February 2011 Blog Posts (9)

Marcellus Shale meeting for landowners in Warren County Last night.

The meeting was very informative with areas of leases, drilling, well completions and basically your rights. What most got from the meeting was the need to get experts advice on a plan forward and not to sign anything without research.

    Although I have not been in the oil and gas industry for 10 years my experience is vast, world wide and technical. My recent interest in the industry was sparked by the disaster at the Gulf Macondo well last year. When the finger pointing started…


Added by Richard Kubas on February 25, 2011 at 5:14am — 4 Comments

What is Chain-of-Custody- Baseline Testing and Training for Community

What is Chain-of-Custody- Baseline Testing and Training for Community

 What is Chain of Custody?

This is a legal term that refers to the ability to guarantee the…

Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 21, 2011 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Soil Training Courses related to Stormwater Management, Hydric Soils. and More

We offer hands-on training courses that provide an introduction to soil science, stormwater mangement, wastewater management and much more. 


Intro to Soil Science and Soil Morphology April 1, 2011
Advanced Soil Morphology April 15,…

Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 21, 2011 at 4:37pm — No Comments

Wetland Training and Delineation Courses Green Building and GIS/GPS Training Courses

Wetland Delineation Training Courses and Green Design using Constructed Wetlands,

Wetland Delineation Course, Hydric Soils Training, Wetland Mitigation,

Constructed Wetland and other Wetland / Soil Science Courses

We are offering a number of online training courses and workshops related to wetland…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 21, 2011 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Well Drilling, Water Monitoring Well Construction, Well Driller Safety Training Programs

B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc. has been involved with the siting and design of water, wastewater, and stormwater management systems for over 20 years. In addition, the company has been active in training water and wastewater operators, well drillers, laboratory technicians, and assisting in the siting and evaluation of solid waste management systems. 


This series of training programs provides…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 21, 2011 at 4:25pm — No Comments

Seismic testing permit-- to sign or not to sign- Lycoming County- Mill Creek Twp

So this gentleman stopped by my house yesterday and asked me to sign


a permit for his company ( Elexco) (Seitel) to have permission to perform seismic 3D testing on my land


I'm in Mill Creek twp. Lycom county


He offer me nothing but a nice smile to sign it.


So should I sign?


Any reason not to sign?

What happens if i don't sign?


I would appreciate and and all …


Added by Chris Downey on February 10, 2011 at 4:14am — 3 Comments

Hydraulic Fracturing is Regulated by EPA via UIC if diesel fuel is used or proposed

The following is text from EPA Site.

"Water is an integral component of the hydraulic fracturing process. EPA Office of Water regulates waste disposal of flowback and sometimes the injection of fracturing fluids as authorized by the Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act.

Safe Drinking Water Act

Several statutes may be leveraged to protect water quality, but EPA’s central authority to protect drinking water is drawn from the Safe Drinking Water Act…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 6, 2011 at 9:56am — No Comments

Water Testing in the Marcellus Shale

Hello. I will soon be getting my water tested here in Lenox, Susquehanna county. I have just heard from someone that a water test will only stand up in court if it is only 6 weeks or less prior to a gas company drilling a well. Is this true? A lot of my neighbors have already had their water tested in the area, will these tests be worthless in case of a problem?  Thank You. 

Added by Ken Zupp on February 3, 2011 at 6:46am — No Comments

contacting sherry hart

I read the editorial that Sherry Hart wrote.  I live in NE Pa and was inpressed with her writing.  I would like her permission to send her letter to the editor of the williamsport sun gazette.  sherry, please let me know.

karen brown

Added by karen brown on February 2, 2011 at 8:56am — 3 Comments

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