meetings and his idea for a solution was do EOIs which are expression of interest for areas where companies want to drill like the BLM does.   Here is the current holdup on the “State Lands Issue”,    Wayne National Forest is in the process of doing a revised forest plan and of course an issue is oil and gas drilling, the State of Ohio wants to align their policy with the Wayne’s policy.    The preliminary draft of this policy is about to be published for public comment between June 24 and August 9.   Six public meetings will be held, two of which will be on the Marietta Unit of the Forest, one at Marietta College July 10 in Andrews Hall and one in Monroe County at the Public Library in Woodsfield on July 30.  Both meetings are from 7 to 9.

It will be absolutely necessary to pay attention to this forest plan and MAKE COMMENTS as there are many people who want no drilling on forest property or in state parks.

As more details are announced I will try to post them.    Today was the first time it was announced the dates for these public meetings.   

you better believe there will be plenty of tree huggers and environmentalists at that meeting.

And that is exactly why we will need land and mineral owners speaking up with strong support for mineral development  as when it comes to national forests timber and mineral development is part of their stated mission, it is not all about saving every tree and bird.

I agree with you 100%..Also, If they just allowed drilling under the interstate highways & state land and had drill pads located on adjacent land that would be a big improvement & there would be absolutely no environmental impact for environmentalists to complain about.

   I think it could make a big difference,  like you say, for all landowners affected by this to contact their state congressman & governor Dewine to complain. Also, going to meetings to express our views could make all the difference.


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