
Susquehan. County, PA

All things pertaining to the Marcellus Shale in Susquehanna County.

Location: Pennsylvania
Members: 239
Latest Activity: Dec 26, 2023

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Point Pleasant Layer

Started by Toytown. Last reply by KB Dec 26, 2023. 1 Reply

Pipeline ROW

Started by DGS Jul 23, 2015. 0 Replies

Can anyone recommend a good lawyer in susquehanna?

Started by Stephanie Lindquist. Last reply by paul Jan 20, 2015. 10 Replies

Recommend Real Estate Agent?

Started by LMS. Last reply by paul Jan 20, 2015. 7 Replies


Started by mary albertson. Last reply by LMS Dec 25, 2014. 11 Replies

Pipelines in Dimock PA

Started by Bella. Last reply by Bella Aug 15, 2014. 3 Replies

near Pickering's between Thompson - Jackson well ?

Started by melissa humphrey. Last reply by JULIA SUDYLO Jun 11, 2014. 2 Replies

Little Meadows

Started by Mike Kelly. Last reply by finn Jun 7, 2014. 3 Replies

Southwestern/Talisman Lease Amendment New Milford, PA

Started by Remi Callens. Last reply by Remi Callens May 1, 2014. 9 Replies

Help Pass Bill HB 1684

Started by Darlene Newton Mar 23, 2014. 0 Replies

Are you looking to monetize?

Started by Tim. Last reply by Tim Mar 5, 2014. 1 Reply

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Comment by tina on March 3, 2010 at 1:40pm
Hey Bill, I see you are close to state game land 140, we have property on the 706 end of route 858, PGS has been on our property for the last two weeks doing seismic activity. I see you are signed with Alta, is there any word if Alta is doing any activity in the near future down that way? I believe the only well between you and I would be the one on Powers??? Have you heard of any others going in?
Comment by Mary and Ed on February 25, 2010 at 4:58pm
Spoke with Alta today...Cabot is all around us and they are putting up well at Township bldg..Alta stated thet Cabot does their own sesmic testing..and if we are in a unit ..which we would be on both properties Cabot will have to contact alta....all neighbors signed 2007 for 50 acre I feel so bad for them ..with Cabot....... we didn't even give it 2 thoughts for 64.00 an acre from cabot.....soo we were the last to sign but with Alta....good luck..keep us posted and I will do the same
Comment by Bill on February 25, 2010 at 4:36pm
I am within walking distance of state game land 140 off 858, about 25 miles outside of Montrose. Also very close to the old Jackson Valley pottery if that rings a bell. PGS Rep just called again tonight. We may tell them "no" to the sesmic testing. I am not really concerned about the sesmic, but I am concerned they may put a well within a couple hundred yards of my back door. He said he would have someone from Alta contact me. Stay tuned...
Comment by Mary and Ed on February 24, 2010 at 4:33pm
Bill..were are you? just spoke to our neighbor..they will be putting a well behind the Community bldg..only 15 acres from ridge road....We signed with Alta 2 years ago..have a call into them as of seimic testing yet from PGS..sent someone to suvey land where well and septic is located..more snow coming..nothing will happen for least till the thaw..Mary D
Comment by Bill on February 24, 2010 at 2:55pm
PGS is a company subcontracted by at least ALTA. I have been recently contacted by them to perform seimic testing, but myself and one neighbor are a bit uncertain about it. Primarily because the property between us just signed a full lease after they stated they were not going to sign at all. (I should mention, we have a sub-surface lease only.) We are a bit concerned they now may want to put a well on our neighbor's property will the full lease. All three properties encompass a little over 100 acres and they already have a pad-site 1.2 miles away. If we do not let them test, I am wondering if this will discourage them a bit. I may be worrying about nothing, but I really do not want a well that close.
Comment by Laurie Kaszuba on February 16, 2010 at 5:02am
All you landowners that have been pushed by by Laser Midstream, we need to push back. Please go to this web site and file a formal compliant with the PUC. You do not need legal representation for this. You will get your day in court to express your concers and compliants regarding this company. We need to stand together and speak out regarding this company.

Laser Midstream has submitted a request to become a public entity, we must file these complaints ASAP.[/color]
Comment by Mary and Ed on December 21, 2009 at 12:00pm
wow..very good....great info..we have a lease with someone ..received a contract today in the mail..reading it over..we get back to you later;;thank you
Comment by Rita McConnell on December 21, 2009 at 4:21am
Hi Mary and Ed - Sounds like they want to do some seismic testing. This is fairly common -- its a way to obtain information on the features of a specific formation. The holes are drilled, a small charge is dropped in the hole and exploded. Vibrations underground are collected as sound waves by instruments called geophones, which produce data than can be interpreted by geophysicsts. You may also hear it referred to as 3D. The practice is simiar to another seismic type study you may have heard of, or seen in action in your area, in which large trucks poduce the vibrations into the formation from the surface (thats 2D). Seismic technology and data helps drilling companies find the best places to locate wells, for the best potential resource return.

Putting dynamite in a hole on your property can sound a little concerning. These charges however, do not produce large damaging explosions. The drilled holes are filled after use. Like anything else, make sure there is a contract in place to do this, and have an attorney review it before you sign. If your land is already leased to a drilling company, however, and Conlin Williams is a contractor to that company, there very well may be a provision in that lease for this work. Take a look there. If not, and your properties are not leased yet, I'd do separate contracts for seismic and drilling activities.
Comment by Mary and Ed on December 20, 2009 at 1:38pm
hey...received a call from Conlin Williams...wants to go on both our properties ...forest lake drill holes around 100 feet to put dynamite in them for testing??? any feed back on this...Mary D
Comment by Rita McConnell on December 11, 2009 at 5:09am
Michael --I don't know the specifics of this situation, but in oil and gas, much work is contracted in the name of the company that you lease with. So, its common to see other company names doing surveying, land moving, completions, etc.

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