Looks like Josh is on the loose again...


House Republicans directed Capitol Hill police to detain a highly regarded documentary crew that was attempting to film a Wednesday hearing on a controversial natural gas procurement practice. [...]

Josh Fox, director of the Academy Award-nominated documentary "Gasland" was taken into custody by Capitol Hill police this morning, along with his crew, after Republicans objected to their presence, according to Democratic sources present at the hearing.



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Routine? Like in Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS that have that may apply days in advance? The delay could have been caused by security concerns, But they did not have permission, they could have protested a delay but it requires a due process not I will do what the H I want to. 

You can protest as much as you like, be my guest, but that right is only guaranteed by a lawful assembly. 

Just goes to show you the majority of the people who are on this site are willing to eat dog dung if they could fill their pockets with $$$$$.....good luck!

I won't eat it but you enviro nut people are good at slinging it.

Since many of us dog-dung eaters are producing your food Sharon, I suggest you plant a big garden this spring.   


That is unnecessary and displays ignorance.


 Josh Fox is gonna be interviewed on RT tv the LEONA SHOW thats on at 5.30 tonight or RT.COM thats Russian television ?

BTW - here's a couple of Josh Fox clips which include him admitting he published Gasland without knowing if it was truthful or not AND left out information which didn't support his diatribe 100%:

1. Watch Josh Faux admit he left out key historical information about the infamous flaming faucet scene when questioned by documentary film maker, Phelim McAleer, saying he thought the fact that historical occurrences of methane being in the water way before drilling had occurred was irrelevant.  Notice he doesn't even deny the truth of that statement, just that it was irrelevant to including it in his movie.   After that piece was aired on numerous websites and YouTube, (see Faux himself tried to censor and ban journalism.  What a hypocrite that he should cry the same thing NOW.

2. Right around the 4-minute mark, he starts discussing Dimock; right around the 5:43, he admits he doesn't know if the people he talked to in Dimock were right.  Could this mean he had his concerns about them telling the truth?  It didn't stop him from producing his film.  There has still been no documented proof provided of any sicknesses.

3. Josh Faux believes getting arrested makes a statement.  He admits he purposely got himself arrested in September 2011 while demonstrating against the Tar Sands - first paragraph.

He might gain some credibility if he'd swear off that evil oil and everything it is used for. Think that'll ever happen? NOT!

All the gas drilling in the world will never do the emvironmental damage that coal has done to WV & the environments anywhere it is burned...

Nor will it ever cost the lives of the numbers of souls who have been killed in the process of extracting coal from the bowels of the earth.

I know of streams and natural vents where methane continuously bubbles up from the ground - and has since I was a very young child, many years before Marcellus Shale was ever known to exist.

...and coal mining took all the water from the wells, in the area where I live - many generations ago - and caused great "slips" and many homes were destroyed by "mine subsidence" - and many of those families were left homeless if they were unlucky enough not to have "subsidence insurance" - because the damage was done by coal companies many years ago and now defunct.

All energy has it's pro's and con's - our energy is better spent developing the best extraction, conversion and use technologies we can - to prevent the costly mistakes of the past, that we have experienced with both coal and nuclear sources.

Having grown up in WV, I find the postives of natural gas far outweigh those of coal.



If that's not the truth, I don't know what is! Every time they are hit with a response that is based on facts they have nothing left to say.

Compromise is not in the vocabulary of anti frackers. Smokers tried the compromise route only to see it become impossible to even smoke in the business they personally own. Smokers are seeing employment discrimination created by the anti smoking advocates. Smokers see increase in tobacco taxes to support the anti smokers that are screwing the smokers. In a abstract that the US Center for Disease Control paid for,  the folowing statement was made "those that want compromise are low lifes" 

  Plain and simply the US Constitution allows me to have property rights when you infringe upon my property then you are supposed to compensate me for that property. 

DRILL BABY DRILL and if you don't like it buy your own land!


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