Public Herald has scanned, mapped, and shared a number of citizens' complaints made to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) concerning gas operations.

Map of Pennsylvania counties colored according to the number of DEP complaint investigations in each. Purple means 400 or more complaints; shades of red mean fewer than 400. Gray means data not yet available.

Washington County has a lot. If we go to and click on COMPLAINTS and then SWRO (Southwest Regional Office) and then WASHINGTON COUNTY we get this map, color-coded by municipality. For example, Mount Pleasant Township, near Hickory, has many complaints. The statewide database currently includes scans of documents from about 2300 complaint cases (leaking gas, property damage, pollution, etc), e.g.

This database will help hold the DEP accountable; a very good thing.

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My first reactions are - No kidding, there are complaints ? - and - So What?

The interesting thing, for me, about this post, is your continued penchant to present cherry picked information to support your "Chicken Little" campaign.

Even an idiot should realize that the information that you present only deals with complaints about the oil and  gas industry.

Is it your contention that the oil and gas industry is the only industry, business, commercial enterprise,  that the state receives complaints about? If so, that's ridiculous. 

To cherry pick information with regard to complaints about the oil and gas industry, while implying that it is the only industry that anyone complains about is just so lame. It's pathetic.

This has to be your worst post. Get a life.

Complaints do not equal problems Paul, good try though.

Hold the DEP accountable for what?

They probably weed out a large % of them as being not worthwhile.

We have been party to 2 class action suits with CHK, so yes I would like to see these complaints.

There are always going to be complaints and if you read them you begin to see patterns.

Complaints?  Like there being mud on the road?  Or maybe a sed fence blew down in a storm? Gravel on road? Not proper paper work on site?

I know a guy that does water wells.  He has a long list of 'complaints' that end up having nothing to do with O & G.  One example; guy said he lost water in his well when a gas well was drilled.  He raised hell, went to public meetings, called the local media, got free water for several months.  Finally driller called water driller to drill new well. My friend took equipment to site, pulled pump out of well and found the wire to pump broke.  New wire, pump works fine, water is fine, well is fine. Three months of bad pub but no media covered the outcome.

Same thing with a friend that works at DEP.  Got a complaint a lady had frack sand in her bath water from a well drilled two miles away.  Try to think how sand from a gas well 8000' deep and two miles away got frack sand into her water. Not even possible. But he had to go investigate, take samples and file a report.  The 'sand' was calcium deposits from her hard water.

Antis know that all they have to do is file complaints and they must be investigated and are all entered into the data base so they file as many as possible.  All part of the game.

Show me a map with supporting data showing results of complaints that resulted in negative findings.


Great points.

Another issues with complaints is that the "supposed" violation might fall under several codes. So one complaint morphs into several complaints.

I still get a kick out of people such as Paul cherry picking info. They are so dishonest.

Following is a database of complains about paul

I'd like to register a complaint for dishonesty

Where's the big red dot on the map of complaining Paul????

What am I to infer from your posts on GMS, Paul ? Are you telling me you are now and forever going to abstain from the use of gasoline or diesel fuels or aviation fuels which power the vehicles, trains and airliners which you depend upon for work and play as well as food and product delivery and mailings ? Are you forever going to abstain from the use of plastics derived from fossil fuels ? Are you forever going to abstain from the use of natural gas, heating oil or propane used for cooking, baking, or heating your home and other enclosed areas ? Are you going to forever abstain from the use of grid-sourced electricity in your daily life, much of which is derived from either coal or natural gas ? I am so tired of the hypocrisy of the anti-fossil fuel crowd. Remember, you vote with the dollars you spend each day. Do you vote "Aye" for fossil fuels with the dollars you spend to support your lifestyle and then have lips which are a lying contradiction ?

I think very well said Charles Randolph.

Ditto, JO

People like Paul just love taking up a cause started by the uneducated (about O/G) masses and Celebrities with nothing else to do but jump on the anti bandwagon just to draw attention to themselves.  He then tries to bolster his position with "cherry picked" information and his own liberal "credentials".  I know dumb pig farmers with more common sense and morals than any of these guys.  A hungry man doesn't circle an apple tree 10 times before eating an apple.


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