All Blog Posts (1,974)

Education Curriculum Caters to Marcellus Shale

Representative of New York’s 29th Congressional District, Tom Reed, held a hearing on August 6th at the Jamestown Community College to discuss the potential of Marcellus shale gas in New York as well as understand how the southern tier is preparing a workforce for this industrial process.  The hearing was by invite only; it brought out members of the public, press, the Independent Oil & Gas Association of…


Added by Nicole Jacobs on August 13, 2012 at 7:18am — No Comments

Ohio Shale Coalition Sees Tremendous Benefits for Ohio

Executive Vice President of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Director of the Ohio Shale Coalition, Linda Woggon, discusses the incredible change Ohio is seeing because of growing shale development in the Buckeye State:

"Shale energy has the potential to drive economic development and job growth across the Buckeye State. From land payments, infrastructure improvements, well construction and pipelines to the rebirth of the chemical industry and manufacturing, the…


Added by Anne Carto on August 13, 2012 at 5:25am — No Comments

Oxford Stays the Course

There was a fascinating town board meeting in Oxford, New York, Chenango County, recently. The town board was asked to consider enacting a ban or moratorium on natural gas development, which it decided to discuss in public forum. When word got out the board was going to be discussing natural gas, the prospective attendance grew to numbers the town hall couldn’t hold, so they were forced to move it to the local high school auditorium.

EID Marcellus was there in the form of yours truly…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 12, 2012 at 12:06pm — No Comments

Got Questions About the Constitution Pipeline?

Earlier this week in Oneonta, New York, Otsego County there was a public information session on the…


Added by Nicole Jacobs on August 9, 2012 at 2:52am — No Comments

20 Questions, 20 Answers on Natural Gas in NY

Recently, we became aware of a list of supposedly tough natural gas questions floating around upstate New York. Assembled by another aging activist seeking relevance in a modern world and, more specifically, the small pond of Oxford, New York, these queries were, we heard, designed to stop pro-gas forces in their tracks. We requested a copy and, despite our reluctance to give any attention to our attention-seeking friend on the other side, decided the questions, if you can call them that,…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 8, 2012 at 3:19am — No Comments

OGA Pres. Jimmy Stewart: Natural Gas Development Bringing Jobs, Investment to Ohio

These are exciting times in the natural gas industry here in Ohio and across the United States.  The last four years have brought plunging wholesale natural gas prices due to the combination of substantially increased supplies with only modest growth in demand.  The resulting low prices have created an enormous economic benefit for both gas customers and the overall economy.

Ohio is in a unique position to benefit from the production of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids from…


Added by Anne Carto on August 8, 2012 at 2:39am — No Comments

Carroll County Unemployment Craters Thanks to Oil and Natural Gas Development (VIDEO)

Unemployment continues to drop in communities around Ohio as they embrace shale development.  This week, Mike Chadsey of EID-Ohio checked out Carroll County, a community clearly changing for the better because of oil and gas:

"Yesterday, the Akron Beacon Journal reported that Carroll County, Ohio is the first county in the Buckeye State to host 100 Utica…


Added by Anne Carto on August 7, 2012 at 2:50am — No Comments

Usual Suspects Try Blackmailing Governor

The anti-natural gas crowd hasn’t had much success trying to change Governor Cuomo’s mind on natural gas development. Among the many reasons this is the case, is New York needs all the help it can get as far as economic boosts are concerned. Now, in a last ditch attempt the anti-natural gas folks are sending out letters to Governor Cuomo’s campaign contributors in a desperate attempt to stop development in New York. Its equivalent to a last second sprint in a 200 meter race as a struggling…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 7, 2012 at 2:24am — No Comments

Energy In Depth-Ohio launches new Ohio jobs portal, today!

Today, Energy in Depth – Ohio is proud to announce the launch of Ohio’s first energy  jobs portal.

