
Harrison County, OH

The Harrison County's picture is of Scio, Ohio circa 1898 and represents the boom of days past. This site is dedicated to the sharing of information with all concerned in oil and gas leasing in Harrison County today. Join us and prosper. Please join this group to participate.

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Latest Activity: May 22, 2022

Discussion Forum


Started by pinehill. Last reply by pinehill May 22, 2022. 5 Replies

Gulfport Energy - Bankruptcy

Started by Shower Bath. Last reply by Shower Bath Mar 26, 2022. 6 Replies

Activity in Monroe Twp.

Started by pinehill Mar 5, 2022. 0 Replies

Deucker Drilling Units

Started by Al Cramblett. Last reply by JT Dec 21, 2020. 58 Replies

Why the lack of activity in harrison county

Started by Hunter. Last reply by 01i07a3wywens Sep 1, 2020. 22 Replies

Any Info on DPS Land Services?

Started by Kathy R. Last reply by Kathy R Aug 19, 2020. 4 Replies

any activity in harrison county???

Started by ray schmidt. Last reply by Tim Aug 17, 2020. 8 Replies

Any activity in Harrison County

Started by william May 18, 2020. 0 Replies

Athens Twp.

Started by Robert Bond. Last reply by keepthefaith Jun 9, 2019. 25 Replies


Started by earl miller. Last reply by earl miller Jan 24, 2019. 2 Replies

Ascent is knocking

Started by Hunter. Last reply by Hunter Oct 5, 2018. 8 Replies

Companies looking at Harrison County for new plant

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher). Last reply by Ronald L. Rohr Jr. Aug 29, 2018. 5 Replies

lease renewal in harrison co.

Started by ray schmidt. Last reply by Shower Bath Aug 10, 2018. 72 Replies

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Comment by earl miller on December 25, 2014 at 2:26am

new pad on poplar ridge morefield twp

Comment by ERC on December 17, 2014 at 7:35am

Just curious. Has anyone not in a unit been approached yet to re-lease their land? Or does anyone know if all this hoop-la is just going to end up as a one-shot deal for those who leased a few years ago and were not included in a unit?Thanks!

Comment by Buckeye Fan on December 6, 2014 at 4:54am


ODNR Report is up for 3rd quarter production

Comment by Ronald L. Rohr Jr. on November 12, 2014 at 4:58am

Do you know what i love best about this country. We can still vote,the best way to wake up the leaders we have is to vote them out of office if they do not want to do the job that they were voted into office, then we can vote them out. they are voted in to defend and protect our constution and we the people who voted for them, we sent a storng message this past election. if the judes turn the vote over to the pier pressure then they are unfit to lead life is never easy was not made that way we the people must stand strong a stand together. or all will be lost

Comment by keepthefaith on November 2, 2014 at 9:16am

How about the surface owners who also have mineral rights and received the same signing bonuses?  It was a different era when they set up the coal rights issues. Everyone was a lot more naive back then. Now when govt sees big dollar signs and an opportunity to cash in, they'll walk over whoever they have to in order get every penny.  I think the eventual end goal of the govt here is to tax everyone who owns minerals and that includes surface owners who also own minerals.   Taxing severed minerals may sound fair but it means the govt is getting double tax for the same piece of property.  Once they find they can do that, owners of both surface and minerals will get hit.  I don't think surface owners should take this situation lightly.  Govt will figure out a way to get as much as they can and I'd bet surface owners who also got that mineral signing bonus are already in the gunsights.     

Comment by Josh Willis on October 31, 2014 at 1:45am

I really don't see a problem with taxing severed minerals. I think absentee mineral owners who received signing bonuses can afford to pay the paltry amount of county real estate taxes imposed on them for keeping said minerals. If it is such an imposition, I am sure the surface owner would be glad to have them reunited with the property. Separated coal deeds have always paid real estate taxes whether producing or not. I see no difference in Oil and Gas.

Comment by keepthefaith on October 16, 2014 at 3:25am

According to the State Dept of Taxation counties are not supposed to be taxing severed mineral rights until there is production but where there's possible money, they'll figure out a way to tax.  

Comment by Al Cramblett on October 15, 2014 at 11:11am

Nice to see you back posting Peter and thanks for the help. Sillytubby, the article that you made reference to was quite comprehensive and I hope everybody understood it. It is my understanding that some counties in Ohio have started taxing severed mineral rights regardless of whether there is any income being derived from those minerals. I know this was being considered by Carroll County but am not sure if they actually started issuing separate tax statements.

Comment by Peter Schueler on October 15, 2014 at 12:35am

Here's the address for the Ohio Farm Bureau News of 10/16/14  (with a pdf format)   

 I concur with Al's advice about estate planning if you care about your heirs. I also recommend that you consider joining the OFB because they support many landowner interests with a strong presence in our state government.

Comment by keepthefaith on October 14, 2014 at 11:57am

Here's an article that might be of interest, tho it is not a Farm Bureau article.

Is anyone out there being taxed on separated minerals that haven't been tapped into by an o/g company.  


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