Effective June 8th


Effective immediately: is implementing a new solicitation policy.


Any solicitation on GMS is strictly prohibited. This includes solicitation via any forum post, county group post, blog post, comment wall post, image upload, profile name or intra-site message.


Violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


Note: A solicitation is an offering of goods, minerals, mineral buying or general services. A post leaving personal contact information will be considered a solicitation.


The reason for the change is simple. After review we have found that allowing soliciting in the county groups has not led to the addition of meaningful content on the site.

For people interested in promoting their goods and services, please see our partner site; we offer free listings



Keith Mauck


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Good for you Keith maybe some actual people will start posting on the county sites

Thanks for the word rmc.

Good call, Keith.  I'll keep my posts limited to giving advice.  I think enough people on the site know what I do that I don't have to toot my own horn, anyways.


Thanks for the feedback, anyone else have some?

Keith, this website has helped so many landowners in so many ways, far too many to count.  So, I'll simply say, "Thanks".  Glad you are still working to try to improve the experience for us.  Keep up the great work!

Where's the upvote/like button?  Agreed 100%.

Good Job Keith, but you need to go back and clean up your county sites as they still have mineral purchasers soliciting offers all over them. Monroe, Belmont, Harrison to name a few

Thanks Barb, indeed.

Maybe you should go and do the same with photos also!

Hi Keith again the Monroe County page is full of solicitaions primarily by Green Minerals, you know the outfit that likes using your site for free advertising. We might as well call it Troll Marcellus with all these shady mineral people trying to solicit offers even though you have changed your policy and warned them, perhaps a permenant ban would be the right way to go to clean up all the Trolls. I dont mind seeing companies pay to advertise on ShaleBiz but it just seems like this Green Minerals disrespects everyone on this site including you. Good luck trying to keep them off of the Belmont and Monroe County sites not to mention Noble County also.

Thanks for this wonderful site!

I rely on it for any information as I do not live in the area where my property is located.

Your hard work is much appreciated and applauded by we landowners!



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