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Chesapeake expanding 640 acre tracts.

I am having a hard time understanding how chesapeake expanding units from 640 acres to 800 plus acres would help me. We were originally with Anadarko lease which specified 640 acre units. Chesapeake bought out lease and are asking to modify to 800+ acres for $10. Chesapeake claims royalties would be greater. Thanks.

Added by Gary Welch on April 2, 2010 at 1:21am — 2 Comments

Obama's "change of heart" on drilling


Heard on the news today that pres/obama is now going to allow off shore exploration/drilling off coast of Virginia, Gulf of Mexico! What a change of heart from his campaining days? So- my point is why not marcellus shale? What is wrong with our politicians in NYS? If its good enough for Virginia (50 miles off coast) why not here in NYS? WE NEED JOBS out here!

I urge Southern Tier, and Broom county folks-to write there Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles…


Added by sue a warner on March 31, 2010 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

New Map of wells in McKean and Potter co

This is the latest map of wells drilled I can find for now, March 25,2010 TGM

Added by tg mott on March 25, 2010 at 12:34pm — No Comments

Aquifer Contamination-Part 2

Dear Shalers,

In Part 1 of the Aquifer Contamination discussion we explored the pro's & con's of the proposed drilling that is expected, and seemed to have come to several observations:

1) Drilling is good for the economy and produces jobs and revenue

2) Drilling techniques have been used for a long time, and the fracing process is non-hazardous

3) The drilling can cause contamination when proper procedures are not followed

4) The companies doing the drilling are not… Continue

Added by daniel cohen on March 21, 2010 at 10:30am — 31 Comments

Is Range Drilling?

Does anyone know if Range is drilling in the Lone Pine area? How do you find out information on when you will start to receive royalties from your land?

Added by C. Cromp on March 18, 2010 at 5:20pm — No Comments

Negotiating Pipeline Right of Ways

What is the going rate per linear foot of pipeline ROW. What is the standard width of permanent ROW. Any other tips on negoiating ROW terms would be appreciated.

Added by Paul Saunders on March 17, 2010 at 8:58am — 3 Comments

The Baby In the Bathwater

We've heard about all of the dangers of hydro-fracturing (aka fracing), and doubtless environmental concerns deserve to be adequately addressed, yet its easy to lose sight of the big picture and to realize that the Marcellus shale and other similar shale gas developments in Louisiana and Texas change everything. …


Added by Tom Copley on March 17, 2010 at 6:33am — 15 Comments

This is first on the site.

This link may be of interest.]G8-78.3NqU0

Also in PA there is the law of capture, no pooling, only by contract.

At this time in McKean Co, Pa. it is $1,500.00 per Acre 1/8 of gross well head, 20% well head gross $ is… Continue

Added by tg mott on March 12, 2010 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Are Marcellus lease offers noted on spreadsheet private land owners only & how does tract size impact lease terms

The information provided on the new spreadsheet on is very helpful. I have three questions:

1. Are the leases with private land owners only or do they include any state government leases?

2. The spreadsheet does not specify the size of property leased. How does property size impact value of lease?

3. Are there property owners in Clearfiled county that are willing to share information with another land owner considering gas lease potential?

Added by Randy Taylor on March 9, 2010 at 6:33am — 6 Comments

Showing a gas well to someone that formally opposed it!

I brought a lady to a gas well last saturday in PA. She informed me that in seneca county (geneva area) they were fighting the development of natural gas. They DIDNT WANT ANYONE fracking with there water! Being in the business kinda-sorta, I needed to drop off a part in PA- so I invited her to come with me. I showed her the (alleged)"bad congestion of trucks", the "bad" traffic, and the horrible lanscape it left. She was VERY surprised at what she saw. The traffic was light on 14 south to troy… Continue

Added by sue a warner on March 9, 2010 at 4:08am — 5 Comments

Benzene, the Mayor of Dish, Texas, and his VACATION speaking tour of NY State

The subject has been broached here already, BENZENE IN DISH TEXAS! Oh My!

