
Tuscarawas County, OH

All things pertaining to activity in Tuscarawas County. Please join this group to participate

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Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2023

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New news anybody? Dutch valley?

Started by RICK JORDAN Mar 18, 2018. 0 Replies

Looks like a Chesapeake Well is going in on Edwards Ridge RD. Tusc

Started by tena marie west. Last reply by tena marie west May 23, 2016. 2 Replies

Enervest Nettle 3H Well

Started by TM. Last reply by tena marie west Sep 5, 2015. 178 Replies

Chesapeake Parker Well

Started by TM. Last reply by bo boboski Jul 31, 2015. 54 Replies

Chesapeake Dutch Valley Well

Started by TM. Last reply by al raptoria Jun 14, 2015. 38 Replies

Chesapeake Mizer Well

Started by TM. Last reply by James booth Feb 19, 2015. 15 Replies

Chesapeake Conklin Well

Started by TM. Last reply by TM Feb 18, 2015. 11 Replies

Gooding Well

Started by Tusc Follower. Last reply by tena marie west Oct 14, 2014. 3 Replies

Enervest Troyer Well

Started by TM. Last reply by Buz Oct 3, 2014. 34 Replies

Sierra Buckeye

Started by Brent Laner. Last reply by Paul Martinelli Aug 11, 2014. 92 Replies

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Comment by al raptoria on November 13, 2013 at 12:35pm

Maria -IF you don't get the answers you need and deserve from this forum,  please contact attorney Chris White for a 1 hour free consult to straighten it out for you - and no, I get no "cut" from his clientele ...that would be what...$0 for a percent of $0 from his Free Consult... I just know his style of patiently explaining things really helped us! ("puke clause" - yup...better call Chris, Dear Maria. 330.230.9098 or  He'll translate what your lease really means though no one can accurately predict the amount of $$$ you may receive. Chris said it is reasonable to expect $100 a day per acre for 9 to 12 the beginning then it sharply declines as the pressure/volume does...(although I wonder about the future pricing when it's primarily "low pressure"  oil and not gas in this "peanut" zone) and that's only for acres included in the actual drilling unit. If you are indeed  in the middle of a unit, they may be including all of your acreage. The drilling pad is in the middle of the units, so gauge from there if you are truly totally included. Sounds as though you are in a good situation - care to tell us where? Thanks Maria.

Comment by maria armes on November 13, 2013 at 11:13am

Explain this to me.  My understanding is I am in the middle of the 600+ acres needed to drill.  I have heard that a landowner beside/behind me has made a "deal" for the pad.  I know they "Gas Company"  has been trying to gain right of way back there from a landowner that is HBP.   If they put the pad in there will they use all of my land?  I have 120 acres and am signed in a good contract w/17.5 royalties.  My question is will I receive royalties for all or can they cut part of it out?  ( I have they Pue, puke, whatever clause)  And then how much in royalties?  I am looking at the numbers below and thinking there is no way that can happen to me.  There is so much conversation I am not sure now how it works.  Any info is appreciated, idiot versions only please! 

Comment by Dott on November 13, 2013 at 9:11am

Its all very exciting. I follow a lot of other county and states for informational purposes just as I am sure all of you do.  And what I take away from it more than anything is get help with the wording in your leases and beware of the "Howevers" and "Market Enhancement" clauses. Chesapeake is deducting outrageous amounts with the interpretation of this clause. Unfortunately my mother signed a lease with a "Market Enhancement" Clause before all of this came to light. I can only hope that the Company she signed with does not take Enhancement fees. I hear some companies don't even with the clause in place. I hope everyone gets a good and knowledgeable attorney for their leases. Some people are disappointed that they were not leased years ago.  Be glad everyone because you can benefit from the mistakes of others sharing on GMS.

Comment by al raptoria on November 13, 2013 at 5:56am

Peanut Gallery or in a pickle.. - as long as it's "sweet!" Thanks Paul.

Also, despite scant testing, the "experts" have said the Utica under us in this area is "1,000 feet" - I think they mean thick. That's great but they say that it is primarily oil and without all the other gaseous fluids (my novice term) there may not be the high pressure to propel it - making it harder to access...but "because it is oil, and they know it's here, they will figure out a way to get it in time." One gas company owner (the "peanut" man) said it would be within two years. White said look for things to heat up here in 6 months.

On another note:They blew out a pipeline over the hill from me Friday night and scared the peejeebers out of everyone - the sound was deafening, like 10 jets taking off - at the same time but no pause - for hours!  I drove up and saw a geyser of multi-colors, maybe 70 to 100 feet high, smells stinging eyes, nose, throat, and didn't see any men anywhere. Just this LOUD geyser in a field by the road (Tusc 13).  Neighbor called Sheriff and I called  911 and eventually we learned they were just "venting the pipes."  And scaring the neighborhood! No courtesy to tell us ahead of time... And why do this at night?  Perry Township may well be the least populated township in the whole state (that doesn't include state and federal park lands within its boundaries) and we've long suspected that our low population relegates us to bottom-man-on-ye-olde-totem-pole status. A pipeline blows up out here, a well explodes,etc...and the casualties will be few, thus off the mainstream radar, and easy on their insurance..."oh, a couple of farmers were displaced, a couple of Amish, etc..."). What few neighbors we have are WATCHDOGS like us - we may not understand what the gas/oil/pipeline companies are doing at the time  but we sure do NOTICE and DOCUMENT & we REPORT!


