I've noticed on all the maps I've seen pertaining to the horizontal wells drilled that the laterals all go nortwest or southeast. some go over a mile in those directions. Would like to learn why? Is it because of how the shale formation is laying? Also. does this mean that the unit size ,whether 640 acres,or 1280 acres, will be a long rectangle,as opposed to a square unit? Would royalties only go to the landowners within that unit?  Could your land be only a few thousand feet directly east of the well & not be part of it?

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What does the plat map look like? Maybe they fit the laterals to what they could lease?

This whole area is AEP so I'm not sure.. they own everything down here.

I've attached the 3 well plats here. The laterals all run N17deg20'15"W. The original map you posted shows a line from starting and ending point of the well as plotted on the surface. The plats show all 3 laterals parallel to each other.


Here I've attached the page showing the well pad. Note the entry holes are only 15 feet apart


Link to Sanor well Homeworth/ North Georgetown, OHIO


Look again at the permit drawings,  only the center well shows a straight, the other 2 show a bore line almost perpendicular to the laterals from the "Surface Hole" to the "Entry Point" so this gives you a direction of the bore from the surface to the entry point in the Utica and then the laterals run parallel from there. The exact  coordinates will be log when they drill the wells.   

Those logs of the exact drilled coordinates are generally added to the permit file after the first mandatory reporting period once the well is put into production. I have seen them for some wells drilled in 2009. Wells put into production last year have a report due in March. Recently drilled wells that go into production this year will probably be reported next March (2013).

Only ODNR can fix that.

You'll have to ask ODNR to correct the way they map the wells on the Locator.  They created that map and are the only ones who can fix it. It is only intended to give you a general starting and ending point for each horizontal well bore. As it is set up now, it probably isnt going to give an accurate picture. The information IS available though, in a different location on the ODNR website.

I pulled the 3 plats I posted from the ODNR OIL AND GAS WELL DATABASE for the three wells in question (Guernsey permit#'s 24190, 24200, 24204).  They show the correct accurate well bore locations as proposed by the driller, including the surface location, entry point into the produced formation, bottom hole location, and proposed drilling unit boundaries. These plats are available with each well's information, along with the entire permit application file. ODNR will likely tell you to look at the permit files for the wells in question if you are looking for the accurate locations of the well bores.

Here is a Google Earth map of the 3 wells that Finnbear is talking about.  It shows that there is overlapping drainage and that the area under the pad is included in the drainage area. You will need Google Earth installed on your computer to view the map.  You can click on the larger placemarkers for a link to the ODNR well documentation.


OK... I got it now that I looked at all three plats. My confusion was that I thought I had two of these permit maps that showed different bearings from that pad and posted the locator map because I could not find them.. .. must have been looking at another well map. I understand about the surface hole (pad).. entry point etc. The locator map is a simplification.

Thanks for making me look at the correct maps.. Doh !!


 Not to throw more info onto the pile here, but here are 3 picts of the permits of how CHK plans to drill 3 wells on one pad. First pict is the middle bore, Next  is the western bore, then the eastern bore.   1' = 2000'. This is how they are HBP lots of acreage....they only  drilled the middle bore, but made the unit big enough to encompass the 3 southern running legs. They will permit/add the NW legs at a later date.

Hope this  helps.


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