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Congressional Hearing. The ExxonMobil-XTO Merger: Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets

The ExxonMobil-XTO Merger: Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets

Hearings - Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held a hearing titled, "The ExxonMobil-XTO Merger: Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets," on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing examined the recently proposed merger of ExxonMobil Corporation and XTO Energy Inc., and the ramifications for U.S. oil and… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on January 21, 2010 at 4:16am — 1 Comment

Aquifer Contamination-Part 1

Dear Shalers,

I'm becoming more & more concerned about possible aquifer contamination, and wondered if we ought to be looking very carefully at what's going on.

N.Y.State has put an 18 month hold on the fracing process as it reviews the potential impact on its water resources/aquifer. Penn. has allowed the process to go on unchecked. Are we missing something here? Should we be more particular about how our leases are drafted to insure that we have some recourse should… Continue

Added by daniel cohen on January 19, 2010 at 8:00am — 41 Comments

Albany Rally Car Pool

If anyone from Long Island wants to attend the Big Rally in Albany on the 25th, let me know and we can car pool. Call me at 516-330-2905 or email me at

Added by Paul Karl Steffens on January 19, 2010 at 5:49am — No Comments

Jan 19 Weekly Email

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New Members New York Ohio… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on January 19, 2010 at 3:30am — No Comments

Who's Leasing

Does anyone know what companies are still leasing land in Lycoming County?

Added by Edgar Simmers on January 18, 2010 at 10:02am — No Comments

Help IOGA NY and NY Landowners Support Marcellus Drilling

Join Us

January 25, 2010 in Albany, New York

for the:

"Say YES to Marcellus, Stop the Frackin' Lies" Rally

... Because Enough Really is ENOUGH!!

They're Spreading Lies!

On Monday, January 25, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. various extremist groups will converge at the West Side of the New York State Capitol in Albany, to rally AGAINST natural gas exploration. These groups have continued to spread lies and outrageous… Continue

Added by Rita McConnell on January 18, 2010 at 7:08am — 4 Comments

I think this is important information that any land owner, who is unleased or nearing the end of a lease term, should be aware of. The PA State Forest department recently put up seve sections of stat…

I think this is important information that any land owner, who is unleased or nearing the end of a lease term, should be aware of. The PA State Forest department recently put up seve sections of state forest for lease bids. The results have been posted.

Potter County Tract 001 $3,125 an acre by Seneca was the winning bid.

Tioga County Tract 007 $4,625 an acre by Seneca

Clearfield County Tract 323 $5,250 an acre by Exco Resources

Potter County Tract 416 $3,750 an acre by Penn… Continue

Added by Brian Day on January 15, 2010 at 2:22pm — 3 Comments

Gazprom Executive Slams Future of U.S. Shale Gas Production (and who’s surprised?)

Russian energy giant Gazprom’s deputy chief executive, Alexander Medvedev, belittled the future of shale gas production, suggesting the break-even price for shale projects is too high to be commercially viable.

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?

Gazprom is the largest extractor of natural gas in the world and Russia’s largest company. The energy giant supplies about one-quarter of the European Union’s (EU’s) natural gas. For some countries, Gazprom has what… Continue

Added by Scott Roberts on January 12, 2010 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

Future Geothermal from emptied, fracked gas wells.

I had a short but interesting conversation with a friend of mine who works with a think tank for developing new sources of energy. They are experimenting with pumping water into deep fracked wells (8000 Feet he says.) The water is heated by the naturaly high temperatures at that depth. The water could be recovered at the other end of the fracked area and used to generate energy through steam turbines. I don't know how far along they are, but it might be something to consider when signing a… Continue

Added by Brian Day on January 10, 2010 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments

New York City Says NO to Marcellus Gas Production

Marcellus shale gas production promises a bountiful supply of domestically produced clean natural gas for millions of American consumers. Why then, is the city of New York adamantly opposed to gas drilling and what impact will their resistance have on Pennsylvanians?

