Wishguard leasing in Northern Trumbull and Southern Ashtabula Counties...

A company called Wishguard has been leasing in Northern Trumbull and Southern Ashtabula counties over the past few weeks...signs posted on roads in many places announcing locations and times for lease signings (last one I know of was in Huntsburg, and I believe one will be in Gustavus soon...).  Their offer is 1600 an acre with 15% royalties, much lower than what ALOV has been promoting, but with ALOV giving so little updated info to those in their group some have already dropped out and signed with Wishguard, and others are considering doing the same.


I know already that Wishguard represented Gulfport Energy in SE Ohio leasing (secured leases for FAR less than what they are now!) and have checked out the Wishguard web page (no real info there...).  Just wondering if anyone knows who Wishguard is representing here in NE Ohio, or if they are just securing leases now to be flipped at a later date?

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Yes keep your group together, I am in Belmont County in a good large group and there is a new one being advertised ran by a law firm out of Akron , they are stating people tired of waiting with no results from the group to join there bunch and they will get you signed quickly with a promise of cash in hand by December 31, with a better deal than the $4950 per acre and 19%  our local colrein group signed for . It is much easier  to get that kind of offer from a company if a local landowner group has already negotited to get a deal like that was . All they have to do is get some of the landowners to join their group and the oil companies will be glad to pay just a little more to grab the acres . They know the acres are going to be more valuable with each good production report that   proves what we have here Then that group takes 4% of the landowners royalty for a quicky deal . I am sure our group will hold together for the best for all of us , Especially since Chesapeke posted the production results out of harrison county , I don't like to see any out of town outfit try to come in and make a quick buck and never care about the local landowners at heart . Keep your group together and run the others out of town . Group members can post the group contacts everywhere you have bulletin board this will attract you more members and hopefully some people will take the initiative to explain to  the older members of the community about the real truth of the entire deal .keep on keepin it together for the benefit of all of your neighbors ,Good Luck
Wishguard is leasing, and will flip at later date.

I'd avoid Wishgard like the plague. They have made such a bad name for themselves in SE Ohio (I'm in Belmont county) that they had to go north where they are not known yet. They will lie to you. Every time you talk to them the story will change. When they send you paperwork it will not match the details they said in person or on the phone. They will put the hard sell on you and tell you to sign now or you will miss out. This is total BS. They are lease flippers. They were charging 8% of your lease signing bonus AND when they flipped the leases they also were assigned a 1% royalty interest in those leases. That makes them an unwanted business partner FOR LIFE if you sign a lease with them. The first round of leases they were offering were in the name of a company called Tri-Star Energy Holdings. Wishgard got 8% for obtaining leases for Tri-Star plus the 1% royalty interest. Tri-Star later flipped those leases to Gulfport Energy and I'm sure they did not do it for free. The leases they offered allowed them 90 business days to "market" the signed leases in an attempt to find a buyer. In Belmont they weasled their way into an additional 60 day extension with some landowners before finally getting them $1840/acre and 15% royalty. A couple months later and those same areas are seeing $4950/acre and 19% leases and there is still land to lease.

I have a few questions about the ALOV group.

First, they claim to be a nonprofit, but I know people that have been approached to sign leases on a percentage

basis for ALOV, with both a price per acre as well as an overriding royalty percentage,  has anyone else heard this?

Second, is it really true that there be a bidding process for the ALOV group, or is it just a Chesapeake right of first refusal?

Finally I could not agree more with the comment about keeping the money local, to that point, has anyone have a figure on the percentage of the ALOV leases that will end up being owned by the Chinese.

 Any information on the above questions would be appreciated?

Thanks, and keep up the good work.



Hey Craig,


I have seen in the past where people felt that they were getting the best lease, because it had the most amount of pages or the most upfront money. If you would like I can cut and paste from the ALOV lease specific examples of the verbage within the lease that would have me a bit concerned. Have you even read the ALOV lease in detail, or are you a property owner that is looking at only the upfront money. Do you have an agreement with ALOV to make yourself some sort of monetary gain. I am sure that this group was started with the greatest intentions, but in my opinion you have been misled and sold a lease full of fluff. I am sure your children and grandchildren will be thanking you for generations.


