I received a survey permission form for the Leach Xpress from Columbia Gas Transmission

Can anyone tell us more about the Leach Xpress Pipeline? I received a survey permission form for this from Columbia Gas Transmission. This is another FERC line. Are the landowners treated fairly with compensation?

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This might sound like a dumb question to most but is something I am not clear on. When so much per foot is offered for a new pipeline ROW is that simply for the linear foot or the linear foot times the width of the permanent ROW? For a pipeline replacement we received the latter for the additional temporary workspace.
Jay, you sound pretty angry. I am sharing facts based on personal life experience with this community. I am getting the impression you are trying to characterize me as bad or stupid. Then you conclude by asking specific details about my property? Calm down.

I would agree it is healthy to be a skeptic, I know I am. I am not implying anything and reported a factual offer. And I obviously agree that more would be better, but there has to be some rational basis of the value, and I am trying to have a discussion on the business case. As a basis of comparison, a few years ago a neighbor had property on both sides of a family members farm and needed to move cattle between. It did not cost him $25,000 an acre to get access. I hear you mention $100 / foot. How did you arrive at that number? Is your process fact based or a gut check? Would you accept less if terms were more restrictive to the pipeline company. Do you have direct knowledge that amount has been paid ? The top price I am aware of is $75, and I am going to get as close to that as I can.  I have three generations of experience with the Texas Eastern ROW, taken by the Federal Government in 1942 for $80, then resold to T.E. in 1947. Making that ROW 50 wider may not have the same impact on me as your situation. Do you currently have an existing ROW? Do you expect to receive an offer from Columbia?

Kathi, One foot of ROW is 50 feet wide. If pipeline crossed your land where it was 100 feet across, the ROW would be a strip 50' X 100', that is 100 X $30.
Buckeye2600 the offer I received for ROW is from the company that will dig the hole and operate the pipeline for the next 20 to 100 years. The offer would be paid upon clear title search, which was completed before the offer was made to me. I have not accepted the offer, btw. I am waiting for Jay to give me final approval. (wink)

Bob, they are gonna pay you all the money when you sign,before they start building on your property? if so that's very lucky. usually they want you to sign and pay you nothing till the digging starts. then they want 2-4 years before they have to start.

I'm going to request some money upfront. Don't sign until you're satisfied.

At this stage they are not going to pay me anything because I have not accepted the offer. When the offer becomes mutually acceptable I will let you know.

Bob. I would not accept. 30 isn't bad. I am in Wetzel and tyler and we received 35 a foot for 2650 feet. We kept the timber. They built a new road at my request and the planted specific deer food that I requested.

The big issue that I have is the open end lease. We have it in ours that it is just that pipe. They have to pay for every pipe after.

See were they are going and find out if they can go around or are they stuck going thru u. This will determine the leverage you have. Then.....don't sign until you r happy. Remember you have to live with it and the area they go thru is quite large and will never b the same as it was. Good luck fellow landowner

I was approached by National Right a way  in Ohio that needed a pipeline

ROW .After much negotiations I ended up getting $1.00 dollar per inch  

times diameter per line per ft. .You would of thought I wanted a kidney and a weekend 

with there wife but that was the deal or fight me . Well I didn't the kidney put I 

I got what I wanted .

Once you sell the ROW it is forever period .Think long and hard about this and 

if you decided to do it make it clear that this is for the pipeline not any other 

utility .Get legal help .Make them squeal as they do to us .

Once this is done no turning back !


In this project, that would equate to $36/foot. Not far from the initial offer I received but have not accepted. I agree that legal representation is very important.

Bob , 

Is the line 36 inches ? When I said $1.00 per inch that , if 36 inch

is the diameter would be $ 36.00 per inch x 12 = $432.00 per foot .

That's what we got per foot but not the same size line .


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