ALOV and Northern Trumbull County- Updated Discussion to include BP Lessor's and Bonus money Payment's

Hello all!

 I have been doing a little research and speaking with friends and neighbors about forming a group to address the needs of those of us not yet represented by a landowners group.

This led me to call ALOV after hearing that they had accepted some acreage in Trumbull county.

I paid little attention to ALOV earlier as their website did not list Trumbull county as an area of interest, although the work they were doing was certainly of great interest to me.

 From what i gather there was a cut-off of June 30 for sign-up with ALOV, they extended that and also had a meeting at RD banks Chevy in Champion. This may not be news to some of you, but i had not come across the posting until after. The word i got from an individual at ALOV was that Chesapeake set a northern geographical cut-off in Trumbull county of St.Rt.88, again this may not be a newsworthy flash to some. Many landowners attended, more than expected according again to a source at ALOV, and signed up their acreage.

Now heres the news, ALOV has agreed to start a "Waiting List" of still more interested parties from areas north of St.Rt.88. If you call them with name, address and phone number they will put you on the list, and depending on level of interest, they may choose to represent us as a group in a similiar fashion, with the same or even better terms to Chesapeake, or another interested party.

So call up ALOV, their number is listed on their site , and ask to be included in their next go around. From where i stand why re-invent the wheel, they already have done the groundwork and have the attention of the industry on favorable terms, lets ask them to either start another "Pool" to include us, or come work with us to the same end.

If you have information to share, please join in the discussion, Thanks 

 Hello again to all my fellow Utica Shale Owners. I Just stopped in to ask if there were any who signed with BP from the ALOV Northern Trumbull county group, that resulted from these efforts, still around.

Has anyone had any conversations/correspondence from BP concerning title defects, or other issues that would delay payment or affect your lease, or gotten a check for Bonus money? 


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Still nothing up here in Greene :(

Debbie I,m in Greene also. Only smaller land owners on my road have there bonus.

I've only got 28 acres so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it comes soon.  I'm just worried about what is going to happen if BP doesn't get all of us done by October 1.  It is a rat's nest down at the county office and I'm beginning to have my doubts that they will get us all done in a timely manner.  I guess all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and say our prayers that the FedEx truck makes its way to our farms sooner rather than later!

Absolutely NOTHING...first signing, 10 acres...northwestern Trumbull Co. - glad i didnt already have this $ spent...starting to think this is all not going to happen...but if it does, ill b sure to post. :/

If it is true that BP required all the title people to be done by the 15th (sat) I imagine the next few days could be a flurry of action here, dunno, but I hope. I'm still waiting.

I sure hope so!

I have been trying to sign with someone...they say they are buying in certain areas only... i was first told i was in prime area now nothing...hmmm


what area are you in? Just curious.

Anyone hear of anyone having their ice cream delivered to the wrong address?  I get my neighbors mail and they have gotten mine.  What happens if someone gets it and throws it in the trash or its sitting in someone's screen door?   How would you know?  There should be away to find out if your ice cream has been sent out and when.  Anyone know of a phone number to call?  What if that happens and time expires, is your lease void?  Does that put you in a position of power??  How stupid is BP for not requiring signatures on all ice cream sent.  We are looking ...

I think Fed-Ex is smarter than the usps mentality that " in a bundle of mail if one or so is wrong then the odds are OK" Fed Ex only delivering one package at a time should be in much better shape, then again the signature should stop all errors, no one should sign for something that has someone elses name on it. If you signed and opened it up and found a check for tens of thousands I would think most people would try to correct it. But I agree on the communication problem, I deal with a company that has a portal that only I can log into to see my orders and the status. Once the orders ship the tracking # is supplied. This allows us to monitor the order through the process and call them if we see a mistake on their end.  We don't need to call them if we can see when orders will ship and when theey are expected to arrive. I wish BP had thought of a website to keep us in the loop on the status "in progress", " minerals rights verified" in the que. etc

Not knowing us difficult. We too receive mail from down the road and I am sue they get ours. We are one digit off on our addresses. Also our road encompasses three different zip codes covering three townships which throws off all delivery people. GPS doesn't really help. My parents who live next door received their check in August. We live directly next door. Our property was actually separated from the same main parcel. They had no title defect so I cannot see that we could. We are just trying to have faith but with no word it is difficult. We will post one way or the other.

I agree.  It's ridiculous that for the money that we paid that someone at ALOV or BP didn't have the foresight to set up a website that we could access with our ALOV member number to find the status of our property.  I also live out in the boonies and the road directly behind mine has a old couple with the same house number as mine, just a different street.  They throw my mail out all the time, they've actually told the postmaster this!  I signed with the very first bunch and as of yet, no one up here in Greene has gotten a check, at least none north of Rt. 87.  Makes me very worried but I guess all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and pray.....


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