
Greene County, PA

All things pertaining to the Marcellus Shale in Greene County.

Location: Pennsylvania
Members: 202
Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2021

Discussion Forum

Royalty deductions by EQT

Started by Dudley rainey. Last reply by Jeff Kerr Sep 16, 2019. 8 Replies

Magnum #1

Started by James Lindstrom Jul 21, 2019. 0 Replies

Guidance on Greene County Drilling

Started by James Foster. Last reply by James Foster Jan 3, 2019. 2 Replies

Lease Renewals in Greene County?

Started by Dan Laney. Last reply by Ted J. C. Aug 27, 2018. 10 Replies

Sell or Lease

Started by Marci Feustel. Last reply by Ted J. C. Jun 2, 2018. 4 Replies

Greene county-VERY BUSY!!

Started by Lynn mudder. Last reply by James Lindstrom Aug 21, 2017. 6 Replies

3 companys who quit paying royalties

Started by joe long. Last reply by Greg Aug 16, 2017. 19 Replies

EQT Utica Well

Started by Joe Cook. Last reply by Debra Lynn Pennell Jan 28, 2016. 35 Replies

Gilmore Township- Received an Offer to buy Mineral Rights

Started by Christine D. Last reply by Jason Cooper Oct 5, 2015. 1 Reply

Drilling activity Greene Co, Springhill Twp...

Started by Centron1. Last reply by Martha Ann Murray Sep 20, 2015. 10 Replies

can you assign saviour benefits.

Started by Dana L Jacobs. Last reply by Dana L Jacobs Sep 15, 2015. 3 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jeffrey L kerr on November 29, 2010 at 5:38pm
hell martha i will ride along and give advice for 1%
Comment by Jeffrey L kerr on November 25, 2010 at 4:57am
greg punch some holes lol
Comment by Henry Edwards on September 17, 2010 at 6:18am
You just reserve the rights for the other minerals and wait. The companies know its there and will get around to contacting you. There are big wells already in Greene County. Atlas has several averaging 5MM cubic feet per day initial production maintaining 40% after one year. On the pipelines. Likely would have to be replaced to accomodate the amount of gas we are talking about. Its good that there is activity on adjoining land. Use for an attorney a firm in Canonsburg. Melissa Robb with Butz. They negotiated our lease and did an outstanding job. I would also contact Atlas energy first. You don't need to know everything. The law firm will help you.
Comment by Oil and Gas nightmare on September 17, 2010 at 4:43am
I havent signed a lease yet...just seeing whats out there and what to expect. There was a well drilled there baack in the 80's so i know there is pipes and stuff already on the property. I think that is a postive for us, plus there seems to be activity on neighboring land. How do you find out about trying to lease the coal or coal bed methane. I know I need to have an attorney deal with the details but I want to be knowledgable about the minerls on the land and what they are going for....Greene county does seem to be too good to be true...has anyone found that it is too good to be true...It has a lot of coal, oil , and gas everywhere in the county...I would think looking at teh maps, it would be hard to have land with nothing on it..I hope...thank you so mch for your help...I am very grateful for your input.
Comment by Henry Edwards on September 16, 2010 at 11:08pm
The lease is the lease and you need to have an attorney. They only drill when it can be scheduled and likely it would be closer to the end of the lease term say three to five years from signing date. They will not promise you a well or wells by a certain date. As far as Greene County. Its the honey hole area and yes they are getting big numbers from there. We have property near Mt. Morris. We have a three year lease. Atlas is the big player in that area and thats who we signed with. You have to understand if there are not pipelines and compression stations nearby-all of that will have to be put in place before they drill. Fortunately in Greene County-most of that is in place or being put in place. They also have to negotiate with the land owner where the drilling sites are going to be. Lot of work to do.
Comment by Oil and Gas nightmare on September 16, 2010 at 8:26am
Hello, I have recently discoverd my mother has the mineral rights in Greene County. I was wondering, if anyone on here has actually gotten royalities after signing and are they as good as the reports claim. Of course when you search it, all the reports on Greene County are quit favorable but I want to know...what are they able to get (mmfc) per day? Is the area as good as the reports claim? and i would like to know as long as you give them a drill by date in your lease...say if I said 30days from they do that? Could you really be getting royalites in 60-90 days? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP :)
Comment by rmc on June 16, 2010 at 6:35am
Hello folks has anyone been having any expereince with pipeline companys ? what kind of offers per foot ? offers for a 300'x300' pads for a compresser station? 30'x30' site for meterstation?
Comment by Whitt on March 31, 2010 at 7:26am
Does anyone have any information in regards to a company leasing by the name of Coldwater? I was approached with an offer from them but I am a little skeptical because I have not heard much about them. I don't know who there operator is or if they are doing their own drilling. Any input would be appreciated.
Comment by rmc on March 24, 2010 at 5:45am
t bad y'all can't get other mineral owners to talk about thier expereince with different companys instead of just 4 or 5 same people leaveing comments
Comment by Whitt on March 24, 2010 at 4:39am
Obviously the lack of logic behind the majority of your comments have created multiple responses from a lot of the members in this community. I think some of the bigger players have been here for a long time. Range, Atlas, Chesapeake, and others. XTO's deal was a big deal but they are far from the largest player in nat. gas when it comes to shale formations.

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