As many Ohioans continue to look for work during a challenging economy, this portal is Ohio’s energy-only jobs site focusing on opportunities supported by the Utica Shale. It is designed as a one-stop resource to help Ohioans and rewarding work in Ohio’s oil and natural gas industry. This site looks to take advantage of the great opportunities our geological…


Added by Anne Carto on August 6, 2012 at 4:14am — No Comments

America Needs Hydraulic Fracturing to Win

Natural gas, really hydraulic fracturing, is producing major wins for America across the board.  The U.S. Census for 2010 includes some fascinating numbers from the American Community Survey. It indicates there are roughly 57 million American households or one-half of all households heat their homes with natural gas.  Add to that the high and ever growing proportion of our electric power and steam heat generated by natural gas and it becomes very clear just how dominant this natural resource…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 6, 2012 at 2:58am — 2 Comments

Radon Redux

We have done three previous posts on this blog pointing out the gargantuan flaws in Marvin Resnikoff’s work.  You can read them here, here and here.  We have noted his work is not only seriously blemished with numerous defects, but his testimony has been rejected again and again in courts of scientific research as well as law, qualifying him as the perfect “anti-expert.”  Well, it turns out the scientific community, may have had it with him, too.  The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has just…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 4, 2012 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Dimock Resident Says "We told you so!"

Its finally done. The EPA has packed up and left town. They miraculously discovered that natural gas exploration has not had a significant environmental impact on Dimock. The sad part is that those of us who live here knew this fact long ago. We had to form a group, Enough Already! to fight a senseless proposed water line to our village. We had to form a group, Dimock Proud, to state our village is a place where the water is clean and the people are friendly. At least the rest of the world…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 3, 2012 at 2:09pm — No Comments

Watch Out for the Man in the Tweed Jacket

The Independent Oil & Gas Association of New York (IOGA-NY) has recently been taking Truthland out for screening in some of the far reaches of upstate and western New York.  EID Marcellus was there for a showing of the movie at the University of Buffalo.  It  was a private event and there was no connection with the school except for the location, a point made clear from the very beginning by moderator Cherie Messore.   The event turned out members of the press who, I must add, did an…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 3, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Nationwide Sets the Record Straight IOtself

Despite assertions made over the last several weeks, Nationwide has not issued any new guidelines nor taken any new positions regarding fracking.

With the increase in hydraulic fracking, particularly in the Midwest and Northeast, Nationwide evaluated our position (as we routinely do with any of our coverages) and decided not to make any changes in our long-standing position on exclusions related to…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 2, 2012 at 2:15pm — No Comments

Marcellus Shale Development Approved by Those Closest To It

The University of Pittsburgh has recently released a survey conducted by them and titled The Pittsburgh Regional Quality of Life Survey.  This survey was undertaken in an effort to understand the behaviors and attitudes of greater Pittsburgh’s citizens.  The sampling strategy used in this project allowed the researchers to compare and summarize findings for the City of Pittsburgh and surrounding counties.  Given that a majority of the counties surrounding Pittsburgh are developing Marcellus…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 1, 2012 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Rally Falls Flat in DC - 1/3 the Vote4Energy Rally in NY

Washington anti-gas rally flops bigtime!

Blame it on the heat. Or the start of the Olympics. Or the ill-timed Associated Press investigation revealing how top anti-gas activists routinely distort science. Or EPA’s decision to announce earlier that same week that Dimock’s water was, is and has always been safe to drink – demoralizing those who have dined-out on that talking point for years.

Whatever the reasons, Saturday’s anti-shale rally in Washington didn’t quite generate…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 30, 2012 at 12:09pm — No Comments

Natural Gas vs. Renewables - No Contest

Dick Downey reports a “fractivist” ended the recent Otsego County Natural Gas Advisory Committee’s meeting by intoning the following statement:

  A dollar spent on natural gas is one less dollar spent on renewables.

Very deep, but what does this mean?  It’s probably about subsidies, so let’s scroll back to Economics…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 29, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Hey, Leave the Kids Out of It, OK?

Vic Furman says:

Several days ago I sat in the audience at a Town of Coventry Town Board meeting, once again enduring the rhetoric from natural gas opponents who think seeing Gasland made them experts on natural gas, hydraulic fracturing and the environment.  It was one hysteric cry after another, repeated endlessly at one meeting after another, with no facts to back up any of it.…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 29, 2012 at 1:45pm — No Comments

More Natural Gas Opposition Parading as Science

Uni Blake

Environmental Consultant – Toxicologist

Master’s Degree in Environmental Toxicology – American University


A recent research paper entitled Natural Gas…


Added by Nicole Jacobs on July 27, 2012 at 6:11am — 1 Comment

EPA Declares Dimock Safe Yet Again in Merciful End to Saga

Well, its been said before and we will say it again.  The water in Dimock is safe.  It has now been declared by Cabot Oil and Gas, Pennsylvania DEP and the Environmental Protection Agency.  The agency’s latest findings match its…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 25, 2012 at 9:20am — 5 Comments

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