Thomas J Shepstone's Blog (1,194)

PennFuture Wins A Contest: Commonwealth’s Biggest Liar

PennFuture is one of Pennsylvania’s phoniest outfits, but they’ve outdone themselves and won a contest for the Commonwealth’s biggest liar with recent mail.

I just received an email being circulated by PennFuture in an attempt to stop the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from approving House Resolution 515, which directly challenges…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 17, 2017 at 8:36am — No Comments

Andrew Cuomo: The Greatest Disaster to Ever Befall Upstate NY

Andrew Cuomo has, in seven years, done more to harm Upstate New York than anyone. He is, in fact, the greatest disaster to ever befall Upstate New York.

It is quite sad, what’s going on here in New York. I’m talking about what our corrupt Governor Andrew Cuomo’s target of 50 percent “clean energy” by 2030. Have you ever noticed politicians always set target dates that can’t be reached until long after they will be out of office? It’s campaign talk followed by…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 17, 2017 at 2:23am — No Comments

Cabot’s Sporting Clay Fundraiser for Lackawanna Shoots Past Its Goal

A Cabot Oil & Gas sporting clay fundraiser for Lackawanna College’s School of Petroleum & Natural Gas shot past its funding commitment a full one year early.

Cabot Oil and Gas has always been committed to education. Each year Cabot has a sporting clay tournament as a fundraiser for Lackawanna College’s …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 17, 2017 at 1:48am — No Comments

Shale Gas News – October 14, 2017

The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about Rig Counts, OPEC, a colder winter and much more last week.

The Shale Gas News has grown to THREE stations! We are now broadcasting with YesFM. YesFM will be airing the full 60 minute version of the program on Sunday mornings. YesFM broadcasts primarily in Sullivan and Bradford counties, with some ancillary coverage in neighboring counties and even over the…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 16, 2017 at 4:17am — No Comments

Tesla Troubles Illustrate the Futility of Subsidized Energy

Elon Musk is a great con man but his Tesla troubles suggest that will only take you so far when your business is subsidized energy – milking the government.

Renewables and natural gas are natural partners; a point we’ve made numerous times here but many renewables advocates suppose they don’t need a partner, except for the government. No one better exemplifies this subsidized energy business model than Elon Musk, the pasty-faced trendy fellow who has captured…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 16, 2017 at 1:57am — No Comments

The Clean Power Plan Is Another Big Rock Candy Mountain

The Clean Power Plan doesn’t accomplish much of anything for climate and emissions, but it does expose environmentalist groups’ very foolish utopian mindset.

There is an old adage that says “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” It’s sound advice in many ways. You need to know what your competition is doing and understand their mindset to appreciate how they come to choose certain actions and what they’re likely to do next.

When it comes to…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 14, 2017 at 11:31pm — No Comments

DRBC Members Admit Gas Drilling and Fracking Is Safe? What Gives?

DRBC members considering a fracking ban admit fracking is safe. So why all the lying? #NoMoreDRBCLies

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) is composed of five members consisting of the states of Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania plus the Federal government represented by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (DRBC) is composed of four members consisting of the states of Maryland New…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 14, 2017 at 1:47am — No Comments

Fracking the Delaware River Basin: It’s About Time!

John J. Interval explains how fracking the Delaware River Basin would provide long term economic benefits, growth and jobs.

There is no overstating the importance of allowing fracking for natural gas in the Delaware River Basin. It…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 13, 2017 at 4:54am — No Comments

The Rolling Blackouts of NIMBY Minds on Pipelines

Threats of rolling blackouts are meaningless to fractivists and NIMBYs who imagine electricity appears magically without need of natural gas or pipelines.

It has seemed to us, anecdotally at least, that most of the media in Virginia has tilted left and anti-pipeline when covering stories about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) projects, both slated to cross the state. So imagine our surprise in reading …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 13, 2017 at 2:01am — No Comments

The Dividing Line Between Upstate NY Distress and PA Success

Upstate NY has 53 “distressed communities.” Comparing the worst to two Pennsylvania shale communities shows us Gov. Corruptocrat’s fracking ban didn’t help.

The Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association “dividing line” video tells a powerful story but the most compelling part of that story is told in Census data. The American Community Survey is the tool the Census Bureau uses to…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 12, 2017 at 4:16am — No Comments

Natural Gas and Conservation Go Hand-in-Hand at Cross Creek County Park

For Cross Creek County Park, natural gas development has brought tremendous benefits and much needed upgrades, all while protecting the environment.

When Washington County signed a lease with Range Resources to develop natural gas in Cross Creek County Park, the…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 12, 2017 at 4:00am — No Comments

The Dividing Line Between Hope and Darkness for the Southern Tier

New York’s Southern Tier is dying, slowly and painfully, abandoned by its state leaders as it is forced to witness what could be from across a dividing line.

It apparently takes Pennsylvanians to speak up for New York State’s Southern Tier. The Empire State’s leaders are more interested in appeasing a politically correct gentry class domiciled in the ivory towers of Manhattan. Well, that’s not entirely fair. There are numerous New Yorkers willing to speak up…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 11, 2017 at 2:07am — No Comments

Natural Gas Kills Renewables in Reducing CO2 Emissions

The latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows natural gas has been absolutely killing renewables insofar as CO2 emissions savings.

Natural gas and renewables are natural partners when it comes to reducing CO2 emissions but natural gas has been doing all the heavy lifting according to official calculations by the EIA. This is news that should warm the heart of everyone truly concerned about greenhouse gas emissions.

The EIA …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 11, 2017 at 1:37am — No Comments

FERC: Full Speed Ahead to Greenlight Pipeline Projects

FERC, with its new appointees, is now addressing its backlog and swiftly moving forward to greenlight much needed pipeline projects.

We aren’t counting our chickens yet, but the approvals would certainly be a net positive for midstream industry growth, and, ultimately, for producers and consumers of natural gas.
-Ethan Bellamy (managing director, Robert W. Baird & Co.) quoted in Catherine Traywick’s “ …

Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 10, 2017 at 2:50am — No Comments

Shale Gas News – October 7, 2017

The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about flaring & venting, Rice Energy purchase, pipeline projects and much more last week.

The Shale Gas News has grown to THREE stations! We are now broadcasting with YesFM. YesFM will be airing the full 60 minute version of the program on Sunday mornings. YesFM broadcasts primarily in Sullivan and Bradford counties, with some ancillary coverage in…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 9, 2017 at 3:04am — No Comments

Dead Billionaire’s Tax Scheme Funds Earthworks Fractivism in Texas?

Earthworks, a fractivist group that has focused a lot on Texas, is being funded by a foundation created to help an eccentric billionaire avoid paying taxes.

Earthworks is one of several fractivist groups that are part Jay Halfon’s network. Halfon is the Fractivist…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 9, 2017 at 2:04am — No Comments

Yet Another Municipality Regrets Being Conned by the CELDF

Add Highland Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania to the growing list of communities conned by the CELDF who now regret being taken in by the radical scammers.

A little over two years ago, Jim Willis of Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) and I wrote here about a legal battle going…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 7, 2017 at 11:16pm — No Comments

New York's Clean Energy Standard Is Merely Virtue Signaling

New York State’s Clean Energy Standard Is but symbolic environmentalism accomplishing almost nothing with respect to emissions or the welfare of New Yorkers.

A recent report evaluated New York State’s clean energy programs and found them costing the state’s consumers and businesses over $1 trillion with no measurable impact on world climate. Thus,…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 7, 2017 at 12:00am — No Comments

Cove Point LNG Export Facility Due to Come Online

After years of construction and battles against activists, Maryland’s Cove Point LNG Export facility is set to come online this quarter.

It has been a long and bumpy ride for Maryland in the last few years in regards to natural gas. Since moving to Maryland in late 2008, there has been no shortage of confusion, delusion, and hope that the state will make the right call for our economic future.

Three years ago, one of my very …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 6, 2017 at 3:11am — No Comments

Pipeline Jobs Are Real and Are Created Where the Action Is

Let there be no doubt; pipeline jobs are real, happen where the pipelines are being built and provide first-class employment opportunities for the trades.

I’ll never forget a trade union speaker at the giant Harrisburg rally for gas a while back. He pointed how tired he was of hearing pipeline opponents say such construction jobs were but temporary. His reply? “I’ve been feeding my family for 25 years with those ‘temporary’ jobs.” How right he was. Not only…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on October 6, 2017 at 2:22am — No Comments

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