The most common accusations against shale exploration - and yes, ANSWERS

It seems as though these days people just aren't willing to do any unbiased investigating concerning the issue of natural gas drilling before jumping on the "stop drilling - natural gas companies are evil" bandwagon.  It may not seem like it from all the news articles you come across, but the overwhelming majority of people are actually pro-drilling.  However, the majority of non-industry people (regular citizens) who are actually voicing their opinions are the anti-drilling groups. 


If you google Marcellus drilling, you will get 100's of pages of the fears of fracking, pollution, companies raping the land like coal companies, etc..  The problem is that the industry is painted as not caring about the environment, and going by its own rules.  Here are the most common accusations against natural gas drilling.  Again, take my comments with a grain of salt and do some real research on your own before believing anything.  And by research, I dont mean newspapers, or extreme websites... I mean peer reviewed science literature.  Here we go:



Q:  Why dont companies tell us what chemicals are in frack fluids?!?   


A.  This is a claim found everywhere and it's such a misleading question.  It's posed as if these companies are hiding something.  The chemicals used have never been a secret to the public.  I don't understand why this keeps coming up when the info is right there.  Example: Go to Chesapeake's website.  They put a large link to the "frac facts" right on their homepage.  Yes, their homepage.  It lists every chemical in a frac fluid.  You may not agree with the chemicals involved, but don't say that they're not telling you.  Next question. 



Q.  Why don't companies release how much of each chemical is in their frac fluid?  


A.   Is that really the question you're looking to get an answer to?  If Haliburton said they were putting .0001 ounces of biocide per 100,000 gallons instead of .0002 ounces per 100,000 gallons... Would that change your view of fracking?   This question is asked (like the specific chemicals used in frac fluids question) in order to make the industry appear as if it has a dirty little secret.  Let's be logical, that small difference is not going to change your opinion, but it gives you the argument they're hiding something. 


The exact formulas to the T are not known, but the general amounts are known (down to a hundreth of one percent).  That's pretty damn good.  Like the specific chemicals involved, this question has an answer - again it's plastered on Chesapeake's home page.


Q.  We need to hold companies responsible for the wastewater!  We can't let them dump it wherever they want!


A.  There are actually incredibly strict sets of regulations for companies to abide by when dealing with their water.  If you don't abide by them, you are gone - see ya, no drilling permits are issued.  When I hear these claims I say to myself "Yes, you're right, we should be holding them accountable...We do.   There should be regulations... and there are".    It's like a person saying "We can't let police officers wear neon green dresses to work!"...  Well, I don't think anybody is arguing against that.  And they don't. 


The industry IS held responsible.  People need to understand that companies can not drill if they don't get every permit approved by the DEP.  If the DEP approves it, then why is the "blame" (used loosely) on the companies?   I expect the typical "because the DEP is in the pockets of the industry"..  leads me to my next false statement.


Q.  The DEP is in the pocket of the industry, that's why there are no regulations!


A.  Well, we've discussed the regulations already as being some of the strictest regulations in the country.  Now as to the DEP being corrupt.  That's a pretty bold statement to make considering nobody has any information as to why they say that (funny word I call "data").  I'm not going to say show me the data because that's a defensive statement.  I can say, however, that for every dollar lobbyists bring in for natural gas drilling, 100 are brought in by coal or oil.  1000 for renewables (biomass especially).  To say natural gas has a stranglehold is... well..  just wrong.  Do you wonder why the US has the most natural gas in the world, yet relies on it the least for electricity and fuel (generally speaking)?  Even if lobbyists do get some more support for natural gas drilling - are you against switching from gasoline to a cleaner natural gas fueled vehicle?  Are you against America being able to finally use it's own energy source and stop funding foreign corrupt countries?



There are literally hundreds of questions/claims just like this that have answers.  I know, it is tough to be able to tell what is factual and what is propoganda when you are new to this industry.  Even this post here, don't believe a word I say until you actually do a little digging from both sides.  Yes, go check out some of the problems involved with drilling, then check out how companies are addressing it.  Let's see if the extremists environmentalists have that type of comment ever (e.g. "go check out Exxon's safety record and come back to me").  They won't ever say that, because they know the truth is there which refutes their argument.  I am pro-natural gas, a proud American.  Go Marcellus.

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Great. Once you read this, you'll suggest we all stop driving:
Dear Drillman,
I'm not sure I get your point. If you're saying that I personally am suggesting any particular course of action, then you've failed to read me accurately. My concern is that we have as many facts as possible, hopefully without hype, and that we can come to an informed opinion based upon those facts.

If your point is that we ought to ignore the effects of pollution upon our health, I respectfully disagree with that point.