In late December, the Department of Environmental Protection for New York City asked state officials to ban natural gas drilling in the Catskills watershed. Their reason? Concern that the city's upstate drinking water… Continue

Added by Scott Roberts on January 6, 2010 at 1:30pm — 9 Comments

Sometimes natural gas runs out when you don't have a guaranteed supply...

The worst cold snap in 30 years has drawn down Britain's supply of natural gas to a dangerous level. The U.K.'s North Sea supplies are running out, and the country has become increasingly dependent upon imports. It could happen here too, if the E & P industry is prevented from developing the full potential of our shale gas reserves. Read more

Added by Tom Copley on January 4, 2010 at 3:52pm — 2 Comments

Tipping Point for Marcellus Shale Gas?

A few weeks ago, Energy behemoth Exxon/Mobil purchased domestic natural gas supplier XTO, a company heavily invested in the Pennsylvania shale gas business.

On Wall Street, XTO share prices rose following the merger announcement. Indeed, the value of many companies involved in domestic shale exploration surged on the news of the purchase. The XTO purchase is the most significant acquisition Exxon has made since they purchased Mobil back in 1999. What does this thirty-one… Continue

Added by Scott Roberts on December 30, 2009 at 9:38am — 5 Comments

Walter Hang and his "statistics"

Many of you know of the fight in New York State between those that support safe drilling and those that want to ban it.

Mr. Wang would like to see drilling banned and plays loose with the facts and statistics.

A friend of mine had some personal experience with Mr. Wang in the early 80's with the Ralph Nadar group NYPIRG.

My friend wanted to make some money for college and worked for NYPIRG.

He quit after just 2 days when he saw what the group was all about.

Wang has… Continue

Added by M. Sean Joyce on December 28, 2009 at 3:27pm — No Comments

No Time to Relax

I’m getting ready to load up the van for our Christmas drive. Loading up the vehicle became more complicated after marriage, and then even more complicated after the birth of two little ones – girls at that! Of course, my philosophy on packing differs from my wife’s. She’s more into trails. Trails of items ranging from shoe boxes to grocery bags filled with odds and ends, and of course regular luggage. I’m learning to chuckle at it, but I do find myself asking why? Why all this hassle? After… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on December 22, 2009 at 3:00am — 8 Comments

Exxon-XTO Merger Strikes A Blow for Energy Independence Both Here and Abroad

Exxon's buyout of XTO Energy, a dramatic move announced earlier this week, is the former company's biggest financial action since merging with Mobil in 1999. It builds even greater credibility than previously held for Marcellus shale development. Two things… Continue

Added by Tom Copley on December 18, 2009 at 9:35am — 1 Comment

Exxon bought XTO

Is this good for Sullivan County? I hear we are on the thickest part of the play.

Added by Jeff Ferreira on December 14, 2009 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Radioactive waste water

It has come to my attention that Marcellus Shale drilling fluids contain trace ammonuts of radium 224, and radium 226 in water samples taken during drilling operations process. Have always known radium existed in Northern Pennsylvania. Seen we bought our house in Monroe County in 1989 home inspector wanted to do radium test on our basement. To anyone's kownledge where is this contaminated water disposed of, and who pays cost? This seems to be a Department of Enviromental Conservation issue,… Continue

Added by Bruce Wayne Allen on December 2, 2009 at 3:56am — 2 Comments

Why Marcellus shale gas really is a game changer

Prior to the upsurge in shale gas drilling, and the vast new reserves that are now understood to exist, the odds-on favorite for supplementing the waning conventional domestic supply of natural gas was liquefied natural gas (LNG) brought here from Indonesia, the Middle East, and Russia. Huge capital investments were made in LNG terminals that now sit largely idle. For example, there is the Costa Azul terminal built on the west coast of Mexico with a capacity of 1 billion cubic feet of natural… Continue

Added by Tom Copley on November 27, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

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