Josh Fox is charging $7,500 for speaking appearances now...LOL!

along with the requisite of round trip air fare to and from NYC. Anyone remember those salsa commercials... "this stuff is made york city... NEW YORK CITY?"  haha


Josh Fox, looking out for the little guy! 

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If you want to say that CEO pay in general is a bit high, that's a different conversation and one which I would tend to agree with you on.  But is has nothing to do with the public, the average worker in the gas field, or the general public.  This does. 

I'm talking about someone who deliberately lies on a CONSTANT basis to instill fear in the populace and then uses that fear for his own celebrity and financial gain.  His lies have the potential to harm our economy, degrade our homeland security, and lower our quality of life. 





Mike, the very fact that he starts his story with a lie,  A lie about his home, home state and life should make the rest of the flick Moot.  Drilling Man press put it out on radio and TV last summer, but since we target working ppl early in the am, it has less of an effect than we had hoped.



No, it's not.  Thanks for asking.



Because leasing is going to be a moot point if people like Mr. Fox are successful in their goal of BANNING MARCELLUS SHALE DRILLING.   Seems pertinent to me. 



Have you not seen the fallout from him?  Hard to ignore articles all through the New York Times, even though they are of the same ilk as GASLAND.  Distorted/omitted/imagined facts.  


Whether you like it or not, the public perception war has gone mainstream.  No more ignoring this now.  Other side is not only fighting, but they are fighting dirty.  We have lots of ground to make up and are losing more every day. 

J. Fox is a joke and it's sad that he has benefited monetarily so much by passing out kool-aid to as many idiots as he can find that will sip from the cup..
We need to constantly have a rebuttal to things being said that are ultimately & deliberately scaring people. It is important to have good information readily available for all responses. Everyone wants the Marcellus Shale play to be a positive endeavor for all concerned. No one wants our water to be polluted. Perhaps there have been problems that needed to be addressed. Positive solutions can keep the Marcellus Shale Play going strong. There is an article published on the Penn State Marcellus Shale website called " Insights To Pennsylvania Marcellus Wastewater Treatment" in response to the Times articles. Also, "Penn Future Facts" published "Searching For Marcellus Heaven" talks about solutions for standards in drilling that relates different issues that could be addressed. Also, Penn State was given a grant to monitor the impact of Marcellus Shale on Drinking Water. We should be watching for those results.

NYC... i thought he lived in PA (snicker)  This is the new Organic.  The avrage person can make a killing pretending to side with the little man.  if you attack the wealthy white man and side with all the others, you can make a killing.  Even if you are the son of wealthy white ppl.

and the industry isn't pretending to side with the little man?  "sign here and you'll be rich!" 

how many musicians have fallen for that and are now living destitute while the industry took all their money?  it's really the same kind of thing. some agreements are good. some agreements are bad.  just depends on how smart you are when you sign.  too bad some of the "little men" out there in appalachia where this so-called boom seems to be centered don't even know how to read...being promised money and told time is running out to sign and all the other nasty ways to get someone to sign over their property rights.    the other option is to hire a lawyer to help them out, but who knows who to trust these days?  and honestly, a lawyer? my dad was a coal miner. do you think a) he knew a friggin' lawyer?  and b) had the money to hire one?  a good, honest one? let's get real.  everybody's trying to get rich. son of wealthy white people or not.  god bless america.

I don't clame to say that the industry is perfect.  Get real.  The details are on each person to look out for himself.

So the Coal industry is bad? or are people bad? or are just some people bad?  I mean if you are going to play the Gas industry is bad card, then you could also justify being a racist.  Lumping all into one big chunk is just foolish.


But at the same time, the gas business puts money in peoples hands.  And so often once thoes farmers, small business people and working class joe's making 5,000 every 2 weeks become more than the lazy guy next door, he is seperated from the click and i"m going to presume that is your angle.


This isn't Coalwood WV BTW.

Boy I could fix a lot of private wells with 7.5K


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