There is a possible implication from your post that I am prepared to take an extreme position based upon a newspaper article. Again, with respect, you have misunderstood where I am coming from and how I see things. Please feel free to clarify your post and/or to correct my impressions of it.
Well said, van Hulsteyn.
This doctor just seems to be another liberal democrat, or nimby obstructionist to the people of new york, who doesn't care how many jobs gas drilling would bring to New York state, oh and by the way there is a list of frac chemicals used if you really want to know what they are, just type in frac chemicals used in gas drilling and there is a complete list! no i'm not in the og buss just a concerned landowner who doesn't like a part time vacationer telling me how or what to do with the land i paid for and contiue to pay taxes on!
Bravo! Let's continue to be the voice of reason. Do not allow the obstructionists to win this battle. The opportunity before us is once-in-a-lifetime. I agree there needs to be significant oversight and I believe the DEC will create new jobs (imagine that) to properly manage the drilling process so that it continues to be done in a safe and environmentally sound manner. These same obstructionists (like the "doctor") don't have any qualms about driving their vehicles and heating their homes yet they feel they are above the rest of us when it comes to their extremely hypocritical stance on this issue.
Dear Drillman,
Again you are applauding hype and stating things that are not backed by fact. You claim that "the DEC will properly manage the drilling process". If only that were true. There are numerous tales of it not being so.

You claim that those who hold a point of view different from your own are "obstructionists", and are taking a "hypocritical stance on this issue" Leaving the labels out, please specify why you are saying what you are saying. Facts, this time, not slander.
There is no slander in my comments or tone. I am very sensitive to the "facts" as you call them. I'm not understanding why calling it as I see it is so offensive to you. Convince me my "label" of you as "hypcritical" is inaccurate? Do you not consume energy? Do you not wear clothing? Live in a home or apartment? Do you not work? Don't drive or take public transportation? Every been to a hospital? Dentist? Movie? Restaurant? Do you support drilling in any way shape or form? Be honest. Will there ever be enough regulation and trust in a government agency for you to throw your support behind drilling the Marcellus? Is it your belief that drilling is safe as long as hydrofracking isn't employed?

Take your time in answering these questions. I'm looking forward to your honest response.
Dear Drillman,
I think we're coming across as two billy goats butting heads, but let's have at it to see if there is some underlying common ground that we can agree upon. In your response, you raise specific points as questions. Let me try to respond to each in turn:
"Do you support drilling in any way shape or form?"
"Be honest."
I always try to be
"Will there ever be enough regulation and trust in a government agency for you to throw your support behind drilling the Marcellus?"
Of course-although that is not currently the case
"Is it your belief that drilling is safe as long as hydrofracking isn't employed?"
I don't know the answer to this one. All I'm trying to do is to educate myself along the way, and so far hydrofracing is coming up as a technique that needs very careful monitoring and guidelines.

As far as convincing you of anything- that isn't my goal-getting to the facts that we can agree upon is.
You do raise an interesting point:
"I'm not understanding why calling it as I see it is so offensive to you."
Perhaps because I initially looked at your earliest posts as someone who had experience to share, and now I've become aware that you prefer to drift into non-fact descriptions and allegations. I am disappointed in both you and me.
1. Let's discuss your answer to "will there ever be enough regulation and trust…". You replied "Of course." Please elaborate. What specifically are you looking for in regulation so that you will throw your support behind drilling?
2. Why is it so important for us to "agree upon" the so called "facts?" What is the distinction between facts, and distortion of the same? Are you implying that every bit of information you believe to be true is factual and that those you disagree with are non-factual?

The Ithaca environmentalist Walter Hang presented defamatory information (related to drilling in NY State) that was later found to be less than factual yet his faithful still hang on every word he says as if it's gospel. Doesn't that mean that we all believe in our own facts or do you have some special insight into what is factual or not that others are unable to conclude on their own?
3. Why so disappointed in yourself? Because you find "labels" offensive? Unproductive?
4. Why the overwhelming need to be in "agreement" with others? Do you need the support of others to feel confident in your own opinion?
Dear Terry,
Your response has finger pointing and labels throughout. Is this the way to get to an unbiased bottom truth? I'm a landowner like yourself, pay taxes as do you, and consider any benefits from the land as a gift to be used wisely. You seem to be saying that you acknowledge little else aside from the riches to which you are entitled. Perhaps I am misreading you. Let me assure you that I wish you great wealth and all that you are entitled to- my concern is that in the process we honor the land and those of our neighbors not so fortunate. Build your wealth, but not at the expense of others. Let's be responsible for not leaving a wake of pollution in our journey.

I do take your point about jobs-we can agree on that certainly. Can we also agree that the safeguards of the drilling process needs to be such that the drilling companies have to take responsibility to protect/clean up the environment if their operation has badly affected it?
The drilling companies are held responsible for damages that occur as a result of drilling. Not only is this indemnification language apparent in every lease I've ever seen, there is strict regulatory oversight and existing statutes specifically designed to minimize environmental impact. Drilling is not new to NY and the DEC has had many years to augment this regulatory process so that clearly, it is better regulated than your local gas station. What would lead you to believe otherwise? Please be specific.
Dear Drillman,
Hasn't N.Y.State banned the fracing procedure for 18 months claiming that they had major concerns about aquifer contamination? Haven't we seen/heard a series of horror stories about the gas companies NOT cleaning up after themselves, and the government NOT being able to be relied upon to protect the individual land owner?

You asked for specifics, and you are entitled to them. Please check out the following site:


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