been doing a lot of reading here and else where, and cannot find any thing on how much money you can expect. trying to figure approximate dollar figure on the following.

150 acres

20 percent royalty

2 wells

10mcf day

is there a way to figure this?

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Yeah there's Alot of people who can do that on here. Sorry I'm not one of them.  

Check out the royalty calculator in the top right hand corner of this page, just add in your numbers and it'll do it for ya

Things needed to know:  Kind of wells? Verticle or horizontal/Location,in the wetgas areas,in the Utica?/% of liquids/Size of production unit?Flowtest results? Gross or net? without this info, one could be WAY off!

too many variables...

Only way to know for sure is....

when you go to the mailbox....

at the VERY LEAST THO....

One should be able to figure $10  a DAY  per ACRE.....that's for sure....!!!!

anything above that is REAL LUCKY....

The anticipation is whats good... kinda like on a FIRST DATE....:)


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