As one of many NY landowners I had to wonder what in the world brought this Mayor from a tiny town in Texas all the way to our area...on his own dime. He spoke at various places in recent days and always started his speech with the disclaimer that he was NOT paid as a Mayor, NOT paid by anyone to speak, and was on VACATION (oh, yeah) in the northeast.…

Added by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on February 22, 2010 at 8:12am — 10 Comments


B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc has collaborated with a leading energy audit company to help train energy auditors. The training program provides an introduction to residential and commercial energy training and the educator offers a certification program. The energy training programs are provided online so you can learn in your free time from the comfort of home and are specifically designed to help people start their own energy audit business without spending a large amount of time…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:54pm — No Comments

Pike County - Radon in Water Higher than Anticipated

Pike County - Radon in Water Higher than Anticipated

Pike two-year water study


MILFORD, PA — A two-year study of the Pike County watersheds and ground water resources reveals ground water resources of good quality and good quantity. The only negative concern centered on the amount of radioactive radon that is exceeding normal levels in 75 percent of the testing wells. Radon is the second-leading cause of cancer in the nation.

The survey, which was…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:52pm — No Comments

Green Building Training and Certification Program

B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc. of Dallas, Pennsylvania has collaborated with online training centers to make available quality distance learning courses in alternative and renewable energy, alternative energy training, energy efficiency, Green Building Design, and Sustainability Analysis. This program is part of our workforce development and green career training programs.

Green jobs have been growing rapidly in the US. According to a recent report by the Pew Charitable…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:45pm — No Comments

Petrochemical Training Courses- Natural Gas Development - Biofuels

Petrochemical Training Courses

Advanced Oil & Gas Drilling and Completion Technologies Training Course is an online training course offered through B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc. The course outlines the current best practices and modern technology has allowed for more efficiency in the search and drilling for oil and gas. Today, more resources are found using fewer wells and at the same time are drilled deeper and faster than ever before while encountering fewer dry holes. The… Continue

Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:39pm — No Comments

Recommended Natural Gas Well Construction Techniques for Pennsylvania

Because of the recent interest in the Marcellus Shale in PA, there has been a significant increase in drilling of deep natural gas production wells. One of the primary concerns or issues is Pennsylvania, would be the potential for these wells to impact surrounding freshwater wells. Since most of these freshwater wells are wells that are classified as private or unregulated wells and these wells are typically constructed with no minimal construction standard, a primary concern for developing…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Getting Your Water Tested – Why? The Need for Baseline Testing

Getting Your Water Tested – Why?

In Pennsylvania, there are no statewide regulations that truly guarantee that a private well is properly constructed and that the water from the well is potable, i.e., drinkable. In Pennsylvania and other states, a private well is not defined as a public water supply system and not regulated by the PADEP or EPA. There are some counties in Pennsylvania that do provide some regulatory oversight with respect to the siting, construction, and…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:26pm — 2 Comments

DEP revising oil and gas well regs

DEP revising oil and gas well regs

This is a reposting of an article- I think it is critical for citizens, professionals, and organizations to review and comment.

Public comment sought by March 2


PENNSYLVANIA — In efforts to provide better protection to Pennsylvania’s water resources, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is revising its existing rules for the construction of oil and gas wells and soliciting comments on the…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Is flowback and waste from gas drilling radioactive?

This is a reposting of an article writtent by Sharon Corderman - but I get this question alot.

Rewards and Risks of the Marcellus

Part I in a series

By Sharon Corderman

Published: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:46 PM CST

Claims have been made that the potential exists for some level of radioactive material to be in the wastewater and drill cuttings coming from the Marcellus shale. According to Peter Davies, professor of biology at Cornell University, New…


Added by Brian Oram, PG on February 19, 2010 at 5:19pm — 3 Comments

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