Has anyone hired an attorney to verify that you royalties are what thery should be ?

We are supposed to be fracked in August and expect royalties sometime in the next year or so. I have every intention of hiring a law firm or an attorney to audit each royalty check for accuracy according to the lease terms as I fully expect that companies will try to take deductions they are no entitled to and various other shenanigans.

Has anyone out there actually done this, and if so what would be some good advice to give to others ?

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True, you not only need an attorney,to get your money due, but you'll need an accountant, to figure out how much you've been cheated. like Anne says, if you dont have 100s of acres, you are gonna be spending more than you will get back. Principles are fine, but $$$ talks! How much is it worth to you to make them pay what they owe.?

Well I've given you're question a good deal of thought and the best answer I can give is I really don't know I can tell what I would do if this or that happened but in reality I realize life is never that simple.
i have everything pretty well arranged to take on the good fight I've sit back enougth money from leaseing and ROWs that I don't need to worry about financing the lawyer court fees Accounts fees expert witness etc to take the matter to court for several years if need be.
All I can say is it's been a heck of an exciting ride this thing we call life and I am not done riding just yet.


     Who are you leased with?

Each producer has their own method of stealing from landowners.

One producer uses all the methods all of the time in order to maximize profits. That's the company whose VP said the following: "It's a good business practice not to pay landowner royalties then go to court and only pay what the judge orders". That quote came after PA landowners lost their royalties with no explanation.

They are known nationally by every shale play landowner they have dealt with as being the worst of the worst when it comes to being ethical with landowners and following a lease.

That would be CHK

My thoughts are Anne if they get away with taking 12 thousand from my royalty.
What makes you think they won't take twenty four thousand the following year?
Its just human nature to keep taking more until we get caught.

I agree with Anne, if the cost of an attorney is going to be more than the $  they would be cheating me out of on my royalties, then screw it. And believe me; they have already thought this out in their plan for deductions. And their is NO_ONE else out there in our state/federal Gubment that will help. Just ask Ron Hale.


     If the Gubment is working hard counting pennies from heaven, or Chesapeake that a corrupt politician is putting in his bank account, they aren't allowed to disclose the fun they are having until the invitations are ready for those they will be putting in the Big House. So be patient, but as JP Jones Said "I have Not Yet Begun To Fight (using existing laws of course)".

And believe me, I "won't Give Up The Ship" or accept the fact that Oil & Gas company theft from the US Landowners is accepted by our Gubment. Lawyers yes, Gubment No. The state and federal laws apply to all who operate a business regardless of products or commodities they deal in.

Steal my Trees or Steal my Oil, it's all the same to the law. You just have to give that blindfolded lady with scales a nudge now and then.

I don't plan to take it lying down. Waiting for someone else to do all the work riding on their coat tails. I am the squeaky wheel hollering for grease. If not for our fore fathers that went on strike for better working conditions and wages. Wages they never made up. They lost money the time they were off work. They did it for us. Their children and grand children for a better life. If not for them we would be living in row houses getting groceries from the company store.

So if you think it's not worth it to make sacrifices and fight for what's yours. To keep the O&G Co in line then go ahead and lay down and let them over run you and your children's futures.

Thank you for the many good responses.

For me it will be a matter of principle when dealing with these companies.

What I would suggest more than anything is finding someone with an axe to grind with the industry, surely one of the anti-fracking groups would be able to pass along a reference for a lawyer who would go after the thieves.

The hiring of a qualified CPA who is knowledgeable in oil and gas matters and the retaining of a lawyer to handle the legal end may be the way to go.

I am very interested to see how the reality stacks up with what has been charged on this site so many times about the cheating.

I suspect the charges are mostly accurate.

when a child if one gave the local bully a black eye even though you more then likely would have to take a heck of a whooping afterwards ,The bully would generally leave you alone afterwards looking for easier targets. Heck he didn't like walking around with a black eye.
Far as Iam concerned it's the same case scenario. Just this one will probably take several years and a whole lot of money to get it done.
But I'd rather do that then be the boy with my undergarments pulled up around my shoulder blades every other day!!!


     If you tell us who your producer is, someone might tell you the inside story about how they work to "Ration" (take what they want and give you a little to very little something) your royalties.

If Chesapeake is your Leasee, I can show you with their own legal sized document/spreadsheet the plans they have for you.

They treat everyone the same with a few exceptions based on bad experiences they have had with lawyers and politicians.

I just can't pass up a chance to hand out my "Evidence" in person or on line.

I had 50 copies made since the document is legal size and will have to make up another batch soon.

The local printing company said they would make copies until I emailed the Chesapeake Spreadsheet to them. After that they have never answered my phone calls. I figure a lawyer owns the company and he knows how the spreadsheet could cause him to lose a lot of landowner customers over the next 30 years if those who actually practice law in a fair manner find out what Chesapeake is up to.



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