Have owned property in Millwood Twp. Guernsey Co. for past 25 yrs. MarkWest has contacted me about running a pipeline across my property. They don't want to pay much but talk like they will negotiate. Has anybody had any past experience with this company?

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You may want to follow the Millwood Twp. thread: 


What is that?

The GoMarcellus site has many subgroups.  This thread on pipelines is on the main page.  For information about Guernsey county you would follow this thread:


For information about Millwood twp you would follow this thread:http://gomarcellusshale.com/group/guernseycounty/forum/topics/millw...

Mr. Shell--some things to consider.

1. Do  you need this opportunity?

2. Does ROW Co. need your route?

3. If you don't sign, what is your best alternative?

4. If ROW Co. can not agree with you, what is its best

      alternative? One correspondent said "they' go around you">

     Is that possible? true?  Information is very important.

5. Remember, the ROW is forever, the payment is once.

    So do your development plans outweigh  the ROW money?

Just a starting place.



they get what they want usually or just go around you.  i played chicken with them once and lost, they went around me.  Blue Racer is working at my farm now, they told me yesterday Mark West suspended all operation yesterday due to oil prices.. i cant say what i got per foot but it was over $99 and under $101.   hope that helps ;)

I own land in Millwood township too. How long ago did you sign this lease?

Haven't signed anything yet. They have contacted me but we are still in talking stage. I found this site by accident & just trying to find out if anybody has had experience with them. Have received a few very helpful reply's. I am on 513 just south of Putney Ridge. Where are you. We might be neighbors.

Something I just thought of. There is a Mark West pipeline just a little south of you. Maybe even on the border of your property , do you know which one I'm speaking of ? If so why aren't they using that ROW

Rob, Love your humor!   Wondered what your maximum pipe diameter is and for how many pipes.  Thanks

Rob, I got a :) out of that too. Good for you.

Charles, From personal experience MWE doesn't negotiate very much on price. They are willing to give addendums to limits on access, location, above ground facilities .... Later they wanted road access and I told them I wanted my 1800 foot driveway like a pad access road and they wined about the cost of rock, so no road access.I did sock it to them on work areas later and told them it would be very expensive after that. Pissed me off about driveway upgrade. I will say those ROW are now nice and clear of them crab apples, briars and brambles.

I doubt MWE stopped all projects. I think that Hilman Fox processing plant is still a go along with all the pipelines.

The access road & my driveway are a matter we have discussed. They told me the same, too expensive for all the rock. Would be nice to have a clear ROW across the property. It was strip mined yrs. ago & left pretty rough. Thanks for reply.

If MarkWest has no other choice but to cross your land then consider yourself lucky with your hand in the cookie jar. Everything is in your favor and you will have them eating out of your hand.


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