The following link is to a website from our local paper.

The article is not as bad as the following comments however.  Most comments are against drilling.  I posted a comment to defend the process.  I am not a gas person or anything.  I am a school teacher who lives in Bucks County and has 25 acres in Bradford. I have done a ton of research on the process but am by no means an expert.  As someone who has been through the leasing process and all that it entails, I felt I had a pretty good understanding of what is happening so I felt that I could make a rational, sound comment in favor of drilling.  Well, they deleted my comment and the account associated with my comment was deleted as well so that I cannot post anymore to it. This is an absolute disgrace!! First there was the one-sided "Gasland" and now the press is surpressing comments from people who agree with the drilling and only keeping the comments that disagree. So much for rational discourse amoung citizens and the right to free and protected speech! It could be just a coincidence that my post was deleted but my entire account??  I think not.


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No, I haven't seen Gasland, but from what I've heard, I've heard it all before. According to the DEP, the environmental watchdog, there has been no record of a water well contaminated as a result of fraccing chemicals. As I've posted before, our well is within 1000' of a Marcellus well, we have had our water tested three times, before drilling, shortly after fraccing and one year later, and it is still pristine. Look back through my posts for the actual report. Someone once said to "Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see."
Since drilling began in 2005, the state has issued 3,773 Marcellus well permits; 1,458 wells have been drilled.

Several drilling accidents have attracted substantial attention: the June 3 blowout of an EOG Resources well in Clearfield County, and a series of incidents last year that prompted DEP to suspend Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. operations in Dimock Township, Susquehanna County

Maybe for your own good you should look a little closer at the information that is available.
Hi Calvert,
In what county do you own your land?
Pam S, I live in Allegheny county, and right now they are preparing to drill in neighbourhoods. In an area you might consider urban.
I'm well aware of the incidents you mention, however the figures you mention make the point.
3 out of 1458 is about two tenths of one percent. It is the exception, not the rule. Certainly no one would want to ban driving simply because there is a slim chance of an accident, nor do we stay home. There is risk in any endeavor in life.
I agree, but we have put seat belts and air bags in our automobiles. Horizontal drilling and fracking using these chemicals is relatively new. I am only asking for reassurance that our health is paramount. We all know that the bottom line, the stockholders dividends, are foremost in big buisness. All I hear, reading these posts in this discussion , are opinion, conjecture and anecdotes. Anyone in this discussion not already leasing land to the gas companies? Please, I do not intend to sound derogatory. But regarding the driving analogy,who do you think the crash test dummies are in this experiment? We are.
.002 x 3,773 (the number of permits, not drilled yet) = 7.5 incidents. If one occurs in Lincoln Place, where they intend to drill in Allegeny county, over 3000 residents and I believe 3 grade schools, 1 high school will need to be evacuated. I hope no one considers this acceptable. I don't see this as a neccessary risk in this endeavor.
I'm assuming then that you would propose no drilling for gas?

The DEP is the responsible party for protecting the environment, and thus our health.
Are you inferring that they are allowing an intrinsically dangerous practice, putting the public at risk, or that someone else should do the job?
I'm not sure what you're after.
In today's paper, there was another lengthy article about Wayne County and the Marcellus. You can find the article at

Like before - look at the comments. Very discouraging! Seems that everyone has seen Gasland and suddenly they are experts on the subject.
Exactly the point I was making in my "sweaty palms" post of a few days ago. The problem is obvious, the public is only hearing one side, and it is biased. Then why not a Haynesville movie about the Marcellus? --Tom

This is a tough issue - It is difficult to be in the middle on this issue and it is difficult to have a message other than - no drilling in many local areas.    I just do not understand where we are going to fine all this energy - Right now natural gas meets 20 +% of our energy usage.  


Good Luck



Here is a simplified version of what the public is seeing and hearing:

Barbie and Ken Speak Out on Fracking Episode 1

I apologize for the cartoon and use it only to make the point that the prevalent anti-drilling sentiment one encounters primarily parrots the one-sided media orientation at this time.

Most who oppose drilling have their hearts in the right place, but aren't getting a full picture.

The alternative media of the Internet offers the best opportunity to get the word out. It would be a shame if it weren't exploited to the fullest extent possible in presenting the other side. --Tom

Funny, yet sad because it actually sums up the total of what most people know about the subject. They see hysterical news stories devoid of fact, hear about toxic happenings "somewhere" but get no actual information (which is the point after all, scare them but don't educate them).


Strangely, though the process has been happening for quite a long time right under the nose of most people, it never has been an issue until right now. Why is that? I think I know the answer and it is a combination of lawyers and money and opportunity. However, this lawsuit payday for the few will end up costing the country a LOT in the end.


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