Ellis Miller also mentioned that we need to treat our mineral assets as a business, and when we DO get money, to stash some of it away to be able to afford audits of the companies we deal with - "that's what businesses do..." I think saving some for legal defense is a good idea too - if you never need it, then you've got your own little pot-o-gold saved for something else later!


Comment by Paul Martinelli on November 13, 2013 at 4:50am

al....ty for this update.


I belive the "peanut"  is akin to the "pickle" consol put area defined as a sweet spot.




Comment by al raptoria on November 13, 2013 at 4:43am

Tusc-Harrison-Guernsey Meeting last night was excellent. Standing room only. Informative. Suggest anyone in SE Tuscarawas County/ NE Guernsey/ SW Harrison contact Chris White get on firm's info list - to be informed of the coming trends ahead of the pack. He offers a FREE one hour (as needed) consultation about ANY gas/oil/pipeline and soon power line issues landowners are facing. He addressed New Leases, HBP Affidavits of Forfeiture & Cancellation, Amendments & Ratification &pertaining to pipelines - the important difference between "options" & "Right-of-Way, Eminent Domain &Interstate pipelines (& how to not be bamboozled by those saying they have those rights when they don't!) ...offered tips on negotiating protection & damages..."base your damages on Market Rate and Provable Projection of Damages" (like insurance companies do with their ceilings ). He & his staff answered all questions then spent time talking one-on-one with folks who stayed after. Any questions - better to contact him directly at 330.230.9098. Please get on his Contact  List - I  heard from several reputable sources now (one being a gas company owner) that we are next  for the onslaught of activity - as soon as the infrastructure is ready (they named specific pipelines and junctures - sorry-  but my pen couldn't keep up) we'll be overwhelmed with interest. One official, in a different meeting, called this neck of the woods (SE Tusc) "in the peanut" - anyone know what that means? (It was supposed to be a very good thing - as in a hot spot, but am unfamiliar with the term?). Of Counsel with the White Law Office is Ellis Miller who also spoke. I resonated more with his perspectives than any other presenter over the past 3 years of various meetings - haven't checked out his site yet but it's (looking forward to some of that!) Back to the HBP (Held by Production)  it's interesting in Ohio the courts are divided; sometimes having only "free gas" & no royalties from those old wells DOES legally mean the lease is held by production and sometimes, by court ruling it DOES NOT mean the well/lease is held by production - check out your luck, depending on what court serves your area if that is your situation. He also addressed how those in the industry knew 20 years ago that the "Utica Point Pleasant Play" was coming and they have kept those old leases alive one dribble, one puny royalty check at a time, just to hold the rights til now...makes me wonder what those in the industry are talking about NOW for the NEXT 20 years?

White & Miller both talked to us as though we are a unified community here. I wish that were true - but have yet to see that except for funerals and an occasional cause. The truism echoed throughout the evening by both: LANDOWNERS UNITED have more power over their own lives, lands, rights, destinies. United we stand - divided we fall, flail, fail...& make it harder for our Neighbors to thrive. As long as we see this as a pie & try to get the biggest hunk for ourselves, (i.e. the best deal in the neighborhood) we all fall short of the fullest potential we could together attain! The competition need not be among ourselves; we can afford to leave the competition mindset to the gas/oil/pipeline companies as they compete for our mineral rights! Everybody's got their own situation - their own needs and dreams, fears and fantasies....certainly though, if we list what we each & all want from these opportunities, things like "safety, clean air, water, soil now and for the future, the most money from the resources we are willing to lease or sell, honest communications, far-reaching assurances - no more blanket & vague 30 year leases that ignore/omit future technologies for different shales, etc., ACCESSIBLE checks & balances

Comment by JR on November 12, 2013 at 12:32pm
Consol must be making them keep it secret.
Comment by Dott on November 12, 2013 at 11:40am

Maybe because nothing is yet finalized on paper and they will at that time.

Comment by TM on November 12, 2013 at 11:06am

I listened to the EVEP 3rd quarter conference call tonight. They said there were several companies that were looking at getting in on the joint venture. They said the company they are working with is sharing in the costs with them. I dont know why they just dont say who they are working with in the joint venture what is the big secret?

Comment by Dott on November 12, 2013 at 10:50am

Sierra may not be a 50-50 partner but perhaps 70-30 and will  have the advantage of working with a company who has drilling experience.


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