Who else is in my dilemma? My entire property has been or will be taken over by the oil and gas people. Well pad, access roads, pipelines from different companies crisscrossing every which way. It's got to the point where I really don't care anymore. I guess it's just the "nature of the beast".

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Hi Zack

Are you a surface-only owner?  Or did you own your mineral rights, too, and lease your land for natural gas development?

You should be being paid for well pads and right of ways crossing your land .......that is way they pay you for these things so they can use your land .......so it seems to me you have allowed the oil and gas companies to take over your land and have received money for allowing it ........they cant just come on your land and do whatever they want with out paying restitution for the land they are using ......in your contracts with them they have payed to you  an amout to use your land that you agreed too

Mike is right, you have been bought out. take your money and move on.

Frank Walker.....I own it all on my land, surface and mineral rights. Yes, I let the O/G folks onto my land, that was my decision. The "problem" is that my land is situated when there is no other way for pipelines to go around me. Can it be called a "hot spot"? Very much so. I try to block my mind from thinking about the pre gas boom days. On the bright side, I've retired early and no longer work. The monies I've received enabled me to do that. So I guess all is well in the respect.

The pipeline companies, especially the ones with FERC approval, can and do "just come on your land and do whatever they want." Yeah, they have to pay compensation, but you still lose the quiet enjoyment of the land. I bought land in rural Ohio specifically to get away from big industrial processes. Now they've come to me, and I have little or no choice about it. 

You didnt lose the quiet enjoyment, you sold it. What you see is what you OK'ed in the contract. If you didnt wnat the money badly enough, your neighbor could probably have used it.

I think you may have missed the part where I mentioned the pipelines with their pre-approved powers of eminent domain. It's not a sale when you don't have a choice - it's robbery with compensation. Also, even those who refuse to sell their mineral rights lose the quiet enjoyment of the land, when dozens of trucks pass my house every day where before we had five cars a day, and where I can no longer see the stars at night due to flaring and security lights from nearby pads. 

But once the pads are drilled and producing the quiet returns and you can sit on your porch and listen to the sound of gold jingling in your pockets! I would love to see the night glow of numerous flares flickering against my bedroom window. You just can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.

I prefer a gas flare to the city folk who move into the country, build, then put every light they can find at Home Depot on the outside of their house so that it can be seen from Alpha Centauri. At least the flare has a purpose.

You posted that there are well pad(s) on your property, they got there by E.D.??? Pads from different companies on your property by Eminent Domain? Multiple pipelines from different companies crossing your ground? Those trucks pay fuel taxes, lic fees, and mostly the townships/county/state have them bonded and that road will be better than it ever was. The action at the pads is temporary, the ROW work is temporary.

You must own a fair piece of property, or are just complaining about what others do with what they paid for. If you own that much that you leased, then you should go on vacation for a year. If you are a NIMBY, then you can just sit there and covet away.

I am NOT a fan of ED used to take pipeline ROW, however that has been in the system for longer than any of us have been alive, and probably will be with us until we collectively stop using gas, oil, electric, phone, cable, and any other utility as a society. If you get everyone to choose to live Amish, hard core horse and wood heat only Amish,then that will go away. You can complain about horse poo, being cold, splitting your own wood for heat, and taking a dump in a shed out back after that.

FYI, I do not work for a gas co, and haven't seen a dime in royalty..... yet.

The guy you're responding to (JD Stillwater) is not the original poster (Zack Jameson). 

Wow, you guys have some balls assuming all that stuff about me! The truth is that I am in full possession of all my mineral rights. I've been in negotiations with Chesapeake for several years because I'm doing it right (with a lawyer) and CHK pulls out every time gas prices drop, or they are short of cash, or who-knows-what. When they ARE at the table, they consistently threaten eminent domain. So no, I'm not a NIMBY, I'm not "city folk," (been here since 1990; grew up in rural NY; moved here because I like the country: quiet, dark, safe, know my neighbors, small schools, love my livestock) and I haven't signed away anything yet. If Chesapeake doesn't get their act together, maybe I never will. It is completely possible that I could suffer all the degradation and problems Zack describes without ever seeing a penny in royalties. For the record, my property is comparatively small, under 100 acres. 

Nevertheless, I've got ET Rover and now a Kinder Morgan pipeline coming through, and no Gregory, it's not temporary when you can never build on the ROW again. They are TAKING my property, and any dreams I had for it for my grandchildren, and giving me negotiated compensation yet to be determined, but nowhere in those negotiations do I have the right to walk away from the table, though they DO have that right. Maybe, as Trapper suggests, the "gold" will be enough that I'll be OK with it in the end, but it doesn't seem likely from where I sit today, especially after my lawyer's fees. Those on this list who are getting royalties but not having to deal with pipelines should count their blessings and thank their neighbors who are taking that hit for them. 

Yes, I know that you have to break some eggs (I love omelets).  I support pipelines over trains or trucks, and I support gas over coal. I just wish the system wasn't rigged against landowners. It's not a free market.  

I also wish this forum didn't so often tend towards arrogance and meanness. I'm grateful to Keith Mauck for the good information it contains - I imagine it takes some real work to keep the site running and I appreciate his work. But geez guys, give your neighbors the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone with a different point of view is an ignorant whiny asshole. Most of us here are just trying to navigate a rapidly-changing landscape, not all of which is wonderful. (I didn't even mention the recent crime wave in my area, including the first murder in decades.)


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