
Penn Land Owners

*No Promo Zone. This group is for land owners in Pennsylvania to share information about anything concerning the Marcellus Shale.

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Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2021

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December Statement From Chesapeake

Started by Darlene C Falcone Feb 8, 2016. 0 Replies

Elizabeth Twp Pa

Started by scott m. Last reply by scott m Aug 17, 2015. 2 Replies

Greene County producing wells

Started by Chris Vaught. Last reply by Martha Ann Murray Jun 17, 2015. 1 Reply

Pike County Pa

Started by Daniel Treinkman. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 3 Replies

Water testing in Bradford County

Started by Dave. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 18 Replies

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Comment by Uncle Buck on March 10, 2010 at 3:09am
Very well put Molly.
Comment by Carol on March 10, 2010 at 1:37am
I agree with James - I think people are forgetting about the money the landowners will be receiving. And, he is also right about the water - I already drink bottled water because I don't think our well water is safe to drink. Most of my neighbors also don't drink their well water. The risk from fracturing is so small compared to the benefits that farmers/landowners will be receiving. So many of these farmers have struggled to pay the bills for years. Finally, their land is going to pay them back. Also, I prefer to see drilling rigs and wells rather than housing developments being built on farmland.
Comment by Country Bumkin on March 9, 2010 at 5:05pm

I can't get Marie to answer any questions about her solar experience. I think the following is fair game...Don't you?

Did you convert your house to 12 volt or are you putting your power back into grid and getting credit for it? How many panels do you have? What kind are they? How much do you have invested so far? Do you have pictures that you can post? What are they made of? Are the materials and production of the panels safe in your opinion? What are the byproducts of the manufacture part that is not safe for the environment?

A link doesn't explain your experience.
Comment by John Reed on March 9, 2010 at 3:57am
The company in my area is doing pre drilling water testing for every household with a well within a one square mile radius. post drilling water tests will then be the norm. Not 100% sure of the timetable. If I am fortunate enough to be placed in a drilling unit I will also have an independent water testing company test prior to and after any drilling activity. This will give me a baseline. Something to go by in the event something happens.
Comment by John Reed on March 9, 2010 at 2:30am
Marie, I apologise if you think I am picking on you. That is not my intention. I simply feel that many of the points you are trying to make regarding natural gas drilling and the hydro fracking process (chemicals) are blown way out of proportion. There are much bigger fish to fry when it comes to our environment. If natural gas drilling and fracking is truly such a detriment to the environment we should have seen a lot more media coverage to this point. Hydro fracking has been done in the Barnett play and other plays for quite some time. I don't believe any of the leases signed in the Dimmock area had addendums for pre drilling water testing or post drilling water testing. WE as landowners should do our homework before signing anything and with legal aid ensure our land and water is protected. If we all signed boiler plate leases we would be inviting the kinds of things that are currently happening in Dimmock. Just my opinion. Remember the decisions you make with regard to gas leasing as well as your neighbors decisions can potentially help or hurt an entire community. Let's get educated and only sign leases once we feel comfortable that our lease agreement strikes a good balance between fair value and water and land protections. There are many land owner groups that hold meetings that discuss in detail the natural gas leasing process. I am in a group that has meetings monthly. We realize the importance of protecting our land and water. We have invited independent water testing companies to our meetings as part of the educational process. I am well aware of the chemicals used in the fracking process and the potential dangers involved and so is our entire group. I do feel that with the proper protections in our lease my entire community can benfit greatly from natural gas drilling. Will it be a perfect process absolutely not. However I do feel that benefits far outweigh the potential detriment.
Comment by Country Bumkin on March 8, 2010 at 4:43pm
Hi Marie,

Your link is fine, but I'm interested in you answering the questions that I have. If you are such a proponent of Solar, tell us all about your experience. I'll ask again.

Did you convert your house to 12 volt or are you putting your power back into grid and getting credit for it? How many panels do you have? What kind are they? How much do you have invested so far? Do you have pictures that you can post? What are they made of? Are the materials and production of the panels safe in your opinion? What are the byproducts of the manufacture part that is not safe for the environment?

A link doesn't explain your experience.
Comment by Country Bumkin on March 7, 2010 at 2:32pm
I'm sorry James, I did assume they weren't cost effective. I was really trying to get Marie to provide me with her information since she has solar panels at her house. : ) I wanted first hand experiences of how well they work--I'm betting their mostly useless in PA, but I could be wrong. All the more reason that I wanted her great insight on this subject.

I plan to put a wind mill up as soon as I get my BONUS CHECK from the nasty Oil and Gas companies. Hee hee hee... : ) The electricity is just going through the roof lately....Wonder why....
Comment by BuckinghamGasMan on March 7, 2010 at 11:38am
To posters in favor of drilling: Please do not say that people shrilly screaming about fraccing fluids and who are anti-natural gas are "Environmentalists" -- that gives real environmentalists a bad name. It's like calling people in the KKK, "Conservatives". Most are just Nimbys and often paranoid. Presently company excluded, of course.
Comment by Country Bumkin on March 7, 2010 at 10:15am
Someone look at my post below and answer my questions who have solar panels installed... :) Enlighten me....I'm eager to know the questions I pose.

Tom, that's what the opposition does. Talk a bunch of Bee's wax and then dismiss the truth about anything they disagree with and run like a child. I appreciate all of your WikiMarcellus posts--some don't.

Brian, can you help me understand solar panels? Can you answer my questions?
Comment by Tom Copley on March 7, 2010 at 9:07am
Brian-- Actually, it would be a lot more fun if you stick around. Of course, one man's spam, is another one's pleasure.

I don't really think I have any point of view on most of these matters, or at least one that isn't subject to more or less instant revision. However, I do agree with several of the posters that there has been a lot of misinformation going around particularly regarding environmental concerns. One of the main reasons that I created WikiMarcellus was to better inform myself and to educate others. It is popular enough, but I'd like to see even more people take advantage of all the open source (free) info there. --Tom

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