August 2010 Blog Posts (11)

Creating a Regional Water Quality Database

Wilkes University’s Center for Environmental Quality is establishing a water quality database in response to natural gas drilling our region. The database will provide information about the current state of groundwater and surface water quality and serve as a basis for monitoring impacts related to Marcellus gas drilling activity. The database initiative is the first of its kind in northeast Pennsylvania and targets private wells in Luzerne and Columbia…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on August 31, 2010 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Doddridge County WV

I have asked this question several times, WHY ISN"T Doddridge County listed in the county groups?????. I joined the Richey County because it is close to Doddridge, but I am really interested In Doddridge.

Added by Arnold L Stuart on August 26, 2010 at 3:23am — 1 Comment

NY Drilling Moratorium - Funded and Endorsed By .....

Aug 13, 2010 09:08:45 PM, wrote:

Many of you are keenly aware of the actions of Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy in challenging the actions of Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Sullivan County Partnership for Economic Development.

According to a July 25, 2010 article in the Times Herald Record, Bruce Ferguson and Jill Wiener of that organization "accused the…


Added by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on August 19, 2010 at 2:16am — 10 Comments

New York Moratorium - what is this doing to residents?

A friend of mine posted this on another forum and it says so much. As a NY landowner in the marcellus region, her family is suffering from long-term lack of work along with questionable property values and higher tax assessment due to the presence of gas. But they still cannot access their gas or even negotiate a reasonable gas lease because of regulatory uncertainty


until we know if and when we will be able to access our gas

there is…


Added by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on August 19, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

some people are not signing with any one. what good is it when everyone around you has signed a lease. lets all do this we all could use some money. and we must make sure our land is not poisoned.Ame…

some people are not signing with any one. what good is it when everyone around you has signed a lease. lets all do this we all could use some money. and we must make sure our land is not poisoned.America we can do this get the gas AND STILL PROTECT OUR LAND.

Added by Jeffrey L kerr on August 18, 2010 at 11:23am — No Comments

Baseline Water Testing for Northeastern PA - a different Tiered Approach for Private Well Owners

This is a list of parameter for wells outside the 1000 foot radius around a well and not along a horizontal leg. I do not agree with the standard 3-Tiered approach and I am providing this as an alternative.

Testing Package # 1

This package is recommended as a screening for post gas development or screening for wells that are not a long a major roadway or areas that have not been leased. …


Added by Brian Oram, PG on August 16, 2010 at 5:48pm — 8 Comments

Baseline Water Quality Testing - Marcellus Shale Development What Parameters Should be Tested?

For the past 20 years, I have stressed the importance of private well construction standards and getting your water tested for your private well or water source. Because of the specifics concerns with respect to the Marcellus Shale, the citizens are recognizing the importance of documenting the baseline quality of their drinking water and recreational water sources.…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on August 16, 2010 at 5:20am — 11 Comments

What is going on in luzerne county !?

What is going on in luzerne county !?


Added by big e on August 13, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments

Friendsville Area or Lake of Meadows area

Anyone know about drilling in these areas? When is it expected to pick up?

Added by Sherrie Bazin on August 9, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

On Water... The Trucking Dilemma

So we have talked a lot here about the specifics of water treatment and how this is done, but one area that I think all of us can agree is the volume of water trucks on the road. I was recently in Greene County PA at a well site and was stuck behind a huge convoy of tankers bringing water to a frac job. I could see the obvious inconvenience and damage that these trucks can do to a community, but oddly enough the efforts to reduce/eliminate them has been fought by ... you guessed it, the… Continue

Added by Michael Havelka on August 9, 2010 at 4:52am — 5 Comments

Fracking Moratorium till may of 2011!

I encourage everyone to contact the NYS assembly members in your area ( call-write-email-harass-) Tell them NOT to pass this job-killing moratorium that flew by in NYS senate. How many more jobs is NYS politicians keeping away from those unemployed folks? The comical part of this sad story is- it takes NYS 3hrs to watch 60 min! How in hell are they going to study MORE enviromental issues in 10 months? They have had years to check the facts! With this failing economy, high taxes, no cuts… Continue

Added by sue a warner on August 4, 2010 at 7:00am — 9 Comments

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