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There are so many " Facts" that have come to light since this industry has arrived, Good & Bad facts regarding the process of drilling. Not unless you personally have conducted these tests. You should not be spouting off. 

I dont know how they would have checked for frack fluid..Does anyone know what's actually in it?? 

And as far as DEP! They can't even do there jobs correctly with the state of PA all over them because PA is just money hungry at this point. 

And with Wealth, unfortunately there is Greed!

And it is awsome to know 60% of the employees in Bradford are from other states.  

So nice to hear your insightful nonsense..

I'm a pro-drilling Bradford Co. landowner.  Where is your property there?
I moved to this area for the quiet, and peace. That is eroding the truck traffic noise and the threat to my drinking water are a problem for me! There are both good and bad for all of us. I hope the drillers do there work responsible and they do not polite our water and watershed!
There is a extreme amount of money associated with this. It will not go away so it should be monitored,watched and watched some more so that the environment is not compromised for someone to make lots of money and we have to live with the outcome!

Mr. Morris,

I believe in my heart that PA is doing the right thing and as far as the water we are doing all we can to protect that as well.

Thank you George for sharing my thoughts, although you'll be tossed to the wolves in this forum for having a heart and caring about the state of PA. It is nice to see actual concern coming from some home owners in this region..

I first came to this forum for

a) knowledge into how people were thinking out there about all of this

b) to determine if I wanted to sign a lease or not (as we have been approached on more than one occasion and have only seen the rates go up)

c) to request that those who ARE leasing to do all they can to ensure safety for themselves and the community around them. 

If you find my very first post, that's what I was did.  I suggested that as the well pads are constructed in these rural areas that fences be erected around the site, that new road signs be put up, that the lease included something in it about the company supplying water if yours goes bad.


I was thrown to the wolves immediately for even SUGGESTING some oversight and requesting that we all remain vigilant to ensure the safety of us rural folks as a new industry is introduced to us.  I came in here not entirely against the idea, but after the comments made here by the "pros" on this site, I'm completely disgusted and will do my best to let the people know around here how we've been told to "shut up and be happy that somebody's throwing money our way".   It's because of the responses here that I came in here thinking, okay maybe I can be okay with this whole idea if we all just stick up for ourselves right up front about what's happening around us....and have turned my thinking largely into "oh hell no, I'm not letting these people anywhere near this house.  Good job GoMarcellusShale. 


It really is good for PA. The blowout/spill was bad I agree. The components in the frac fluid at the minimal concentrations are truly harmless. Please keep an open mind.

There are positives and negatives associated with the industry.

However, when people come on here and want to focus entirely on the negatives, when they come on here and say they have questions, but then proceed to link to every over-hyped misinforming link they can find in answer to their own questions, then whether or not they know it, they've already made their decision.  Some people throw themselves to the wolves - if you start by calling people liars on this thread and "greedy", then you reap what you sow.

For those of us who have been or are involved in the industry, please forgive our frustration when some of us have taken it upon ourselves to do our best to share what the E&P companies should have communicated long ago.  It gets tiring to be asked questions, provide answers and then either asked again, "No, really, how do you really do it?" or "I have heard it's done this way".  Or post a link that simply is a reiteration of your original concern but provides no substance, just more unproven allegations and no backup.  Asking questions to us when you have already made up your mind and have a preconceived idea of the answer is unproductive at best and helps lead to the contentiousness of where this thread has wound up.

I'll be the first to admit I can lose objectivity, but we get thrown to the wolves here too.  We get thrown to the wolves for the same reasons you say: there are people who don't like to hear what we say.  We try to answer questions even when we are sure the original person asking isn't really interested in hearing it, in hopes other people will gain insights from it.

And as I have said, time and again, if you have concerns with the oversight and regulations, become familiar with what they are and if you find something not to your liking, take it to your politicians, start a petition.  As an involved wife and mother of roughnecks, like other wives and mothers, have a pretty good idea of the regulations, AND company safety procedures.  Do you really think we would want our loved ones working in a field that wasn't monitored?

I, for one, will apologize for my own bad behavior that led to the disintegration of this thread and bid you good day, take care.

George, I wholeheartedly agree.  More oversight is needed.  But, it can be done, and, it will be done.  We WILL have energy independence and a cleaner environment in my kid's lifetime.
I believe the drillers are being responsible, at least they are so far in our area. I do believe that the threat to our drinking water is over-stated by most folks. Surface contamination is the main threat to me. There is nothing wrong with us citizens keeping our watchful eye out,  as well as the regulators doing their job. I visit our local well site every week, just for this reason. I must say the folks i've talked to at the gate of the site and also the some workers,  do indeed take their job seriously so as to do things in a responsible way. So far so good here.
Thanks Craig. Well generally all try to watch our P's and Q's and DEP keeps a very close eye on us.
I just want to see them do their work safely, quickly and responsibly so we can all live with what is happening around us. So we can all get back to our lives as they were before.


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