
Penn Land Owners

*No Promo Zone. This group is for land owners in Pennsylvania to share information about anything concerning the Marcellus Shale.

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December Statement From Chesapeake

Started by Darlene C Falcone Feb 8, 2016. 0 Replies

Elizabeth Twp Pa

Started by scott m. Last reply by scott m Aug 17, 2015. 2 Replies

Greene County producing wells

Started by Chris Vaught. Last reply by Martha Ann Murray Jun 17, 2015. 1 Reply

Pike County Pa

Started by Daniel Treinkman. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 3 Replies

Water testing in Bradford County

Started by Dave. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 18 Replies

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Comment by Brian Day on March 7, 2010 at 7:57am
Yeah, you guys are correct and I meant my comment with a sense of humor. Do you people direct your knowledge and comments to more public forums, such as newspaper editorial pages? Most of these readers have already made up their minds, but newspapers and radio stations might reach people who have not formed a solid, voting opinion yet. Tom, I probably will stop following this and keep my nose out of your fun.
Comment by Tom Copley on March 7, 2010 at 5:46am
Brian-- You can also click the "Stop Following" link. That should eliminate futher unwanted emails. --Tom
Comment by John Reed on March 7, 2010 at 5:40am
Brian, these points that I am attempting to make are solid and they have substance. You have a choice to delete the emails you receive when a response is posted. The scare tactics being thrown around by the environmentalists need to be addressed with some substance. I feel it is part of my responsibility to pass on fact as I know it in order to educate those that are more easily swayed.
Comment by Brian Day on March 7, 2010 at 5:16am
Man, you people are making me tired! Seems to me each of you in this discussion has already made up his or her minds, so I don't see why you continue the argument. I suppose you could be doing worse things - like watching the Oscars. Maybe you should all get a room together, tap it and sell it on the internet. I wonder if there is a way to screen out certain discussions on this website so that dominating ones exhibiting little progress don't dominate my e-mails. Anyway, hope you people meet some new live friends soon.
Comment by John Reed on March 7, 2010 at 4:57am
So Marie, you don't use fracking chemicals ? Do you use any of the following products regularly ? Acids- Helps dissolve minerals and
initiate fissure in rock (pre-fracture)-Common household use= Swimming pool cleaner,Sodium Chloride Allows a delayed break down of
the gel polymer chains- Common household use= Table Salt, N, n-Dimethyl formamide Prevents the corrosion of the pipe Used in pharmaceuticals, acrylic fibers and plastics, Borate salts Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases-Used in laundry detergents, hand
soaps and cosmetics, Guar gum Thickens the water to suspend the sand
Thickener used in cosmetics,baked goods, ice cream, toothpaste,Citric Acid Prevents precipitation of metal oxides Food additive; food and
beverages; lemon juice, Potassium chloride Creates a brine carrier !uid Low sodium table salt substitute, Ammonium bisulfite Removes oxygen from the water to protect the pipe from corrosion, used in Cosmetics, food and beverage processing, water treatment, Sodium or potassium carbonate Maintains the effectiveness of other components, such as crosslinkers used in Washing soda, detergents, soap, water softener, glass and ceramics, Proppant Allows the fissures to remain open
so the gas can escape, used in Drinking water filtration, play sand,
Ethylene glycol Prevents scale deposits in the pipe used in Automotive antifreeze, household cleansers, deicing, and caulk-Isopropanol Used to increase the viscosity of the fracture fluid used in Glass cleaner, antiperspirant, and hair color.

If you have used any of the following or done any of the following, you are guilty of using fracking chemicals: Lysol, swimming pool cleaner, table salt, platic cups, utensils or tupperware, laundry detergent, handsoaps or makeup, laxatice or candy, baked goods, icecream, toothpaste, sauces and sald dressings, lemon juice, household cleansers, antifreeze, caulk.

I believe you are guilty as charged as I am as well. Plus the 350 million other Amercians that use fracking fluid chemicals every day. Thanks again Wikipedia !!!!
Comment by Country Bumkin on March 7, 2010 at 3:12am
So you have solar panels? Did you convert your house to 12 volt or are you putting your power back into grid and getting credit for it? How many panels? What kind are they? Do you have pictures so that I can have some idea how to use them? What are they made of? Are the materials that they are made of safe? I'm looking for information. Can you help?
Comment by Tom Copley on March 6, 2010 at 9:16am
Marie, In addition to Wikipedia, you may also want to check WikiMarcellus' page on Hydro-fracturing. It can help you put things into a clearer perspective. The issues involved are never simply a matter of black and white--gas companies and Haliburton bad, environmental activists good. Also, John Reed's point about lessening our dependence and that of our allies on foreign oil makes sense, does it not? --Tom
Comment by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on March 6, 2010 at 9:12am
You are correct that the chemicals used are commonly dumped right down the drains of every town in the US, and no one thinks twice about it. These same people are crying about the supposed horrors that will befall everyone if drilling happens, yet they continue to use natural gas to cook and heat their homes, and use electricity constantly (which is produced with natural gas or coal).
I don't see any of these concerned crazies shutting down the computer and going off the grid. Why is that?
Comment by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on March 6, 2010 at 8:59am
As a paralegal for many years, I know a little about the law. You are barking up the wrong tree.
By the way, I don't work at all as I have said before. I have been disabled for five years now.
Again you have proven that you know nothing.
Comment by John Reed on March 6, 2010 at 8:59am This is a link to the chemicals used in the hydrofracking process. (thanks wikipedia) 350 million Americans use these same chemicals in every day life and dispose of them in a far less responsible manner than the gas companies do. Marie and SK you had better stop using these common household chemicals.

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