No matter where your well is located, one's royalties are calculated on the basis of gross value minus the costs. I understand that-but what I have a hard time wrapping my head around is who checks up on the accuracy of the gross amount? It seems as if the assumption is that the O/G companies are squeaky clean honest and whatever they report is accurate. That may well be so, but I'd like to know that for sure and not have to take their word for it. Are there companies that can be hired by the landowner (or landowner group) that will serve as the watchdog for the landowner?


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There is a grass roots movement within the Ohio Farm Bureau hoping to effect a change that would require an audit of the production and royalty numbers reported by the gas and oil companies. It is inconceivable that anyone would rely on the integrity of Chesapeake and other companies like them to report accurate production numbers. If you are a Farm Bureau member in Ohio, make sure that your local trustees know that you care. Also, talk to your legislators. With enough pressure we can get this changed.


That is wonderful news to hear. That is exactly what good folks need to do-to band together and speak with one voice. Once again Ohio is showing the way! I do know that Darlene has tried to do some stuff along those lines as well. I personally am trying to do that with a petition addressing the environment as a whole, and the need for us all, whether we are for or against fracking, to expect to be treated fairly and above board.( If there is any interest in either of those petitions, then we can post them here as part of our discussion-just let me know)


And I pass it along happily Dan awesome Petition Site Please vsit and Vote !


Could you post the URL so that anyone who wishes could just click on it?



Yes Kathy awesome advice! Input from other States is what we need and support each other!  Hey I need help defending American Taxpayers in another Conversation.  I am amazed at the people thinking it is OK, it is Not!  

I agree  Dan the only way for our Communities to know how much Gas is to monitor our selves!  I am sure that would provide local jobs, there is always a way if the Power of The People Wins and I sure Hope we do!  


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