ALOV and Northern Trumbull County- Updated Discussion to include BP Lessor's and Bonus money Payment's

Hello all!

 I have been doing a little research and speaking with friends and neighbors about forming a group to address the needs of those of us not yet represented by a landowners group.

This led me to call ALOV after hearing that they had accepted some acreage in Trumbull county.

I paid little attention to ALOV earlier as their website did not list Trumbull county as an area of interest, although the work they were doing was certainly of great interest to me.

 From what i gather there was a cut-off of June 30 for sign-up with ALOV, they extended that and also had a meeting at RD banks Chevy in Champion. This may not be news to some of you, but i had not come across the posting until after. The word i got from an individual at ALOV was that Chesapeake set a northern geographical cut-off in Trumbull county of St.Rt.88, again this may not be a newsworthy flash to some. Many landowners attended, more than expected according again to a source at ALOV, and signed up their acreage.

Now heres the news, ALOV has agreed to start a "Waiting List" of still more interested parties from areas north of St.Rt.88. If you call them with name, address and phone number they will put you on the list, and depending on level of interest, they may choose to represent us as a group in a similiar fashion, with the same or even better terms to Chesapeake, or another interested party.

So call up ALOV, their number is listed on their site , and ask to be included in their next go around. From where i stand why re-invent the wheel, they already have done the groundwork and have the attention of the industry on favorable terms, lets ask them to either start another "Pool" to include us, or come work with us to the same end.

If you have information to share, please join in the discussion, Thanks 

 Hello again to all my fellow Utica Shale Owners. I Just stopped in to ask if there were any who signed with BP from the ALOV Northern Trumbull county group, that resulted from these efforts, still around.

Has anyone had any conversations/correspondence from BP concerning title defects, or other issues that would delay payment or affect your lease, or gotten a check for Bonus money? 


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The guy that holds the lien has been giving me the runaround for the last 2 weeks.  I've begged and pleaded, first trying to pin him down on an amount (the lien is from 2001 from my divorce) and now to try and get it finished.  He tells me he's always too busy to get together to finish the thing up.  I'm at wits end trying to get this done.  All I want to do is pay the guy, I'm even going to do all the running to the courthouse to release the lien and he just doesn't seem interested in finishing the process....don't know what I'm going to do.

I would contact a lawyer and send out a letter to get his attention and also contact BP of the status. It would be especially nice if you knew a lawyer that would do it for free! Good luck!(we are in the second group in southern Trumbull with No news!)

I've pretty much figured out during this whole ordeal with this lien that no lawyer on the face of the Earth does anything for free.  But I have contacted BP and we have come up with a new game plan.

Debby; I would suggest having a lawyer write him a letter, explaining that he is potentially costing you a lot of money by delaying and that he could be held responsible. That oughta get him moving.

Landowner: My man was painting the house next door.  He put a note up for fed Ex just in case.  The check was delivered to him and he signed even though it was my name only. :)  PS Got a car over the weekend whoop whoop!

Still waiting impatiently here.

I was thrown out of this forum a few months ago because I dared to tell fang in some rather colorful words that I thought he was the most negative, buzz killing individual that I have seen in a long time.  I don’t know what his agenda is, but I know he has one and it is not to the benefit of this forum.  As of today I don’t care what he has to say anymore because the ice cream truck came to West Farmington today.  I had a defect letter sent to me September 27.  I cured the defect and got my check today.  So to all of you people still waiting, keep the faith, BP is paying and paying BIG.  So to fang, and I mean this sincerely, UP YOUR’S.  If this gets me thrown out again, I will apologize in advance.

got ours today to! w. farmington!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning, are you in the 2nd group?

winemaker may i ask what your defect letter was for?

They said that I was held by production on well that was plugged and abandoned in the late 80s.  ODNR never updated their records on that well.  It was a fairly simple resolution.

Winemaker: Do you mind stating what the bonus money was per acre? The thread is so long that its probably been mentioned. I have property in western Venango County where geology is somewhat less favorable (out of oil window but may still be in wet gas area), so knowing what you got may give me some idea whether offers are reasonable over my way. I am really glad you got your money and am hopeful  BP pays for all  of the 84,000 acres they leased in Trumbull County. An infusion of that amount of money into the economy should help a lot of people even those who do not have property to lease. Have a great day! 


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