I know of no charges to ALOV group members other than the $60 per parcel they charge upfront.  Maybe you're thinking of the new group founded recently by Bob Rea - Buckeye Mineral Development?  They're not a non-profit...but also may be able to work more closely now with individual landowners...

ALOV's lease is at very least as good as any I'VE seen so far...add much more to it, and no O & G company will be willing to sign at all...

Foreign investors are involved in ALL O & G companies...as with most big business, it's all a part of trying to do business.  Try finding a purely American run and funded O & G willing to pay current lease rates and that have a lease as landowner friendly as the ALOV lease, then when you do, plan to wait 15-20 years for them to be able to get their 1 or 2 rigs around to drill...

Hello If you have proof of the intervention of foreign control of any oil company it would be good for all of us to see this posted ,it would be intersting to see who may be behind all the doors if you can provide such information here please do so  Thank You in advance
Unless you were part of the ALOV group that signed the deal with CHK, you probably don't have the final lease. The DRAFT lease that is on their website was the starting point of their negotiations with CHK. The final lease was not released for the general public.

AR, If you come across my posting's here and there throughout this site you will see again and again i say keep personal attacks off this site, so i will again encourage all to be respectfull. I also use my full name as i have no reason to hide my intentions.

This site was started by good people wanting a transparent way to educate and offer the latest news and happenings having to do with this shale play. Lets keep this in mind.

 ALOV has already helped many, and with that success under there belt, they were asked to help another group. The landowners of Trumbull county were told that those north of St.Rt. 88 were of no interest to Chesapeake at first.

ALOV reps. told me late July or early August that they would put me on a "waiting list" of sorts, when i called them to ask for inclusion in the group. Thay also told me if i knew of others wishing to join, have them call ALOV. I put the word out here then, and ALOV recieved many more call's and had a large "list" to work with, and seek ways to help include them in the bidding process.

It was mentioned that they may have to form a new entity to help these Trumbull county  landowners, and maybe a fee in the form of a percentage of the bonus money may be in order. It was said that the business with ALOV would be finished, and legally and ethically they may have to form us up in a new group, and a fee may be in order to cover the time expenditure of all the staff and legal team. "MAY" being the operative word. I was contacted in August and told then, as i suspect others were, to go down to R.D. Banks in Champion and sign the ALOV agreement, pay the $60 fee, and they would be able to get me in under the same original ALOV agreement, thus negating the idea of a fee for service arangement in the form of a % of bonus money, other than the $60 application fee.

I have read the ALOV lease and if signed as written, it seems to be the most land owner friendly and inclusive lease i have found offered enmass. I will mention i have a formal education in Petroleum Engineering and it covers lease agreements and oil and gas law. I am not an expert but i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.

I have personally met Craig Stull, he is a neighbor, and know him to be a good man and his intentions seem transparent, so again i urge you to keep accusations clear of your postings. Good Day.

If the group is charging a fee or not you can resolve that by contacting their group, If a group has a small fee that covers the attorney work that is still very cheap especially if you have to get your own attorney ,but a large percentage of your bonus is considered Unethical by a large attorney group. Also this worry about our energy going to other countries is a good one but how many of those that complain will be the same ones that shop at Walmart, buy foreign cars , or bikes and have allowed the foreign products into their homes for years . We as americans need to pay attention to what we buy to bring our economy and some of our products back to good standings by our avid support . Be American buy American although it is not easy it can be done if you put forth the effort . God Bless America and best wishes

I see AR quit posting after being challenged on his dispariging comments on ALOV & their lease, Look at his profile on his page, I assume he also works for wishgard & pleasnt view

here is AR' sprofile

What has been your experience in the Marcellus Shale?

I have many friends and associates that are landmen, and I interact with landowners on a daily basis.
wishgard paid 1840 an acre to land owners in monroe county and paid over 60 mill directly to land owners in Aug 2011  see the wheeling intelegencer paper on aug 3rd...  monroe county isnt the heart of the product.. and neither is trumbell and ashtabula.. but  columbiana, carrol, harrison, some of jefferson and parts of guernsey are..   that is the sweet spot where companies can afford to pay more .. based on geology and exploratory wellls..    5-10 times better


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